
please logically explain why you eat meat. give me your best logical reasoning why you eat meat and drink milk

animals such as pigs and cows are intelligent animals who can suffer deeply and have a unique personality, they are different individuals just like dogs or humans are. they dont enjoy being kept in a cage, being castrated, being raped, having their kids taken away from them, and being killed against their will. they dont want to die for your taste pleasure

all real robots should go vegan, because its hypocritical of your to complain about the suffering you endure in life, yet inflict much more suffering unto innocent animals for your taste pleasure and "yummy in my tummy tum tum"

would you eat farmed chimps, baboons, and gorillas?
what do you think about dog fighting? do you think it should be allowed?
do you think its okay to legalize farming, killing and eating dog meat or cat meat?
what do you think about hunting? do you think its okay to hunt for sport? do you think its okay to hunt grizzlies or exotic birds or exotic animals in africa?
why only stop at pigs cows and chickens? would eat humans or niggers if you woudln't get sick from it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't even like the taste I just eat it for the cruelty

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Actually, we deserve meat more than normies so we can eat tasty food to cope with being a bored robot.

Cuz animals make a good lunch

Because that's how nature works, men is made to eat meat, not to follow some religious magic diet.

>all real robots
"No true Scotsman" fallacy
Also fuck off malnutrition shill

Because we evolved to consume meat as part of our diet dumbass... Eating meat is nutritious and cannot be substuited without alot of money, effort, and knowledge... Also fuck animals mankind is the master species!

people are gonna kill and eat animals and there is literally nothing I can do about it, it's ingrained, until the apocalypse happens billions of people will continue to demand meat products and when it does happen then people will need to use them to survive

but for now, I'm not doing any killing because I do not see killing animals as necessary when we have so plentiful of other food and so their experience as living eyes of the world should be not only respected but made as comfortable as possible, but since others are already doing it and will continue and fill up shops with meat then I'm not going to let it go to waste

Because I don't enjoy being malnutrition and doesn't trust vegan shills that sweer it's healthy.

Being vegan is unhealthy...

When vegans need comfort food, they turn to toxic carby crap like oreos, donuts, bread, etc, instead of the healthier bacon/eggs/spam/sausage

so does might make right in your eyes? are you okay with normies bullying and hurting the weak shy autistic kids because they are stronger?

because you are literally no better than the normies who bully the weak when you eat meat. animals are CONSCIOUS. they are sentient and aware of their own existence, and they dont want to die

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You literally cannot prove to me that anyone or anything, besides myself, is conscious. As far as I can tell, all the "living things" in the universe are just deterministic, intricate molecular machines. They don't "feel pain"; they simply sustain damage and their circuits implement an appropriate attempt at escape. I have only ever experienced my own subjective consciousness, haunting the machinery of my own body, and have absolutely zero reason to believe any other machine has a similar phenomenon haunting its circuits, rendering mechanical stimuli into "pain". Therefore, I could not possibly be brought to give a single, solitary flying fuck about any of the animals I needlessly eat.

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wow, so mature of you. you truly are the epitome of maturity and represent what it means to be an adult

killing animals for fun and to spite vegans. truly a mature person you are. you remind me of theamazingatheist aka the banana king, who also goes out of his way to eat meat just in spite of vegans. he literally buys meat and throws it in the trash and proudly boasts about it just to spite vegans

this is the level of maturity you exhibit. bravo you brave warrior

you are like the normies who bully and abuse the weak shy autistic kids for fun for no purpose other than enjoying hurting the weak

tell me, do you think its hypocritical of you to behave like this?

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i watched both these videos OP. It is a shame, but the thing is, my singular disavowing of eating meat doesn't put everything to halt. so its just futile.

>You literally cannot prove to me that anyone or anything, besides myself, is conscious
maybe not, but does this allow you to throw away all ethics down the toilet? since you cant prove someone else's conciousness, does that allow you to go around and rape and kill as many children as you want?

>Therefore, I could not possibly be brought to give a single, solitary flying fuck about any of the animals I needlessly eat.

so you would be okay if someone else was to hurt and abuse you, on the basis that you couldn't prove that you yourself are concious? if someone thought you were a philosophical zombie without a conciousness, does that make it okay for them to physically assault you, or kill you, or rape your mother or child?

