Letter thread faggots, spill your gay ass feelings n shit

Letter thread faggots, spill your gay ass feelings n shit

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I really miss you, and I pray every night you're doiing okay. Goodnight my angel


Immature, emotionally unintelligent, selfish.
I wish I had never met you.

- P

why would someone get a tattoo like this. genuinely curious

Somehow it's clearly Christianity's fault.

i still love you
thanks for being with me the other day
i really needed it


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remove me just to add me back and make me worried? what happened

I wish I hadn't gotten to know you. It makes it kind of awkward when I don't talk to you now.

i hope you're doing well just found a picture of us and i still can't take the fact you're gone
i wish it would have been me instead
you didn't deserve it
sorry babe

I am unirronically falling apart, idk what I'm doing wrong and idk why I won't ask for help. I'm losing my grip on my emotions and it's getting harder to deal with them. My last line of defense which was to basically turn off my brain so I didn't have to think is faltering
I have no idea where I'm going or what I'm doing
also inb4 cringe, idk how to express anything without sounding like a edgy faggot

I beg of you, please stop soliciting with those degenerate brutes and instead choose me as your sole male provider of affection. You might not realize it yet, but that's because your ability to see things from an outsider's perspective had been blurred by their fake charisma and extroverted behaviour. The truth, from the eyes of someone such as myself, is that the more you fraternize with those individuals, the more they will strip you of your lovely innocence and purity, until you're nothing but another one of their filthy playthings. Of course, you might see me as a disgusting person (evidenced by you even actively avoiding me at times), but that's them poisoning your mind. Please, only I can restore you to the perfect angel that you once were.


I was just a kid. Yes to all the above, but you forgot slightly autistic. I feel horrible for the way I was. I started with lower base stats but I've worked hard to be the man I am today. I'm thankful for your company and time. I wish you the best in this life.


Dear M
I hope you choke on your bf's dick you fucking flaming faggot. I put up with your shit because you were my bro since we were kids. We used to go out daily and do shit together now you act like you don't know me. When they first told me you were gonna burn out I thought they were exacurating. Now I see they were right, you don't do anything but study all day and work. I bust my ass off working and studying and I still have some time for my bros. So hope you're happy with your "friends" because we both know you're gonna crawl back to me once you realize that they don't actually care about you.

strong emotions are a good thing

Innocence is long gone.
I rebelled against myself.
I am my own now.
I have fallen.

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idk anything about them though. It's hard to tell.
Most of all I don't know how to respond to them, let alone to others emotion

you figure it out what is that you're felling and respond with that

Youre honestly such a piece of shit, treating me like I was in the fucking wrong. I was actually being mature for once and admiring my faults but you had to fucking say, oh you shouldnt say I was thinking like that in the first place. Why are victim blaming when Im trying to act like a adult. You still act like a child even though youre about to be a full grown man. Learn how to act like it.

If I say what it is it'll sound edgy. And I don't know how to explain it. It's hard to put into words

> it'll sound edgy
thats retarded, you shouldnt be worrying about that

The worry is that it'll come of as disingenuous.
Idk, I probably won't be able to take about it right now anyway. I need to sleep, gn tho

I fuck gay cock shit dick.

>Etika shills are still trying to push this nigger here as me

I erased his bloodline from the afterlife

>I probably won't be able to take about it right now
i wish you did

Don't post homu

So admitting your faults meaning you did someone wrong and feel bad so they don't give you the pity attention you want and call you out on your bullshit and that somehow makes you the victim even though you were the piece of shit agravator to begin with? What psychosis do you live with?


