Why did values in Germany change so quickly in the 30s?

Why did values in Germany change so quickly in the 30s?

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Because German people was basically nazis, but state supported a bunch of whores and traps in spotlights.

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People will always gravitate towards order, morality, virtue and homogeneity.

The kikes pushed too far back then, as they do now. Expect a real holocaust soon.

>Expect a real holocaust soon.
I hope this time we will get rid of them all for good.

>mecca for cross dressers
They're trying so hard to normalize muslims in their degeneracy.

"People who are hungry, people who are out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are mad"

Everything went to complete shit in the 20s for the entire world, germany massively so compounded w/ reparations for WWI and loss of territory fueling hatred for the west. This situation allowed the nazis to come into power

And more or less, let's be real. Nobody actually *cared* about minority groups such as gays, trannies, jews, poles, and so on unless it affects them personally (ie they or a loved one are one.) So if you are economically distraught, but some guy with a funny mustache comes along and says "we're gonna give you a job and bring glory to our proud nation (oh and let's also kill these groups of people)" you're going to be on board with it because you're desperate for food on the table.

Since they were so badly humiliated by the Great War, a lot of their valued customs from their empire were distegarded due to the governments loss, and so subsequently led to a opportunity of degeneracy rising that was adopted from a disgruntled youth.
Tl;dr World War One caused bad things

>new book reveals
What the fuck is that nonsense about "reveals?" The Weimar Republic is a pretty widely-known and documented period of history. Completely shameful.
Keep telling yourself that all of that is true. You sound like a 4th grade history teacher trying to make things as palatable as possible to a bunch of children to not hurt their feefees.

>new book reveals
This has been to known to every single historian who has even a passing familiarity of Weimar Germany.

"new book reveals common knowledge"

Why can't you keep your Jow Forums threads in ?

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r9k is a random board, and this content is suited for a random board.

>seething discord tranny

>People will always gravitate towards order, morality, virtue and homogeneity.
Not really, we gravitate towards fun and liberalism whenever we have the resources to do so
> Expect a real holocaust soon.
Something like the holocaust will luckily never happen again user. We will continue to make strives towards liberalism no matter if you like it or not

Here is a question, if people in Government are students of history then why are they promoting transgender people so hard?

t. Weimar Republic tranny, circa 1929.

You've a very strong faith, when was the last time you talked to a person or read something outside your hugbox?

trying to compare our time to back then is just stupid. think about how the germans lost the world war and were forced to change their government and grovel, think about the terrible depression that they were living under, etc.

if you think we're gonna become nazis overnight just because we have trannies now, then you're just delusional and sad.

Pic related
Even though it seems like it, r9k is not only for autistic posts
Anything may be posted

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i bet it wasnt even jews. i bet it was women who got bored

Hitler didn't had to persecute women to stop degeneration., he only needed to persecute jews.

>Thread literally talking about how liberalism was ended with the least progressive regime ever
>"Haha liberalism is unstoppable"
I'm not sure how I can explain your poor self awareness to you other than pointing it out.

pretty quick response there. very guilty

It was Jews...imagine that.

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Cope harder, we are winning every day and there is no stop to us this time!

ANOTHER you. the guilt grows

Do you know anything about Sharia?

Yes, what about it user?

It's the future and it doesn't seem very liberal to me.

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No it isnt, Muslims are never going to be the majority in Europe or NA. Why do you want Islam to take over the west user?

Because I'm a muslim myself and because that's how demographics works.
A late marring, most single population with low birth rate will be replaced with a early marring high birth rate population.
I give EU 50 years, NA will be ok.

The economic collapse

>implying the current millennials, genZ and early genXers are not going to round up and kill the shitskins once the rapes and knife attacks get a little more pervasive
>implying the gibs will keep flowing ad infinitum

You will be exterminated, parasite.

Let's play math.
Most Europeans have 1,5 child when they are 30-40 (35).
Most Muslims have 3,5 child when they are 15-25 (20).