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Its okay as longer as the pigs survive, All the poor third world people that get me my super foods can just starve lol. Being this retarded

it taste good make tummy feel nice

Vegan for 3 years here :)
It is a good lifestyle to live

Every vegan I've met is an insufferable faggot and I'll gladly keep pissing you off with my life choices.

Being a vegan is about being better than the peasants and trying to get new converts.

>my singular disavowing of eating meat doesn't put everything to halt. so its just futile.

this is an appeal to futility logical fallacy and its simply wrong. your choice DOES have an impact. for example, over time, your choice not to buy meat reduces the amount of meat being sold to the point where grocery stores would buy less meat as a result of your non-business, and buy more vegan products. over time this does make a difference

if you, for example, would help a starving and abandoned and dying dog recover to full health, then going vegan is a great choice because you save much more animals with far less effort. literally when you go vegan less animals are being bred into existences and less are killed

literally the amount of meat have we have been consuming has been increasing over time, and by going vegan you reduce this number. it does make a impact

peter singer directly refutes your argument in this first few minutes of this video

and even if it didnt make a impact, it still doesnt make it ethical. lets say that this was WW2 and one army just won, and there was many many rapes going on. and lets say that a girl was going to get raped regardless if you raped her or not

does that make it okay for you to rape her? even if i grant you that its futile for the sake of the argument even though its not futile its still unethical by your ethical standards

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The only reason I don't go around raping and killing is because I know these machines are built to retaliate upon receiving damage, and I myself do not want to suffer. These machines may not realize I am conscious and capable of suffering, and in that sense, there is nothing ethically wrong with them attacking me. But they choose not to, because some other machines might disagree and retaliate, or I myself may retaliate and cause damage to any machine that attempts to damage me.

So no, I don't give a fuck about ethics. There is only one reliable tenet upon which to build society, and it is mutually assured destruction, AKA "treat others how you want to be treated". If some "animal" has no real chance of retaliating against me or winning the fight, I feel absolutely zero remorse in destroying said animal.

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I eat it because it tastes good and is a cultural tradition, and ultimately, there is no difference between life and death. What is, shall not be, and even the last molecules will one day decay and die. The closer you look at life, the more you realize that we are just chemical reactions and that our ability to experience experiences is no more special than gravity.

>would you eat farmed chimps, baboons, and gorillas?
If they were safe and plentiful, yes. I wouldn't eat an endangered species because I believe that biodiversity is a great asset and shouldn't be squandered.

>what do you think about dog fighting? do you think it should be allowed?
No, but I don't think that bull fighting should be allowed either. To kill an animal so that you may gain nutrition is one thing, but to kill it for the pleasure of seeing it die is wasteful.

>do you think its okay to legalize farming, killing and eating dog meat or cat meat?
Yes. I don't think we should because it is wasteful since they are predators, but I think we should also get rid of all beef farming because of how wasteful it is compared to chickens. Beef should be a special occasion thing, like for Christmas.

>what do you think about hunting? do you think its okay to hunt for sport?
Only for sport? No. Anything hunted should be eaten.

>do you think its okay to hunt grizzlies or exotic birds or exotic animals in africa?
Yes. As long as the population can support it.

>why only stop at pigs cows and chickens? would eat humans or niggers if you woudln't get sick from it?

Just a meme retard
It tastes very good

Thinking about nice BBQ ribs is making me salivate.

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so you are a proud hypocrite then? you hold double standards for other people in ways that you wouldnt hold for yourself and for your close friends and family members?

do you like being a hypocrite? do you like other people who are hypocrites?

dont you think its hypocritical of you care for yourself yet enjoy killing animals for your amusement?

>There is only one reliable tenet upon which to build society, and it is mutually assured destruction, AKA "treat others how you want to be treated"

but you wouldnt want to be treated in ways that animals are treated. i sure you would be against being enslaved or killed for someone's hamburgers. you are a hypocrite

>If some "animal" has no real chance of retaliating against me or winning the fight, I feel absolutely zero remorse in destroying said animal.
so would you be okay with enslaving niggers if they couldn't retaliate and fight back?

you know, the slaves never actually successfully rebelled. it took a civil war and other white people to free the slaves in america. if slavery was legal, would you own nigger slaves?

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user, this is not reddit, accusing us of being evil will not work.
Go preach your little faith with offences elsewhere.