I hope you're doing okay and bettering yourself. I'm not going to reach out to you, because you dumped me, not the other way around. I've found better people to surround myself with and happiness for myself and my dog. Things are tight with money now that it's not split income, but I make it work. It's been almost a year since we separated and I don't love you anymore. I haven't for a while, thankfully. But I do think of you every day and wish you the best. You just put a new song on your soundcloud the other day that made me worry about your mental health, but I can never tell how much is real with you. I hope you find happiness and don't date again until you mature with healthier people than yourself and autistic coworkers. We tried to create a life together, a family together, and you dropped out because I had depression from you rejecting and neglecting me. That's raw, so please work on that before hurting someone new. Hope you have a car now too. I have one, and it's made my life a lot better. I knew it would, I was hoping to get one before we broke up but you could never settle on one with me. It would've fixed a lot of our issues, you know. Hope you go easy on the weed and put some money in savings for your future, but I'm not one to tell you what you can and can't do. I never was that person. I just wanted your love.

I hope you know I'm not sorry for giving you all I had, and I wish you would have seen it.


P.S- thanks for making my abandonment issues worse, it still hurts how out-of-the-blue you broke up with me. Lots of people have suggested you were cheating, but I don't think you were. I hope you weren't.

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Helvetica is a good font

I haven't been like this in years. I get so easily attached as it is. But this is just outright obessesion which is stupid because I am not 13 anymore. I haven't eaten and and I haven't slept properly in a week. I am stressing out about imaginary problems that aren't there. I'm just so so scared. I don't want to take the risk of getting close to someone and then getting hurt about anything.
Thats why most of the times I just act like I don't care. Actually this isn't true, I actually make myself stop caring. I do things to occupy myself and distract myself and I don't care. But I was told its good to care? My instincts are telling me it's a bad idea. I've been listening to the same song on repeat because it is how I feel.

I fall in love so easily. I loved at least three people this year and I really do think it is love. It's never up to me to discourage things from happening.
I can't tell what I'm supposed to be saying with him. I try to be honest but I think through every sentence and it's hard. I don't know how to make him like me. I am treading so carefully it's unreal. Well, I did ask him what he likes and I got the same answer I get from every guy really. He said he can be himself around me so that's good. That was a good sign. Why can't everyone just treat me like I have autism it'd make things much easier for me

I wanna take you somewhere so you know I care
But it's so cold and I don't know where
I brought you daffodils in a pretty string
But they won't flower like they did last spring
And I wanna kiss you, make you feel all right
I'm just so tired to share my nights
I wanna cry and I wanna love
But all my tears have been used up

maybe replying to your email after not hearing from you for two years was a mistake. im not capable of normal relationships. its either nothing or obsession.

i cant stop thinking about you. my stupid fucking brain wont stop fantasizing about us being together. the dreamer in me wants to believe its possible you can fall for me just because im able to make you laugh. i dont even know if i can do that anymore, perhaps my jokes and witticisms are too immature for you at this point.

i find myself anxiously waiting for your replies like a fucking schoolgirl from a lame ass 80s romcom waiting by the phone for her crush to call her. when i see an email notification, i open it with bated breath hoping its from you. the rational part of me wants to slap me in the fucking face for being such a flying faggot. my prefrontal cortex is also telling me that youre probably engaged or married by now and probably fat. i would still worship your cellulite ridden ass and make sure each brap wont contribute to climate change without passing through my lungs first.

i wish i could lobotomize the nigger parts of my brain, the parts we re all cursed with, the artifacts of millions of years of evolution. cest la vie mon amie

when will u erase ur life fgt?

write me a letter cunt i know you miss me too

I don't know who this is, but I'm going to assume it's "you". You're right, I miss you, that's all I'm going to say.

could you post at least one initial pls

>could you post at least one initial pls

why did you crrate me to be a worthless useless loser. unless you take Jow Forums into consideration. im basically michael jordan of walking for exercise. fuck you god.

because they are a faggot with no soul.
honestly probably some redditor who watched that Helvetica documentary and thought 'yeah, that's cool, these retards say helvetica font is the bomb so it must be. I should get a tat of this shit and they average person will have no fucking clue what it means and I will appear mysterious'
in reality its gay as fuck and anyone who does know what Helvetica is will think 'wow what a lame cunt'
lol or i dunno maybe some other reason.
so you should get it tattoed across your forearm in massive letters because? btw its a gay font. wing dings, now thats a good font


i still jerk off you the pictures you sent me. you have the perfect body. your face is meh but being a gamer girl with 10k hours in dota makes up for that.


