Would you ever consider dating a tranny?
We're lonely and we want love, just like you.
Would you ever consider dating a tranny?
I'd play vidya with one since they seem to play a lot of it but I'd beat one up if they ever hit on me
I'm sorry user, but I'm not gay :c
I use to want nothing more, then I saw them MSM stds stats.
I'd date just about anything that looked semi-cute and didn't annoy me
I'm just like a throwaway umbrella. No one wants me.
No, a person that get his personality replaced with a fetish deserve care and attention to get healthy again.
>I'd beat one up if they ever hit on me
But dude, they will definitely fall and start hitting on you if you spend too much time playing video games with them
90% of them are pretty ugly, past the point of being redeemed by personality. sorry.
A femboy, I'd consider.
A tranny? Absolutely not.
>Would you ever consider dating a tranny
I would consider dating anyone
I'm fuckin done with that, lets hope loneliness doesn't ever kick back in (^:
I'd be friends with one but no, I wouldn't date one.
if trannies looked like that, then yes
but we all know they look like disgusting mutants so no
But she is so beautifuI
>When you can't get a Gf, so you become the gf
i definitely would consider if we got along. people are people and we all get too caught up on stupid shit considering how little time we have.
This. I'd date a pornstar level tranny but I know that 99% of trannies don't look like that so why bother
Send pics and i might consider it you whore
>Would you ever consider dating a tranny?
>We're lonely and we want love, just like you.
And I wish you the best but you have worse odds than I do.
Tfw better body than most trans porn people but face needs some work T_T
At least I have the hard part out of the way i guess, just gotta scrape together 20k for some skull work
>just gotta scrape together 20k for some skull work
Fucking hell. Don't do that. Just stop this now.
show body and i will marry you
I've spent almost a decade of my life transitioning, no way I'm going back to boy mode
R9k no selfies
you won't get banned for posting body. and even if you got a short ban, you would have the satisfaction of knowing i came while looking at it.
show me through discord/kik?
you wan't love but you need a bullet in your messed up head
record a video of you taking a shit, preferably with farting in it, post it somewhere
thanks in advance
Trans girls are cute sometimes.
So yes. I would.
Dated one, didn't go so good, really on/off shit
"If they are cute then its not gay"
-Steve Harvey
Ruka will always be #1 Wifu
I want kids, and adoption isn't an option, so no.
depends. im an open minded guy, if im attracted to someone, i would gladly date them, whether theyre male or female or female(male) or male(female).
No. We want something different, not more of us.
Only if MtF with a dick. FtMs are disgusting.
I am dating a Black Transwoman.
She is very sweet and kind and love spending my time with her.
Based and open mindedpilled
My GF, I have no regrets. Told my friends and family.
If she's passible, and still has a penis. I'd rather have a cute penis to play with while humping her up the butt than an artificial gash.
Pics n how is sex
How did they react orogigi
That's her, it's real fun. I don't mind going down on her because she is some one I like. She only likes to bottom, but will top other girls, she would have her girl friend over some times.
>uses bluepill terminology in an approving manner
>is based
Pick one.
>Would you ever consider dating a gay man if he wears a dress
No. That's gay.
They just said they didn't expect it out of me, I'm not the type of guy who would date girls like her. Mom was okay with it, dad too. They though I was pranking them, they seen me with her for 6 months and met her several times never had the suspicion.
Im dating a trans girl, a nb person, and a lesbian. They're all dating each other as well. They're all very precious but HOOH BOY do I wanna fuck the nb one, I've fantasized about them for years and I want them to be all mine.
>going to jail because someone fell for you
Does tranny mean they chopped it off?
If at first glance they looked like an average to attractive fem i wouldn't give a shit about them being trans but probably wouldn't wanna stick with them for the long run
Your kind preys on the vulnerable men of this board. Trannies are subhuman, like the gays. Everyone on here needs to understand that.
Look at those fucking tendons for fucks sake, just by watching you can see the skin is at least double the toughness of that girl
No, because I want to have kids and I respect my parents.
No, I want my partner to be at least somewhat attached to reality and not a fetish larper
Sure if she was passable but i wouldn't want to be seen in public with it or tell anyone about it
If they have a nice voice and are feminine, can pass without question then yes I would. I would do everything I normally would except I would go down on her cock instead of pussy. I'd def hold hands and kiss in public etc
Passing isn't even that big of a deal
As long as they're a sweet person and feminine
that thing is gross desu
passing is a big deal, if its not you are gay
Rude, she is cute
Non-passing trans women don't look like cis women, but they also don't look like cis men. They look like trans women. They are women. Nothing gay about that
You don't look like an anime girl, stop being deluded.
Non-passing is just cross dressing, take away the props like clothes and makeup and all you have left is gollum.
That person looks gross to me though
You don't produce egg cells so yeah
I'd love to date a tranny. It be amazing an a honor
Dating a black guy HAHA. You're the male version of a degenerate coal burning. Enjoy your HIV. No respectable person will ever marry you after stooping this low, fag.
>Non-passing is just cross dressing
It is not, at all. Even disregarding gender-identity, blocking testosterone and supplementing estrogen does a lot even without fully passing
They'd have to pass, at least in the face area, and have a nice ass/hips for me to grab on when I'm in the mood. That's not very often though, physical contact basically repulses me, even handholding and kissing. It wouldn't be much of a relationship of there was zero physical contact. Would be an awful b/f to a tranny or even an actual woman.
Sorry but if you don't atleast look like a proper woman, even an uglyish one then you are just a cross dresser and gross. Don't wanna hear anymore on the subject, I've told you how it is so shut your fucking mouth before I do it for you cunt.
I would totally date a trans girl.
She is pretty cute, would date any day.
yeah but they tend to be cute and big slags or ugly and big slags
I just want a cute I can corrupt into my little cute socket/best friend
I'm so desperate I would date a tranny.
rejected by two trannies
so yes I would but apparently Im to ugly for them, even got the lets be friends thing, they wrote about the ego boost on a fb post, thankfully didnt name me. I could just wait it out till they hit their 30s but I'm likely going to end it before then
Get the fuck off r9k and go to LGBT you fucking attention seeking faggot
It's ok to be gay, user, you don't have to cope so hard
Yes if she is hot. Never seen a tranny that managed that tho.
>Would you ever consider dating a tranny?
No womb, no love darling.
If lgbt people managed to find a way to get impregnated, I could maybe think about it.