Jow Forums Gets Fiscally Responsible

Trips chooses the design on my new card. Will post proof after someone rolls. Must follow the rules stated on the website. No offensive content and no larger than 7mb. Go!

Attached: fedsdfrsdsdfsdfsdf.png (1705x942, 256K)

No roll threads retard
Against rules

this IlI

Attached: XnlYUGJ.png (319x309, 115K)

Might as well be honest about it

Attached: shekelstein.jpg (900x900, 138K)

what images do they actually allow?
fuck off bootlicker

Attached: pokemon may puffy vulva hentai.png (1500x1465, 545K)

kek, I remember when someone did that

Attached: 1540768652130.png (624x677, 474K)

Wew holy shit, I wasn't aware of that

Acid trip killing me

Attached: 9D81FA64-3F5F-4206-B77F-0C8F0320809B.jpg (1241x1685, 241K)

>design on my new card

Attached: wmlJtBQRnSF3vzfPvRZ0MUyY0XJdZ0qqliq8uV7jpZM.png (843x441, 64K)

I don't know but I'm gettin kinda drunk, so here's a turtle you can put on your card.

Attached: 913efLFAXIL._SX425_[1].jpg (425x236, 19K)

bumping for this image
kos or as some say kosm

No lewds, no religious symbols or figures, no currency (what the fuck), No flags, No Fags, No fun allowed pretty much.

Honestly, Im going to screenshot your post and put it on the card if nothing else good turns up.

>No lewds, no religious symbols or figures, no currency (what the fuck), No flags, No Fags, No fun allowed pretty much.
why? why would it matter
freedom am i right?

Attached: 1560407381077 hentai.jpg (1223x1022, 234K)

This is the traditional Israeli credit card design. I hope you like it.

Attached: Jew Card.png (414x231, 133K)

>a jew with a big laugh

i dont have a clue, i guess so people dont think BB&T endorsess Futanari

you should totally do that

Rolling a kot.

Attached: 1560017421003-int.jpg (640x863, 154K)

Skeedeley see bop boo bop

Attached: 1522299487895.jpg (415x354, 31K)

So fuckin close hnggggggggggg

Attached: 5s66prmxax611.png (594x437, 289K)

Do this one originallyyyyy
Holy shit original already

Attached: 20190708_220959.jpg (481x246, 49K)

perfect find, roll

Attached: 1520399394302.jpg (733x512, 115K)

blessed roll best roll

Attached: 1537255718841.png (566x480, 344K)

Rolling our clover. If you can't because of IP rules then just a four leaf clover that I draw in paint.



Attached: 1562184139364.png (500x567, 270K)

may as well try for one

Attached: remove kebab.png (1000x800, 414K)

Gonna give you this one

Attached: 1552359992408.jpg (830x810, 328K)

here you go, nothing more appropriate

Attached: jewmoney-e1436220768924-420x234.jpg (420x234, 74K)


Attached: 1555126140431.jpg (567x567, 27K)

Here you go, sir

Attached: download.jpg (474x711, 44K)

i'll do it this time can't lose

Attached: snacker.jpg (300x199, 17K)

Use this nice happy hamster

Attached: 82776557.png (500x386, 247K)

Sandwich lady

Attached: Sandwich_Lady-1.png (2089x2040, 101K)

I have the perfect image

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Germany_(1935–1945).svg.png (1200x720, 20K)

Rerolling for the Israeli card.

Holy shit here it is

YES based as fuck
Praise kek


Make an NPC Card.

Attached: NPCS.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

fuck, well alright boys. I told you I'd do it. Theres a 200% chance they will deny this but ill submit it regardless. Im still watching for an alternative incase it dosent work

Find a High Res photo and its done

Would have had the trips too

Attached: 7q36yubz11m11[1].jpg (686x915, 78K)

Here's a rhino man

Attached: rhino[1].jpg (800x500, 121K)

rolling for this
if they denies the jew one

Attached: 156214301641399 soy comics.png (1645x744, 106K)

limp bizkit rollin.exe

Attached: 1403211990376.jpg (1440x988, 441K)

>Find a High Res photo and its done
Highest quality for the goy.

Attached: jew card.png (2000x1116, 1.38M)

>hard mode: OP makes one himself using paint

There's no way in hell they will print that unfortunately. I tried to have pic related printed on my visa debit and they wouldn't do it.

Attached: 1497021330148.jpg (472x645, 49K)

That's because Donald Duck is copyrighted.

muy originalo

Attached: 1560696920420.jpg (1000x1000, 142K)

BASED HOLY FUCK i wish i could print that

How about this? Will they print this?

Attached: 1475277397327.png (411x290, 253K)

If they don't accept this one
I'm rolling for pic related

Attached: 1559333136202.jpg (835x773, 98K)

post results op you faggot