User, I just want to be your friend. Why do you have to be so quiet?

>user, I just want to be your friend. Why do you have to be so quiet?

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i have nothing to say anime girl

>well then what do you want to talk about faggot?

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Because i am a vampire.

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Why would you want to be my friend? I don't understand you.

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If I wasn't quiet and said what was actually on my mind, you would have no interest in being my friend.

I prefer the quietness sorry user-kun.

You approach me. So if you are female you must want something... I have money, car, a place, 39 years old, so...

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Because my self hate is being fueled by my own ass being handed to me over on /a/ for being a hikiNEET faggot

It's easier to hide as user

because i'm busy ripping and tearing, anime-user

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why do you have to be so loud?

Because I'm dead inside and have nothing to discuss that wouldn't sound like insane gibberish from the depths of my subconscious.

I fantasize that the next time someone says those kinds of things to me, that I'll open up and have a real conversation, and I'll form a connection with another human being.

But when it happens in reality, my response is either "...I don't know" or "...I'm just tired."


Schizoid personality
What do?

you will get bored and abandon me like everyone else who came before you

Damn niqqa, couldnt have said it better

get out of my head, thanks.

Godd fucking dammit

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You know, back when I had the only girl in my life who gave more than two shits about me, she never told me she wanted to be my friend before the fact. And she never asked why I had to be so quiet. She also never fucking asked why I'm alone, why I'm not "having fun", why I'm not participating in activities. The only thing she did was sit by me. Didn't say anything. Just sit by me. And then when I was ready to talk, she didn't fucking bombard me with trivial questions. She just listened and seemed to genuinely laugh at my mannerisms. No beckoning. No "hey. Come here". No socially religious interaction that fucking made me anxious. She just sat by me. And even though I was fucking scared and didn't say jack shit for the first hour, she just kept at it. She waited until I was ready to talk
Go fuck yourself. I don't want to be quiet. But I don't know what to say. I don't know how to fucking act. And I don't know how to react when you say anything of the like
I'm way too old to be acting this way

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WTF I've thought exactly these but could never word it so well. How do you get so good at expressing yourself?