Meat tastes fucking good and its fun to kill it yourself plus it tastes even better when you kill it with your bare hands

No. I would not hold it against anyone or any animal if they managed to kill me. It doesn't matter if it causes me pain, no one is obligated to take my suffering into account. Any machine in this world is more than welcome to weigh the risks and options and take their best shot at me if they want to.

>so would you be okay with enslaving niggers if they couldn't retaliate and fight back?
Yes, absolutely. I find nothing "ethically" wrong with enslavement, torture, murder, rape, or any other aggression or exploitment of anyone or anything. If the exploited group in question does not manage to defend themselves and prevail, then oh well. I personally find actual paid labor to be more practical than slavery, just due to quality concerns etc. But on principle, I have no problem at all with enslaving, or with someone enslaving me, if they managed to do so.

>I eat it because it tastes good and is a cultural tradition
so if something tastes good its okay for me to do it? if i enjoy raping and eating out 6 year old girls, does that make it okay to do?

and how just cultural history justify your behavior. we used to have public beheading, public burning of witches and heretics, public stoning, which were all long cultural staples. does that mean they are okay to do?

>and ultimately, there is no difference between life and death
so you wouldnt mind if someone kills your entire family? because there is no difference between life and death? does the fact that you will eventually die make it okay for someone else to prematurely kill you agaisnt your will?

this is just another appeal to futility fallacy. "since were all going to die eventually i can go around killing animals as much as i want haha GOTTEM"

>but to kill it for the pleasure of seeing it die is wasteful
but you dont NEED to kill animals. human can survive and thrive perfectly fine on a vegan diet. heres clarence lifting heavier shit than you, and hes vegan. and heres a statement from the american dietetics association on vegan diets

thats why you should go vegan by your own logic, because its unnecessary, meaning all meat consumption is done only for pleasure. you dont NEED to eat animal products. we are not lions. lions are obligate carnivores who can only eat meat, humans are omnivorous who can survive without meat

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>please logically explain why you eat meat
Because human brains got larger as a result of eating cooked meat.
Also I can care less about animal welfare because humans are superior.

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Reddit is just sjw echo chambers
Jow Forums is better in every way

Largely out of habit.

Calling people how disagree with you bad names works on reddit, but this vegans are trying it here, lol.

Because animals are inferiot species. We sit at the topz everything else is beneath us
Also if everyone stopped eating meat the farmland required for the plant materials to create the suppmements everyone would need would take up 66% of the landmass of eurasia so tightly packed meat farms are better for the environment rather than acres of farmland for flax seeds and onions beans to make the 19 supplements i need to take thrice a day lest my liver explode
Remember newfriends, sage goes in the option box

because i can.

also veganism is pointless. there will always be meat eaters. if you really wanted to stop people from eating meat, start gathering some weapons and kill people who own farms all over the world, because thats the only way you're ever going to stop people. even then, they would be replaced.

as long as animals exist, people will eat them, and if we don't, other animals and insects will.

why should i have to suffer a shit diet of vegan only trash when it changes nothing at

>so if something tastes good its okay for me to do it? if i enjoy raping and eating out 6 year old girls, does that make it okay to do?
Not that user.Those things are not remotely similar. People shouldn't even rape animals let alone little girls.

I eat it because its fucking delicious. I eat mushrooms as a substitute because they have the texture and squishy like T-Bone steak.

One is necessary for humans to survive the other is literally the most immoral thing conceivable stop being stupid

Being vegan doesn't make you any less of a faggot you are

>Because animals are inferiot species. We sit at the topz everything else is beneath us
so you wouldnt mind if a race of aliens that is superior to humans were to invade the earth and torture you for your entire life, because its superior to you?

you wouldn't mind if you were a nigger and enslaved by a superior race of humans, like whites, because they are superior to you?

>Also if everyone stopped eating meat the farmland required for the plant materials to create the suppmements everyone would need would take up 66% of the landmass of eurasia so tightly packed meat farms are better for the environment rather than acres of farmland for flax seeds and onions beans to make the 19 supplements i need to take thrice a day lest my liver explode

lol you cant be serious, this post got my chuckling, lel. it takes like 20 kilos of dried corn to make 1 kilogram of a cow, this is including bones and skin. these animals eat a TON of dried corn and onions, and drink a ton of water. they drink water too, you know!

by going vegan you massively reduce the amount of plants needed to be grown and harvested, because you cut out the middle man.

mic the vegan covers this topic in this video. goes vegan reduces the amount of plants being grown

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Can you post something sourced? (vegan propaganda is not reliable source)

I remember that, wasn't that on Fox News or something a couple days ago?