I'm back if you're still here


organalle poste

He can probably vouch more me when I say that you are irreplaceable. I know how much of a meme that saying is but you are actually one in a million. One in two hundred trillion. There is absolutely no girl that could ever hope to reach the bar you have set for me. I stake my life on that claim. All I want is to be by your side for as long as I am alive and able. I love you, A. I am sure you don't feel that way about me like that, I know. But frankly I don't give a shit. I don't know what it is about you that attracts so many psychos, yanderes, and other crazies but I guess I am one too...oh well.

what is so special about this A?

Dear k
I feel like a dumb fucking obsessive idiot loser like wtf im tired of this bullshit can i just move on it wasn't that long why am i so stuck on you i just want stop caring anymore i feel so stupid and weird for still being like this sure i didn't enjoy life before but i am better then this it just feels terrible. 5 months after you broke up with me and i haven't moved on one bit and im feeling this way over you a girl who doesn't give a shit about or think of me anymore.
Love R

She has every single quality I want in a girl. I can't stress this enough at how perfect she is to me. But she has been married for over 10 years now and had a kid and another one on the way. I know I should have moved on 9 years ago but the thought of trying to find someone else to replace her is a fucking joke so I don't bother.

I realize I barely know you but I think you're cool and i'd really like to hang out with you sometime. You down?


bump for more letters

im sorry, i've just been stressed
j ( yes )

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You're laying 10 feet from me, sleeping because of the drowning heat. I know you don't care about me in any significant way, but I find myself feeling a need to tell you how I feel. It's obvious that you don't feel the same way, but I never got to express how much you mean to me, so tomorrow I'm going to leave you a little note. Feel free to ignore it and throw it away. I half expect you to not read it at all if I'm being honest. I just have to say that I'm in love with you for my own sake. I once heard that you should tell the people who you love that you love them before they're gone forever. So that's what I'm gonna do, just say that I'm in love with you. Just tell you that you've inspired wonder with the intense beauty that radiates from your core in at least one person, a person who seldom trusts and never loves. By merely existing, you've reinstilled hope in me that there are incredible people out there waiting to meet one another. It didn't happen for me the way I wanted it to. I could make excuses if I wanted. "The timing was wrong", "she's going through a lot", etc. Deep down though, I know that I just wasn't made for you. I believe that you were made for me, but love is a two-way street, and you're simply not on board. As much as it hurts to say, I'm just not what you're looking for, no matter how badly I want to show you what you mean to me each and every day.
I'll settle for a simple admission of my feelings. Not the best outcome, but it offers the closure that I've been so desperately chasing for over a year now. I've kept myself in limbo for long enough out of fear from the truth. Time to face the music


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You worthless niggers are as good as dead for trying to posit yourselves as me

This entire place as well as the rest of the internet is a pyramid scheme revolving around me

Great, this worthless schizophrenic is here to ruin another thread. Let this be the only reply this psycho loser gets from here on out. Pretend he's not even posting.

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Hey Thump

Hope you're alright. I'm doing well at the moment actually. I'm on Adderall now and it's making me so productive in my life. I feel like a normal person again. I always miss what we had though even though it was short lived. Maybe one day we can cuddle, idk.