In 70 years 16 Europeans will have two generations and will have 9 decedents. that's a 50% decrease.
In the same 70 years, 16 Muslims will have 3 - 4 generations and will have 80 decedents. That's a 400% increase.

In 70 years EU will be muslim without any conversion or additional immigration.

Hitler was an evil man but god often uses evil people to punish other evil people.

If you want to LARP as a Christian, write God in uppercase, this way people will not see you're a liberal in the first second.

why did germany change so quickly in the 40's?

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East Germany didn't changed, they just changed the nazi thematic to a soviet thematic with nazi elements.
West Germany changed very slowly and still holds massive nazi support under the surface.

Based. I'm impregnating a wh*te woman right now, I feel like it's twins.

>implying the muslims in europe, with the vast majority of them being leaches and not working, will be able to afford children without the europeans footing the bill
>implying the europeans will keep putting up with the mass rape and murder of their people forever

You are in for a treat.

>>implying the current millennials, genZ and early genXers are not going to round up and kill the shitskins once the rapes and knife attacks get a little more pervasive
I sure am glad I dont live in your sad, delusional, angry little world

Europeans will pay the bills to keep the liberal and muslims happy.
Any way, or Eu become muslim, or the racists take the power, it's a win win situation.

Can someone reverse this gif
It'd be funny

Saying something is a "mecca for X" has been a common saying for as long as I can remember.

>when was the last time you talked to a person or read something outside your hugbox?
t. reddit Jow Forums shitter

If this is true, then holy FUCK are libshits going to be in for it

It's always economics and useful idiots. The rest of the story is just a fluff piece.

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He tried to stop it, BUT YOU DIDN'T LISTEN

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Berlin is and will always be cancer probably one of the worst city in germanistan

>OP's picture
Then, one day, for no reason at all, Hitler was voted into power.

>Something like the holocaust will luckily never happen again

putin must reveal his true potential

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We could be living under a 1000 year reich, with an ethnically harmonious society, but kikes burgers and commies had to ruin everything.

>He didn't get the memo humanity is savage as fuck.

Jow Forums is ownership of Jow Forums, and you discord trannies need to be pushed back, so the reason of our presence is obvious.

>those dubs
Based, Hitler approves

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Why did r9k get infested with trans people? I remember that guy who tried to convert other guys into being trans by giving them compliments and then blackmailing them into sexual favors. Absolutely disgusting


Well it is known that National "Socialism" is just a front for the elite to gain more wealth and privatize more parts of the economy. Not that privatization is bad

>Keep telling yourself that all of that is true. You sound like a 4th grade history teacher trying to make things as palatable as possible to a bunch of children to not hurt their feefees.

Everything he said is true though...

oh man the irony of this post
no self awareness

Checked. youtube.com/watch?v=kjwtDVONoSc

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Just leave your room you shitskin turd and white nigger. No one gives a fuck about race supremacy besides extremist tards like you who are an insignificant minority.

Haha so fucking bad, these new generations are screwed. 90s4eva

Berlin+ a humiliated conquered peoples+ technological advancement + jews = nazis

even though it was definitely jews, there's something to be said for the fact that an excess female population, like after a major war, is just as bad for a society as an excess male population. The culture becomes more prone to vanity, self-harm, and sexual extravagance

>>let's be real. Nobody actually *cared* about minority groups

Just plain bullshit. Witch hunts are a thing to this day.

Here's a decent book about Weimar sexual decadence if you're interested. Lot of fascinating pictures

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>niggers, gays, lgbt, homeless people, retards, niggers

All considered subhuman by both Germany and the victor of the time, the USA. They also hated feminists until the blocked the streets to FORCE business men to let them take kitty jobs their women arms could handle.

Everything he said is a lie. Ethics were completely different back then. The only thing that got Germany shit was two things, fucking with Jews out of all 50 or so work badges for the commonly considered 'undesirable', and trying to take over the world when literally anyone with a flag wants that for their own nation. Ethics have nothing to do with it.

