/end it all/ edition

/end it all/ edition

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I'm an INFP-A / INFP-T, made me oddly happy.

>MFW my leg muscle just spasmed in such a way where it more or less collapsed in on itself
I've never been in so much pain

For me, it's user and my mate OP

cola didn't bring anyone here
i just constantly see you goys posting about britfeel in mtfg so i came over

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started getting a different brand of liquid for my fedora fag and its making me feel sick, bad times

>MFW YWN have a qt Jow Forums using petite ginger gf that happily shows her brapper in seconds
Fucking hell lads why even live

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kys tbqh

What's the difference between a domineering mum and a domineering dad, how do they produce different outcomes?

man you still on this?

Why do you envy my love of thicc arses user?

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Arses are fine but a generation of 4channers are growing up thinking of farts whenever they see a girls bum

I'll try again in the daytime when more people are up

Call me a newfag but I don't know you. What is your endgame.

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nah m8 Mado is a newfag tranny

>orange street lamps and snow

best combo

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idk i like talking to people

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I just use the term for a giggle tbqhwy user I'm pretty sure most Anons aren't actually begging to die by brap

>I'm pretty sure most Anons aren't actually begging to die by brap

>nah m8 Mado is a newfag tranny
Another? Fuck me.
The kino combo
How old is that girl in your picture

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Love you brit boys

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well she has to be at least 18 seeing how she drinks and the artist uses them as their virtual avatar and stuff

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>alcoholic transter

guaranteed obese

>60 user ids

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the character not me silly
i only drink sometimes

had about 2 weeks of sleeping at the right time but now it's fucked again

>she has to be at least 18
Not buying it. Look at the picture your posting and say with a straight face "well she has to be at least 18".

Come on lad. Let's be real.

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To the codiene bro from the last thread. So I took more cocodomol (72g more) and used the cold water extraction method (totaling 96g across 2 hours now).

So basically

>double filtered it (because I had to use tissue paper) and the first time I filtered it was still too cloudy
>2nd time there was no residue on the paper but the water itself was still cloudy
>tasted extremely bitter

Did I do it right lad? Mainly paranoid about a paracetemol OD

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shes 300 dude

I'll wake you up.

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How long ago was this? Yeah you should be alright la

ive taken to stalking goth, emos and art thots i dont even know on facebook

Ironic shitposting aside, can you dispute?

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I took 4 tablets (8/500 = 32mg codiene) and then I took another 9 tablets but this time using the cold water extraction method (72mg, totaling 104mg).

Hopefulyl it's a good high lads what should I expect/when to worry?

Just check your eyes lad, if they're pinholes you're fucked.

yes she doesn't look anything like a child and drinks

got enough iron to finish the railway to the village, yay. at the village there's 1 zombie villager stuck in a house, not so yay
think found another pillager outpost, back to yay

pillagers once fucked me up when i tried to raid thier outpost

Just can't wait to be on holiday and drinking beers in the sun. Less than two days, Wahey!

where you off to lad? are you based portugal zoo user?

>yes she doesn't look anything like a child and drinks
Who mentioned "child"?

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Yeh lad haha been going off my anti depressants though and I can't sleep at all the past few nights

Well my eyes look fine but i'm starting to get anxiety. This is gonna be a shitty high, time to watch some comedies

Nah you'd notice by now, you're fine lad. Just enjoy the floaty high.

hopefully i've 2 to attack. going to go back and try rescue that zombielad and get him shipped back here first. had a right night of iron ore hunting.had 448 tonight. WOOOOO

then whatever you're getting at idk

New Forest

How old are those girls you're posting?

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they dont draw them fuckin ID's

What you nightlids up to?

I've just been playing some BO4 but I'm going to watch some YouTube videos in bed now. Have to be up early to help decorate the new house.

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I came back from a concert at half past midnight and I've been trying to sleep for the past 3 hours to no avail lad. To think I have an interview on Wednesday, god knows how I'm going to wake up before 12pm for it at this rate.

actually just going to bed. Dont stay up too late fren

Zombie villager died. All that iron wasted. I could cry

im really sorry user
i dont know what game you're playing though

>Not making an Iron Farm
Look at this pleb.

i like exploring for ores though.why take the fun away
i could automate it slightly though, have rail leading from the mine that brings up the ores then deposits them in a blast furnace.
could i put a hopper under the furnace and collect ingots??? something for me to ponder upon

>if your pupils turn into pinheads you're fucked
What? My pupils go tiny every time I take any sort of opiod.

Wtf do you mean "fucked"? That's the main indicator that you're on an opiod

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Day 360 of involuntary NEETdom: Not liking the prospet of a year of my life vanishing before my eyes lads

>This is what burgers think happened
Christ almighty. Don't make us come over and burn Washington down again you cheeky cunts, you can't call us walking out on you a 'revolution' after you sucked Frances cock off.