Love, wormy

my bloody speakers have stopped working on the right side so all my music sounds lopsided now ):<
i guess that's what i get for using 40 year old speakers (wow)


You truly are retarded

Are you the capstone the robots refused?

you truly are retarded as well

The Second Coming of Christ as the worthless shitskins refer to me as Caesar or the Joker

>my bloody speakers have stopped working on the right side so all my music sounds lopsided now ):i guess that's what i get for using 40 year old speakers (wow)
Probably not your speakers since there's not much to go wrong there. The cone surrounds can degrade and cheap speakers use electrolytic capacitors that can fail in that time. Try swapping the channels.

thank you, user. i'll try that now and report back. i knocked the right one pretty hard the other day while moving stuff around so i don't doubt i messed something up.

the issue turned out to be as simple as shitty wires. gonna strip them later and re-try, otherwise might just get some new ones.

Nice. Bulk cable is a lot cheaper than new speakers.


I'm gonna try talking to you a lot less now. I know you don't feel the same way about me that I feel about you, and I know I'm just gonna get hurt or betrayed if I keep this up. I don't think I'm gonna get over you, but the less I know, the better. I know I'm autistic and I know I'm making a huge fool of myself by getting invested in you, but I can't kill myself yet, I've still got shit I need to do.


What about A's feelings? Don't you think A will be worried about why you're not talking to them?

If anything, she'll be happy about it. I usually get the impression I'm imposing upon her and she's reluctant to talk to me.

To R

I remember when we used to play with Bakugan in kindergarten. I remember watching JonTron during recess and getting caught by the teacher or missing class. I wish we could go back to those times. But time marches on. See you in another life then.

To L

To flirt with someone for months, show them your panties and sleeping with them, to only claim afterwards that "We were just friends" is a bit of a dick move. But I still like you.

To A

Fuck you.



I'm a piece of shit, but so are you. It's cool that you're out pretending to be normal and well-adjusted now I guess. I enjoyed crashing and burning together for those few years. We probably could have made that sustainable.

- B

letter bump

After a few cups of rye I'm starting to think I was too quick to delete you after you re-added me. Shitposting is fun and all but it doesn't satiate.

Dear C___s
I hope you're doing better compared to last time.I know you're a stronger person compared to me and I know you do not feel anything for me at all but what you should know is that I will always cherish the time we've spent together.Remember when we used to send pictures of our town to each other?Remember how we wanted to move abroad to another place and live together?I miss how you would get so excited talking about your favourite band.I miss hearing you voice that you hated.We're both pieces of shit but I know we can do better.Wherever and whatever you're doing right now,I hope you can do it.Thank you so much for putting up with my shit.Thank you so much for giving me the best 2 months of my life and finally,thank you for making me feel something again.


I have never followed you. I'm sorry. Probably you are enjoying with someone else.


I'll wait for you. I've never been so uncertain about the future. But we never know where life will take us. If that was the last time, I should've fucking kissed you.


I know you won't read this but I'm glad we're talking again. You have always meant the world to me and I know you feel the same way. Hopefully this time life let's us settle a litrle easier then the last time, you never forgot I love you and I am so very thankful you still love me too.

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Real life always paled in comparison for some reason. I don't know why but you were pretty intoxicating. Just wondered if you were just dicking me around.


I don't know what it is about you, but I can't get you out of my head. Maybe it's because I still have feelings for you, or maybe not. Either way, you are in my head constantly and I wish you would get out. I wish you would go away and leave forever, never to return to my life. You won't though. You won't let me go that easily. You enjoy playing with my emotions too much. You love using me as your emotional dumpster. I know I should tell you to fuck off and get out of my life, but I don't. It would be too weird with the friend group we have now. I keep the smiles up when you're around and be overly friendly. I really want this to work between us as friends, but watching you chug random dude's cocks days after you dumped me, telling me all the while that you were still getting over me... you're a heartless lying whore who deserves only the worst in life. I wish I would get over you, because it's driving me mad. I truly, from the bottom of my heart, wish only tragedy and suffering upon you.

- D.