>if i enjoy raping and eating out 6 year old girls, does that make it okay to do?
Is raping five year old girls a tradition where you come from?

>which were all long cultural staples. does that mean they are okay to do?
Yeah man, that's exactly what that means. All morals are relative, there is no innate sense of morality in the universe.

>so you wouldn't mind if someone kills your entire family?
My entire family has died in the last six months. I have suffered more death and agony than you will ever know, and I honestly hope you never do. There is no afterlife, when we stop existing, we stop existing. It is the most painful thing I have ever experienced, but it is the nature of existence. I will either take the pain and move on, or I will kill myself. It is still a coin flip.

>this is just another appeal to futility fallacy.
It's not, but you have a bone to pick so there is no logic to your answers, only anger.

>but you dont NEED to kill animals
Killing for nutrition is not the same as killing for fun in the same way that killing a home invader is not the same as killing a man walking down the street. If a lion were attempt to kill you, and you had a gun, would you kill him? Or would you say, I do not NEED to kill this lion, but he NEEDS to kill me to eat?

>thats why you should go vegan by your own logic, because its unnecessary, meaning all meat consumption is done only for pleasure.
Please show me where I said that things that are done for pleasure are not worth doing. If all pleasure must be stripped in order to provide for the needs of others, what are you doing with a computer? If you sell it, you can buy mosquito netting and literally save several lives in Africa and SE Asia.

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Vegans sure like looking at torture porn of animals.

>one anecdotal case of a retard
i concede, there are vegan morons out there, 100% you got me there. there are vegans who do stupid shit

but my counter argument is that the rates of child obesity has never been higher, and virtually all of those children are heavy meat eaters. vegan children are not obese

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At least it's not sourced by some vegan site, it's the closest thing to a source in this entire thread.

>if i enjoy raping and eating out 6 year old girls, does that make it okay to do?
Even as a vegan you follow a hierarchy of pain and self awareness on what is and isn't okay to eat. It is more moral to eat plants because plants feel less pain than a cow. It is more okay for a bacteria to die than a pig, because the bacteria is not self aware. But what are your morals when the things get closer together? There is no right or wrong answers, I just want to know how you feel.
Is it better to save a dog or a human from a burning building? What about a chimpanzee or a cow? How do you weigh what life is worth saving when you can only save one?

hate to say it man, i don't care about being ethical at all. id probably rape the girls in the country i just defeated too.

This chart is likely true, but it very well may be correlation rather than causation. Although it is harder to become overweight on vegetable based diet, vegans are far more likely to be health conscientious than your average person. What do the charts look like when you only compare meat eaters who put as much thought into their diet as vegans?

This chart has less sources than most Jow Forums charts;

It's quite hard to become overweight if you're an actual pure "meat-eater", since carb intake from red meat, chicken and fish is extremely limited. Meat eater in this chart means sugar heavy omnivore.

plants DONT HAVE FUCKING FEELINGS. THEY ARENT SENTIENT. they arent capable of feeling pain because they dont have a brain or a nervous system, unlike animals

the cartoon drew a face and eyes on those cherries. cherries dont have faces or eyes, neither does any fruit

>Is raping five year old girls a tradition where you come from?
lets say i was muslim, and it was. does that make it okay to do?

>Yeah man, that's exactly what that means
cool, so you wouldn't mind being labeled as a heretic because you dont believe in the pope and being killed because you rebel against the pope? or being killed for your theological beliefs?