>MFW I had a great day today
>MFW whilst I'm resting all I can apparently think about is the desire to jam a shotgun in my mouth
Why is my brain like this?

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Sorry didn't mean to (You) you user quite tired.

What made it great. Hope today's a good 1 for you user

Unironically fuck you. I rechecked my eyes (they're shit brown so took longer for me to notice) and I realised I did have pinhead pupils, took a huge panic attack and went for a walk (just got in after I calmed myself down). Almost made a call to ER as well.

Calmed myself down only by googling pinhead pupils and opiods and realised that literally all opiods cause your pupils to shrink. Fuck you bro and I won't be trtying that shit again. I still feel on edge

>100~mg of Codeine
>thought he overdosed
Holy fuck, stay away from drugs you dumb pussy faggot. You actually could take 200-300+mg of Codeine and only then barely Overdose.

There's an arsehole on here that just argues with people for the sake of it.
Even though it's a generic term I'd wager that they've been called sulk user on numerous occasions

I weep for you lad.

tbf lad, if you're worried about overdosing that badly on such a small dose, then maybe stay away from drugs. Seems like you're prone to anxiety and you'll always get it triggered when you try out a new drug.

Stick to the beers bro, no shame in it and if anything, you don't need to owrry about opiate addiction (i've got it, fuck that shit btw)

I'll just have to keep searching the woods at night. Did find a 2nd pillager outpost though
That village i found him in had fuck all in it though. Might nab all the materials and turn my village into a megatown.wonder if you could put a llama on a minecart? Oh wait there's minecarts with chests. That user was right I'm such a pleb hurrhurr

Lads, I've found a new fetish Venetian masquerade masks, the dress also really helps

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Just spent 950 bong on a new bicycle. See you later virgins.

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What kind of bike did you get lid? Is it made of gold?

Nar lad aluminium and carbon. A lot of money but I'll be keeping this bike for years to come.

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Nice one lad, love zooming about on me specialised mountain bike that I inherited. Foot and four wheel plebs btfo

>comes along ya street
oooi lad, nice bike ya got there

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What the actual fuck is wrong with this slag?

Post a pic of it lad. Is an older retro looking one?
Got nig nog insurance this time round.

>post a pic
I'd rather not lad, but it's a fairly modern one, it's only a few years old afaik. Both wheels are fuckt at the moment though so not able to do any biking around at present ;-;
Wishing you many happy travels on your new bike though

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Bump for the Lads.

*scatters sharp tacks about the /britfeel/ floors*

Ow! Who left tacks on the /britfeel/ floor?

>this anime nonce cope
>shes drinking dude! Shes clearly 18 even if she has the proportions of a 14yr old
Chika 2.0

just a reminder that lil chris killed himself

Was he the little fella with the cap?

Who the fuck is that? Dead soundcloud "rapper" no. 432?

>search britfeel in catalog
>no results
Can the bloody /nightguard/ do anything right? Had to stumble through the catalog like a fool, wasting time that could have otherwise been spent wanking.

He was a child pop star in the mid 2000s albeit a heavily manufactured one. Was not a fan, but I think its sad he killed himself. Seemed unable to reconcile with peaking at a young age, wanted back into the music industry by sounds of it

>Kikenight has joined the noncehunters
Shippy, Andrew, Edgbaston, Poley, and Cola should be very careful indeed.

why yes i do e-stalk a barely-a-friend dead persons online presence

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>running late so get an Uber to work
>driver hasnt spoken a word besides confirming my destination
You are a good lad Zahoor

I dont get this reference lad, please elaborate

This is why i dont respect europens

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>Emo Cowboy
More like Emo BATTY BOY! Heh, fookin dick ead

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Don't think cola is a nonce

Norf is that how you pronounce words through your cun ole?

How about having the age of consent at 16, or 13 with parental consent?

Speaking of nonces wheres Chika at these days?

>Financing pakis

Stood outside a train station for about 20 minutes Calling Various private hire places before finally resorting to one of the pakis on the rank last Friday

*glasses you with a half finished pint*
Too early in t morning for spastics

Took about 5 minutes to summon my Uber, your travels would be more efficient if you werent racist to an autistic degree

Doesn't really matter as I'm getting paid for the time anyway. I'd rather put a bit of extra effort in trying to avoid increasing the wealth of pakis

Miss the days when Shippy was a harmless racist with an obsession for Mercedes and Shipman. Not a fan of Nonce Shippy

Time is more valuable than money lad, you wont be earning those 20 minutes back. You have let your hatred for our Pakistani brothers and sisters to cloud your judgment.