What is it like being someone's first boy/girlfriend?
What is it like being someone's first boy/girlfriend?
I'd be surprised if someone here knew
Me too but I'm just wondering if that would make someone a burden. Like at what age is that an important factor thus making you die alone?
I wouldn't know brosephenie
There's something very anxiety inducing about it. Knowing that firsts are rarely ever lasts is the biggest one.
I'd love to have been someone's first and only, but I'm too much of a fuckup and drove them away.
lots of anons have exp teen love myself included
So at what age is it over?
past 17
Very funny retard thanks for the bump
why do you think I am kidding
Global Rule #2
You are kidding, r-right?
I was 17 ten years ago
I was the first relationship for 2 people. Once when I was 14 and he was also 14, and then once when I was 22 and they were 16.
So are you kidding or not?
kidding about what? if you haven't "made it" by 17 it is never going to happen
Are you gay? What was it like and at what age is it over for me
Based off of what? I'm not a virgin so that's not what I'm referring to. I'm asking, IF having never been in a relationship is a turnoff, at what age is the turnoff immediate for all women?
honestly you are asking it in such a weird fucking way I still have no idea what you are asking. unless she is a weird awkward person herself who lacks exp, I can't imagine nor have I ever met any woman who is turned off by a man's exp. you have that backwards
Okay. I don't know how relationships work but I'd imagine that you get "better at them" after each one, correct? So if at a certain age women look for men they can marry and have kids and a serious long term relationships rather than just date around like they do when they're young, what is that certain age? There's no fucking way it's 18.
>I don't know how relationships work but I'd imagine that you get "better at them" after each one, correct?
not necessarily the case. every relationship is unique, it isn't like a formula that can be replicated every time. For the three women I have had sex with only one of those was a healthy relationship, or a definable relationship at all really. we won't count the dude because lolgay
>There's no fucking way it's 18.
okay you were asking "how long do I have" but you were talking about the girl's maturity in this context. most women want to be married by 30 or early 30s at the latest, they want to have kids shortly thereafter. if they already have kids in their 20s this formula is off and they will want you and your resources and they will trick you into supporting them
not gay, female(female)
There's no real age in which it'd be over for you, user.
I'd never really be turned away by experience nor inexperience. It's not really a factor for me. I'm sure I'm not unique in that aspect.
If you haven't had sex by 18 it's not gonna happen
If you haven't had sex by the time you were a fetus it's not gonna happen
Well thanks for answering I guess. I don't know why I'm even worried about it if I probably won't end up with one anyways. Wondering about it makes me hopeful I guess
>makes me hopeful I guess
i know how it feels, and it feels good, never give up user