>I have suffered more death and agony than you will ever know
dont you think its a little bit ironic how you are going around perpetuating death and suffering onto animals, yet crying and complaining about how tragic it is for your family to die? you know, female pigs form bonds with eachother in the wild that last 20+ years

>Killing for nutrition
you dodged the point. you dont NEED to kill for nutrition, you can just eat plants. for example, i dont know what caused your family to die, but lets say they were still alive and some crazy cannibal africans killed them and ate them. do you think its ethical of those cannibals to kill and eat your family if they can survive without eating them? sry to hear that btw

>If a lion were attempt to kill you, and you had a gun, would you kill him?
yeah i would, but this is self-defense. and lions are obligate carnivorous. they can only eat and digest meat, they literally cant eat plants. humans are omnivorous and arent obligate carnivorous, we have a choice, lions have no choice but to kill

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here you go my dude, i GOTCHA

you need those sources? well here you go

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i think you technically are right, but still even "health conscious" meat eaters are fatter than the average vegan

a ton of fat people regularly go to the gym and are still fat regardless of how long they've been going to the gym, etc. just because they are more health conscious doesnt mean their lowered bodyfat % isnt a result of their lowered meat consumption

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heres a massive study thats found that eating any kind of meat is heavily associated with weight gain, this study controlled for basically everything

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>i care about animals suffering in farms
grow up kid, nobody gives a shit

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do you care about dogs? if i went around kicking dogs and killing them and eating them, would you object to it?

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no, tbqh i just don't give a fuck

>Vegans sure like looking at torture porn of animals

and meat eaters sure like supporting it and putting their head in the sand

vegans dont support animal abuse, unlike you meat eaters. and its not torture porn, its what you literally financially support everytime you buy a bacon sandwich

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Yeah. The animals there were born with the purpose of making food for others. If that wasn't the case those particular animals wouldn't even exist to begin with. So in the end both would have equal outcomes. Unlike domesticated animals.

>One is necessary for humans to survive

eating meat is NOT NECESSARY to survive. maybe it was 10,000 years ago back when were were cavemen, but those times are long gone. this is the age of the interent, of uber eats, of tinder, of youtube, of smart phones, of videogames, of electirity

we have a CHOICE. we dont need to eat animals

you have a choice in all of this. dont be like boogie; go vegan

Attached: boogie eats steak.webm (1280x720, 1.43M)

>Let's show selective footage of people killing animals brutally. That'll show them!
Grow up and go bad to Reddit.

>The animals there were born with the purpose of making food for others

so if i were to breed niggers into existence who's sole purpose was to be killed and eaten by me, does that make it okay?

who are you to decide what their purpose is? if i decide that a little girl's purpose is to get raped by me, does that make it okay for me to do?

>If that wasn't the case those particular animals wouldn't even exist to begin with
so its okay for me to breed children into existence that i rape and kill just as long as if i decide thats their purpose?

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all animals are killed in slaughterhouses. those videos i shown may be animal abuse, but literally all these animals are killed against their will. this is not selective, this is the INDUSTRY STANDARD. and you're the one who financially supports this

if you dont like it, why are you paying for it to happen?

all these animals dont want to die, and all of them get stabbed in the throat. how is killing a sentient animal who doesnt want to die ethical?

how can murder be ethical?

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Is there a way to kill a dear manually?

because i am an omnivore and i like to eat meat because meat tastes good.


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what about eggs. nowhere nearly as bad as killing animals. i even have my own chicken

I like meat for the same reason people like sports cars, sure they are bad for the environment and whatnot but I do really like it. You could argue the sportscar is just a bunch of metal while in a slaughter house the animals have a functioning nervous system however I find it worse to damage the whole planet and humans with the increased carbon footprint than killing a bunch of animals breed to be food.

>please logically explain why you eat meat. give me your best logical reasoning why you eat meat and drink milk
I don't need a logical reason. That said, meat is pretty nutrient complete. Most vitamins and minerals I need, I can get out of meat. It's also damn tasty.

>animals such as pigs and cows are intelligent animals who can suffer deeply and have a unique personality, they are different individuals just like dogs or humans are. they dont enjoy being kept in a cage, being castrated, being raped, having their kids taken away from them, and being killed against their will. they dont want to die for your taste pleasure
So? They're not people, why should I care?

>would you eat farmed chimps, baboons, and gorillas?
Eating primates is a great way to get diseases. No thank you!

>do you think its okay to legalize farming, killing and eating dog meat or cat meat?
I mean that's fine I suppose. Actually, this was legal in the US up until last year, believe it or not. Nobody really noticed because we have better animals for eating.

>what do you think about hunting? do you think its okay to hunt for sport? do you think its okay to hunt grizzlies or exotic birds or exotic animals in africa?
Hunting for meat is fine. Hunting for sport is silly; you should at least eat what you kill. Endangered species should not be hunted. For everything else, having a hunting license system so we can adequately manage the population of various species is best.

