Do you like grills with bright coloured hair?

do you like grills with bright coloured hair?

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No, I like natural colors better.

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prefer dark hair and blue/green eyes

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This If you are going to dye your hair at least make it a normal hair color.

aposematism. Ive never met a girl with dyed hair who wasnt a slut with borderline personality disorder aka BPD.

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so what happened with Rusty

My ex died her hair blue in the latter half of our relationship and now it's a fetish for me

Yes give blue hair dye gf pls

Not usually but tessa is the exception because of her broken fembot aesthetic

stop asking about rusty, faggot

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no. Rusty made her happy

what happened

what happened with this boi?

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Yo didnt realize tessa had a following here. Been watching her since frezned days

ive known her since she was dating RWJ as meekakitty. last we talked about her she was hanging out with ole Rusty.

this is why beta orbiters are important to a woman's mental health. so you dont end up looking like this from

aposematism is to chase away predators, not mates

even her eyes got less blue.

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I miss meekakitty days :( her red hair holy shit, that was my sexual awakening

why. why meekakitty?

this is why you dont racemix.

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i've got bad news for you, buddy. tessa is prime mixer

when you racemix, you become less white over time

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i know she is. i didnt even need to look it up. i just knew by her current state, and from what i remember of her.

the stages of race mixing

pure mixing serious mixing terminal mixing

LOLLL we were right pol was right hahahaha

you must extract the seed of 10 different pure Aryan Chads to restore your whiteness

does she actually race mix or what

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>closing her eyes now so that i dont see the sins of her racemixing sins.

You think of tessa biolet and your first thought it about the DUDES shes fucked?
Youre all gay

dont be mad for the truth hath been revealed, by the R9k Oracle

and bangs DO look good on her, i stand corrected my dearie

btw im not even white its just apparent

I can't find any proof on the internet that she ever fucked a black guy.
Are you pulling this out of your ass?

ya. and racemixing doesnt only pertain to bl*ck men, it includes all of th*m.

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i see.
>thats it

>you will never see Rusty grow old and walk around the house in his tighty whities

she stopped responding to me after 2 or 3 comments on instagram. i feel sad

what did you say to her on instagram. it wasn't too autistic was it

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yo! HOLD ON, who's that?

Depends what their face looks like.

it's baby tessa

he looks like a young version of the guy who owns the trailor park in Trailor Park Boys

Baby Tessa? cus D A M ! She looks like -tHAt-?

>has nice feet
>self made
>has pretty hair
pretty based ngl

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i wanna spank her for being so bad. and these would be hard, loud spanks that would leave red welts over her petite, pale wh*te girl bum.

just like the spanks her daddy used to give her before he died of alcohol poisoning. he did it cus he cared.

Shut up weirdo. Tessa isnt for your sick fantasies

shes lucky to have anybody fantasizing her, bub. i dont -have- to fantasize about Tessa i could literally have any other e girl.

Yea. I used to jerk off to Hayley Williams.

She looks kike sge watches anime and listens to kpoo

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They brighten up my day with their gorgeous hair

Yes excellent pick

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Attention whoring is a degenerative disease.

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the taste of a true patrician

Absolutely. I treat red flags and warning signs as check points in a grand prix.

Yes, she cute I like

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I like that they signal to stay the fuck away.
It's easier to spot crazy and avoid interacting with it.

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didnt know they were making a fanboy and gothgirl movie

Modern appsematism

tell me more about her nice feet

HAHA, so fucking true, and if it deters psychotic sexist assholes then it works. xD

As long as they're not faggots or claim to be even though she's fucking jamal
Then yeah.

I saw one on the bus today, she was very pretty and I couldn't stop staring.
Luckily I look like I'm 10 years younger than I am, so she probably didn't take offense.