What's the appeal of anime?
>the dub is shit and you have to read captions
>insufferable stereotypical anime voices
>shitty stories about the same hero's journey trope over and over again
>uninteresting nonsencial themes
>literally created to cheer japanese men up after WW2
What's the appeal of anime?
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What else is gonna keep the degenerates busy?
>Give my brain an idle workout by reading and absorbing information while boosting reafing comprehension
>The voice actor for DIO Brando
>A variety of tales, stories and genre just like any other media
>Themes like coming of age and making your own future from just your bare hands and dealing with adversity
In conclusion, I love anime tiddies
It's still after WWII. Stop being racist.
I don't mind reading, it's not really a problem.
The voices are stereotypical, but I don't find them insufferable. And the same is true of any country's filmic tradition. It's actually really funny to see how the same characters end up with the same, different respective voices in different regions. If you don't notice your own cultures set of theatrical voices that's mostly on you, not on the medium.
None of the anime I watch even has a hero's journey since I mostly watch slice of life stuff.
This is subjective and also kinda nonsensical itself (how can a theme be nonsensical after all?)
So... what?
But I honestly find "anime" a useless term anyway. I watch mostly Japanese stuff because the aesthetic calls to me, but I wouldn't recommend you "anime", I'd recommend specific shows. God knows there's crap I can't stand. It's like saying "what's the appeal of carbohydrates?". Like, yeah, carbohydrates is a defined group just lie anime. But I freaking hate bread and I love pasta, so I wouldn't say I love "carbohydrates".
You can create very complex stories and in fantasy settings for the fraction of a cost of normal AAA movies. Sometimes they have novel concepts or a good story.
In general the freedom in what CAN be told is attracts me.
>AAA movies
Can you at least try to pretend you have some sort of general culture?
Anime is calorie free comfort food. It takes your mind off your problems with cute characters and the tropes we've come to know and love.
Too bad modern anime is all hot garbage. I miss the violent 80s and 90s anime. They had a better art style too not this rotoscoped CGI shit.
Soft, pastel colours and easy to read facial expressions soothe the autist.
I prefer older anime too but still find enjoyment in some new ones too. I miss delinquent anime a lot. Love SOL stuff too tho.
Is rotoscope even a common technique in common anime? And wouldn't CGI is mocap instead?
I think the change is directly reflective of the culture change worldwide. The current brand of escapism in Japan or the US is soft unoffensive media. There simply isn't the market for hyper violence anymore. The human mind has been reverted to a simpler state where it is endless sated by moe and girls doing cute things.
>What's the appeal?
I like it. Makes me happy.
For me, my favorite thing about anime is the villains. I love over-the-top villains with insane plans.
Oh I agree it has many problems and weaknesses. Still god tier compared to the trash the west is churning out where literally everyone has to be gay and minorities are shoved down our throats. That is to say nothing of the cape shit phenomenon that shit is so bad that trash anime I hate with a passion looks like a masterpiece in comparison.
Hate to watch tv and then there's suddenly an indian man in my trachea. Makes breathing really hard
I miss that era of anime where they kept trying to one-up each other in fucked up-ness.
I had some shitty fansub of an anime back in the 90s that I can't remember the name of.
Demon freaks would invade this city and just fuck people up. Squeeze them until their heads popped off. Bite them in half sideways. Rape them rotisserie style until the demon dick came out their mouth. It wasn't Urotsokidoji but an imitator or a knock off.
Anime's appeal now is 90% the bug eyed faces. Looking at that is like looking at a kitten or baby and releases oxytocin in the brain. If the anime is pointless or uninteresting I will guarantee you the eyes will be huge and glassy with a single-line for a nose if they even bother.
Just imagine if dragon maid whatever didn't have the cutesy-poo faces every ten seconds. Imagine if the characters were drawn realistically, who the fuck would watch that garbage?
90% of anime is hot garbage and even weebs know it. Most just recycles the same dumb tropes and plot devices and uses fan service to get money from degenerates because that's the only group that will actually buy overpriced Blu-rays.
Replying to myself. It took me almost an hour of watching bad 90s anime clips but I finally fucking found it twenty years later!
I had Kakugo no Susume also called Apocalypse Zero in the US. Its fucked up but also goofier than I remember. The demons rip people apart but they look ridiculous.
I remember this exact clip youtu.be
It definitely was a poor man's Urotsukidoji, not a good example of badass 90s anime.
Urotsukidouji is based
I mean I think we can all agree there's like a handful of masterpieces in the medium, a good amount of okay to mediocre stuff, and a overwhelming amount of shit. The problem is anyone who consumes a lot of anime can't give good recommendations because the more you watch the lower your standards become. Also Newfags can't name anything good because they've been sucked by the seasonal anime goys.
I don't know about anime but I like Hentai, there's so many fetish you can have in Hentai that you normally can't in 3D
>actual rape
>drowning in cum
>ghost sex
>sex with catgirls
>monster girls
>no niggers