>why only stop at pigs cows and chickens? would eat humans or niggers if you woudln't get sick from it?
Because those are people. People have rights. Non-people don't have rights.

I didnt know you could spoiler an image after posting it.

Because I literally give 0 fucks about the suffering of those animals. I respect them and I am great full for their sacrifice but I could not care less about their suffering. If this makes me a bad person so be it.

i didnt, some power tripping nigger jannies spoiler'd it because they dont like seeing the consequences of eating their bacon sandwhiches

hey jannies, why you so scared of where your meat comes from? you're the ones who pay for this shit, not me

Attached: Pigs-gutted-hanging-602x402.jpg (602x402, 50K)

>triggered meat eating jannies dont like seeing the truth

this is where your meat comes from jannies, why are you mad?

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actually letting it go to waste is the best thing you can do since it lowers demand

>Eating primates is a great way to get diseases. No thank you!

so is eating meat. farmed animals are so fucking heavily infected with parasites and other injections they have to inject a lot of anti-bacterial and anti-parasite stuff in them, and they are still REPLETE with parasites and diseases. farmed animals constantly get recalled because they are too sick for sale, and the industry standard is laughably low

like you have to be kidding yourself if you think meat is devoid of parasites and disease

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pleasure of some is built upon the suffering of others, the world was always like this, and it will never change

so by this logic, its okay to rape children to death because its pleasureable to me and built on the suffering of someone else?

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You do realise ... to produce vegetables for vegans ... animals get also killed? .... rats, mice, etc ... and i bet you for the same caloric value more animals are killed for vegetables then for meat.

It was like this in ancient times, and one day, once current "order" falls, it will come back. Please I just want you to understand that your resistance is futile and you should spend your remaining time doing more worthwhile things.

What kind of anime a vegan like you like?

The lord gave man livestock for eating. You are literally a transgender nigger

man, i just woke up but i'll participate.
>would you eat farmed chimps, baboons, and gorillas?
sure, but depends on the taste and macros
>what do you think about dog fighting? do you think it should be allowed?
their own nature, let them fight.
>do you think its okay to legalize farming, killing and eating dog meat or cat meat?
>what do you think about hunting? do you think its okay to hunt for sport? do you think its okay to hunt grizzlies or exotic birds or exotic animals in africa?
i don't care.
>why only stop at pigs cows and chickens? would eat humans or niggers if you woudln't get sick from it?
only if i was desperate and had nothing else to eat.

Because I want to and that's pretty much it

>why you eat meat and drink milk
Because I'm omnivore and my body demands for both greens and meat to survive and stay healthy.
>animals killing
Killing is wrong, but without few eggs in the bowl, you won't make a cake or omlet.
>robots and healthy lifestyle
pick one
>go vegan
You can go fuck yourself with that quote, but you probably can't since you're likely having rachitis, bone corrosion, or your joints and muscle are fragile like glass and you're seething hard because you're mentally unwell due lack of B group vitamins, proteins, and acids that are necessary for proper body functioning. And don't bullshit me about synthetic vitamins and other pills you can get from stores, you won't sustain yourself for long with them, because your body only consumes up to 40-50% of the contents inside them, you shit out or piss out the rest.
>dog fights
Only sick fucks do that.
>dogs and cats meat
fuck that
>human meat
That's cannibalism and it's highly questionable in all cultures.

Nice try, Reddit. You do realize, that cave people actually were eating rats, small lizards, birds, and fish?

>Only sick fucks do that.
nigger, why do you care for dogs but dont care for pigs? pigs are literally more intelligent than dogs. each pig has its own unique personality and inner world

if you'd care for a dog its so hypocritical and inconsistent of you to ignore pigs

you're just like these fat cop hypocrites who eat meat everynight but lament and cry over the poor doggo

>awwww wook at da poor doggo ='(((( huueeeee
>heh stupid pigs ill eat you for breakfast i dont care about you heh im superior

its so inconsistent!

Attached: hc-middletown-police-k9-hunter-0906-20170905.jpg (1200x1600, 325K)

>would eat humans or niggers if you woudln't get sick from it?
Yes. Gladly.

>please logically explain why you eat meat. give me your best logical reasoning why you eat meat and drink milk
People eat and drink milk due to the reason that they eat and drink at all, they were raised to do so, have never questioned it, and it satisfies their addiction until they get hungry again.