Jewish people, if they weren't so good at playing mind games and confusing people like YOU then why did they go to war for 2 thousand years with Muslims. They're not a good thing. They want to make you think all work badges were not doing anything wrong when it was literally all bad people. If one is wrong then they want them all to be wrong. They were all right, ethically, to be attacked by the Nazis as they were an attack on society themselves.

Actually Hitler didn't mind feminists* so much.

In other words the USA was worse ethically, though ethics are relative. Anywho, bye thread.

Its better suited for Jow Forums
>"hurr (ad hominem)
Why open your mouth when the only thing that leaves it is frothy spittle and pure lack of brain verbalized?
Take your presence to Jow Forums
Becauee a board for losers and social outcasts attracts losers and social outcasts from all facets of life, and some insane fucko capitalized on these socially inept retards for personal gain
Retards like you are the reason this site is dead. I guarentee you're all reddit immigrants or came here during the 2016 election. Ive been here since before half you retarded zoomers were born assuming the average age of a Jow Forumstard matches up with their intelligence which is give or take 7 years old.
The moment gookmoot brought Jow Forums back was the final blow to this site.
Browsing Jow Forums? ISHYGDDT

>And more or less, let's be real. Nobody actually *cared* about minority groups such as gays, trannies, jews, poles, and so on unless it affects them personally (ie they or a loved one are one.) So if you are economically distraught, but some guy with a funny mustache comes along and says "we're gonna give you a job and bring glory to our proud nation (oh and let's also kill these groups of people)" you're going to be on board with it because you're desperate for food on the table.
My great-grandfather actually fought in WW2 for the germans when he was 42 and had to bring up his children in the 30s. He's from Austria
He said the following words:
"If your children cry because they're constantly hungry you don't care what you have to do to being food to the table. And if someone comes and promises you work to feed your family, you don't ask for his motives. There were some who followed Hitler because they were convinced he was right. Most were just happy to bring their families through the winter."
He also saw 16yo soldiers getting shot to pulp by Russians, children who were eager to die for their Vaterland if it meant for the enemy to waste a few rounds of bullets.

Hitler admired the US, in particular its patriotic spirit and eugenics program, which was state of the art for the time.
Hitler's personal train was called the "Amerika"

Blessed thread. It's happening

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Because your pic related is an attempt at historic revisionism

Didnt Jow Forums use to be libertarian NRx back in the day tho? Only in recent years its become alt right and full on nazi

Huh, the Weimar Republic is known to have been very liberal especially in the cities

>No one gives a fuck about race supremacy
Well, I don't either.
I just want the jewish menace to be dealt with.
Then the rest of the world can live happily ever after.
I didn't even notice it.
May Kek be praised.

White women are the worst user. Go and get a traditional black girl who will cherish you instead of a post wall roastie white girl who'll divorce you

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Honestly, the more I hear about Hitler the more I cant help but love the guy. He feels like some fictional character that you cant help but love, even if he did believe in a few things that you might disagree with because all of his beliefs are perfectly understandable and justifiable.

Even outside of Jow Forums I see many alt-righters and ironic unironic neonazis who used to be "libertarians" although those ideologies couldn't be further apart if you tried.
It's like those edgy sheltered memsters grew into wannabe-supremacists.

>Even outside of Jow Forums I see many alt-righters and ironic unironic neonazis who used to be "libertarians" although those ideologies couldn't be further apart if you tried.
Do you know why many libertarians become neo-Nazis since their ideologies are so far apart?

You do realize Hitler never really did what he preached? He said he wanted to lead the white race to glory and then went on to get millions of his men slaughtered because of autistic illusions of grandeur.
He ranted on about racial purity while he and most of his highest ranking subordinates were mentally ill manlets with slav admixture.
He wanted to stop degeneracy and achieved it by burning books and banning films, setting back the cultural life by decades and only allowed braindead propaganda.
He promised to free the workers from their factory owners, what he did was slashing worker's rights and giving the power to slimebags from his party.
Of course if you only hear what he says but never see what he actually does you'll love the guy with all of your heart because let's be honest here, you're just a dumb faggot.