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Oh god I wish this was for me holy hell

thread bump because i like reading these and seeing if any could be for me

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For the collective you I will say:
Working on a field all day there's not much to do. I only have my thoughts to entertain me and an audio device. Usually use it to drown everyone else's incessant blabber. It's kinda like that one song "Blah Blah Blah". It's just talk for the sake of talk
Today was honestly a shitty day. And it's a shame I have to conclude it in a shitty note like this. Iunno. Maybe I'll have a glass of my favorite drink in a few hours and end it somewhat on a good note. Anyways, this is my consequence. Thanks for everything but I don't think I can keep you in my memories under a good light, because just like everyone who has entered my life, they just end up leaving anyways. And if I hold you under someone's statement I assume I'm just going to be kept hanging. Hence I will twist all memories shared like a knave and just try to ignore you. These letters will stop. Should I see you again I will act like nothing was ever read or nothing was ever written. Goodbye
For the particular you I will say:
I genuinely hope you never read my letters. Not these but the ones I'm able to address to you with your full name, sign with my full name, and leave a signature. But if you find them out there in the sea of the internet, I'm genuinely sorry

J'etais heureux que vous ayez dit que vous vouliez me presenter a vos parents.
Si vous etes a cote de moi, je n'ai besoin de rien d'autre.

>using vouvoyer

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Here's one for you: why the fuck do you have this saved

when I sent you to visit your grandmother I thought it went without saying not to get fucked and date another man within two weeks

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But he and I are not French.

What's up M,
I'm sorry and I miss you a lot.
Text me.

i like to make art so i collect different pieces from all sorts of genres for inspiration

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You are saying that you're a talentless and worthless shitskin that pushes white genocide propaganda and encryption to make up for your lack of talent

These shitskins are going to keep communicating through encryption till we're all dead.

who is M?
who are you?

These worthless fucks think they are entitled to my work and achievements as they conspire to steal everything from us as I am the sole person keeping the entire global economy afloat

Every spic and nigger has a plan in mind that they were going to kill white men and use my scientific work to larp that the future was with them although the scientific work I revealed was watered down. I kept all the good stuff to myself as the shitskins were trying to use the theft of my watered down work to murder us and then larp that they came up with it after we're all dead. Unfortunately the shitskins overestimated their positioning since it is solely me that is keeping everything afloat and if I die the entire world collapses and every shitskin dies from starvation regardless as they had intentions of murdering me to steal my work to use to murder others to steal claim of my future that I cultivated. When I see a hispanic or a nigger I see mice that are trying to weasel their way to stealing our lives from us as they all collude to steal our countries and achievements from us.

Those digits of yours are looking a bit satanic my lord

I am considering committing suicide just to kill all the shitskins and committing suicide is a sin

i'm as anglo as you can get, my guy. i just like cool looking art.

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you aren't white as you try positing anti-white encryption

The parasite is not deteriorating the atomic particles of the shitskins fast enough. It needs encouragement and motivation to take them to hell faster.

there isn't any point to solving climate change when the shitskins want us all dead to steal our lives from us. There isn't any point in revealing scientific data that would help facilitate the growth of the economy if whatever I can share with the world is going to get weaponized against us by worthless shitskins trying to steal our lives. I was mocked and ridiculed way worse then anyone could ever receive as I had many psyops tailor made just for me to kill myself as I kept alive just to keep the economy afloat for people that want me dead.

the simple fact that you think im capable of making something like that gives me the confidence to actually do it. im going to dedicate it to you. i hope you dont take the things i say too seriously, i just need a place to shitpost. furhermore, i hope youve stopped browsing this shithole rendering my previous desire moot (no pun intended). love you xx

the amount of physical and mental pain I endured all to survive and stay alive would kill every man if they had to endure what I did

this is a worthless afrocentric insurgent who thinks they are entitled to our land, my achievements and our futures. The X is a symbol for Wanakanda, a fictional city from a comic book as afrocentric insurgents all larp that they stole the United States through the use of encryption to recreate it into a fictional city from a comic book

I would appreciate it greatly if you killed my in my sleep tonight