It is hypocritical to complain about violence and exploitation foisted onto one group and ignore it when it is foisted onto another. But think about the people you are dealing with. As stated above, they only eat anything because they're addicted to it, and they've never questioned that fact. Food to them is an outlet for pleasure, and they have no guiding purpose that food serves as a fuel for.

You will get all sorts of answers that have had zero thought behind it. There is simply no point to this kind of thread for the simple reason that with the absence of reputation and the anonymity of the internet, gang mentality can substitute for reasoning. People will generally stay along the lines of being okay with any sort of exploitation and violence as long as it isn't directed toward them. Once you understand that the need to ask these questions diminishes. People are selfish, hedonistic, humanistic tribalists. The thread is redundant.

And what would you have us do?, release all of those animals so that they ruin entire ecosystems other animals depend on?, i'm all for better living conditions for animals and if we get more things like beyond meat products but we can't just let them go free, i fucking love animals so much but it's just impossible.

I'm sick of this braindead response. Simply don't breed the next generation of animals. That solves two problems right away.

I just dont understand the doublestandard.

Killing a animal to eat it is wrong by vegan standards.

Killing animals so they dont eat the crops/vegetables i eat is A-OK.

... vegans are just people that live a to confortable life and are disonant of nature.

>I'm sick of this braindead response
you may be sick of this response, but i have a hard time believing you're more sick of it than me. its ALWAYS the most disengenous meat eaters who say it too. the kinds of people who eat Foie gras and love steaks and laugh at animals

they dont even want an answer, they just want to give vegans tough questions and attack them. like they genuinely dont care about the animals, but they want to pain vegans with a bad paint brush, so they say stuff like "vegans want to genocide all the animals in farms and make them go extinct, they are so cruel and evil, such hypocrites"

its only the most disingenuous rats who say shit like that

Attached: this is common with pigs.png (1152x648, 1.46M)

Violence and exploitation is wrong by vegan standards. Vegans are people who want everything to live a comfortable life and are rightly dissonant of nature because of how much of a batshit insane crazy train nature is.

>Killing animals so they dont eat the crops/vegetables i eat is A-OK.

you are killing invaders who are stealing your shit. in the USA its perfectly legal to shoot and kill human burglars who break into your home to steal, and i perfectly support this law

i dont see how this changes for animals. yes, we had to kill animals to make farms, and hospitals and roads, but those are unavoidable deaths. we arent going around killing them for our pleasure, they are just in the way

with eating meat, its killing them for nothing other than tastebuds, for pleasure. its not the same thing, killing rodents who ravage fieldcrops are a unavoidable kills

not to mention when you go vegan you exponentially reduce the amount of plants needed to grow to feed humans, because it takes like 20 kilos of corn to make 1 kilo of a cow

so you cut out the middle man

Attached: factory-farming-40-1024.jpg (1024x768, 176K)

>maybe not, but does this allow you to throw away all ethics down the toilet?
so your aegument is i should stop doing something my ancestors have been doing for the past 200000 years because you think, without any evidence, that animals have conscience and i should feel bad for their conciousness? No. Ethics are irrelevant and the greater good of my species and family is more important thqt same half-assed feeling for animals that may not even be right

Once you've answered them all a few hundred times the questions just get more and more redundant and you start to understand more how meat eaters are operating on group think reinforced by their closest emotional ties and literally billions of other cases like themselves. They have no instinct of empathy, which makes them tribalistic, humanistic, hedonistic, et cetera. They don't think on a plane that's much higher than the very basest form of human consciousness and they cover it unwittingly with a superficial layer of individuality.

Technically the invaders stealing things stems into another separate issue and that is of big agriculture grain and bean farms. I've never heard of this instance of protection being necessary in any local setting - only on massive plots of land that shouldn't be used that way to begin with and will inevitably conflict with animal movement

how can you be vegan and racist? makes you look stupid

>i should stop doing something my ancestors have been doing for the past 200000 years because you think, without any evidence, that animals have conscience
Before you even give the vegan argument, why not address the fact that there's actually nothing but your own self compelling you to act the way you do? You aren't your ancestors, you're an individual who is completely detached from them.
Why do you care about your "species" and your family at all? What's your reasoning?