>He promised to free the workers from their factory owners, what he did was slashing worker's rights and giving the power to slimebags from his party.
Reminder that the word privatization was literally invented because of Hitler's economic policy to sell everything off to the private sector

Their ideology seems very far apart on the political compass but only if you don't see one vital aspect of people of both of those ideologies.
One would think why people who value freedom and self-determination above all else get so easily swayed by a political ideology who is known for killing those who aren't conforming with the directive.
I'd like to call those people ego-libertanians. Someone who absolutely agrees with an authoritarian regime will never feel like his freedom is limited but when talking about freedom, he's only concerned about his own freedom.
This applies to all aspects of libertarianism, those people are only comcerned about their own way of thinking. Those are usually people who deem what others do and how they do it as inferior and don't possess the ability or wish to adapt other points of view.

>I'd like to call those people ego-libertanians. Someone who absolutely agrees with an authoritarian regime will never feel like his freedom is limited but when talking about freedom, he's only concerned about his own freedom.
Those people are the worst imo

holy shit, I'm glad so many white men are racist and unwilling to date black women, because it leaves more for me.

>missing full stop

Learn to type when you're posting abhorrent race bait.

>Learn to type when you're posting abhorrent race bait.
White girls are known to be liberal roasties user, whereas African women are known to be traditional that cherish their men and won't cheat and divorce them like white women do

Americans do have a tendency of stealing European ideas but being better at following through.
Here's hoping.

Don't forget to sell us their jew gold, like the german did, lad.

>He said he wanted to lead the white race to glory and then went on to get millions of his men slaughtered because of autistic illusions of grandeur.
The first step towards succeeding is trying, you retard. You can never blame someone for trying to save the world. Don't dishonor the memory of absolutely legendary heroes by implying that it was for naught, their sacrifice continues to inspire young brave men and will do so for all time. If there is a chance of victory, which there always is, you should always pursue it no matter the cost. Yes, including the cost of millions of good lives.
>He ranted on about racial purity while he and most of his highest ranking subordinates were mentally ill manlets with slav admixture.
Really nothing in comparison to what we have going on today (which is what he was referring to.) All those "manlets" were genius-tier high IQ, what he wanted to prevent was the rise of the low IQ brown mutt race as replacement for Europeans.
>He wanted to stop degeneracy and achieved it by burning books and banning films, setting back the cultural life by decades and only allowed braindead propaganda.
He stopped degeneracy by burning literal degeneracy. Like, gay child porn tranny bestiality porn books. Retard.
>He promised to free the workers from their factory owners, what he did was slashing worker's rights and giving the power to slimebags from his party.
There was NO worker in Nazi Germany that was not happy, and did not wholeheartedly love the Fuhrer for what he achieved and did for them.

Weimar Germany was a shitshow we can only think of, and there was an open war between the communists and the NatSocs which originally started to primarily help veterans of the war. As the NatSocs and communists continued to fight more and more started to hate the commies due to the shit the USSR was doing and the Great Depression and global economic issues only made things insanely worse, to where in Germany money was more useful as either fuel for fire or toilet paper/napkins, as the government in an act of pure stupidity thought that printing a fuckton of bills would help ease both the economic troubles and the reparations stemming from the Treaty of Versailles. The NatSocs, as flawed as they were, were really the only ones who were actually trying to fix that gigantic mess without trying to turn Germany into a Soviet puppet, and 1920s/1930s Berlin was a completely different world compared to the rest of Germany. >muh borgirs
Most Americans were heavily in favor of Hitler coming to power until he haphazardly decided to start WW2 and have u boats go to town off of the East Coast and declaring open war.. Hitler and Mussolini have also had admiration for the US, until Hitler again started the next global conflict on a whim which Mussolini was beyond pissed about.

Keep coping subhuman, that doesn't make Hitler a saviour