Anybody wanna redpill me on joining the military?

Anybody wanna redpill me on joining the military?

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its for fags, bootlickers, and welfare queens

Pic related is true, the only thing that let's you really push through the hard times is the comrades ship and bonding with your squad mates over time

I don't know why you would say this overly contrary statement

Pic related is only bad if you join infantry. Join intelligence or aviation and you'll get the good, with a lot less of the bad.

I wish that pic were true. But I sure as fuck haven't found any sort of "brotherhood" Hell I hate half of these fucks and at the end of the day I take off the uniform and return to yet another empty room. Nothing has changed other then I work more and am miserable somewhere else. The only reason I'd give my life for these faggots is so I'd end up dead.

i cant join im a coward and not normal

I can relate. Probably has to do with serving in a country with mandatory military service though, since a lot of people feel forced to be there and act like huge cunts as a result. OP, join the military when it is involved in some sort of conflict. The "brotherhood" in your OP pic doesn't happen from gay peacetime exercises.

>be me
>want to join military after hs
>get a massive scholarship
>cant say no to money
>now im all alone in college

when will it end

You're going to become a slave for a dollar more than minimum wage

Left civilian life behind three and a half years ago and joined the french foreign legion
New life, no regrets

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Girls absolutely love dudes in the military. I don't think I have to say much more. You'll be able to fuck every chick just show up in your uniform

If you're a patriot, lost in life, undecisive, undisciplined and want to fix yourself and sort yourself out I'd say sure. If you care about being rich, having a chill life, getting to date girls without them cheating on you then lmfao at u.
>Don't waste money in millitary - save it up for after millitary and go to college when you're fit and disciplined.
>Don't date girls and care about them, chances are either you or them will cheat, emotions are for pussies.
>Expect to meet a lot of assholes in the Millitary.
t. dad was a high ranking officer, am gonna join millitary in half a year, these are some tips i found.

Whats the Legion like? Hows combat in Africa? (If you see any). Currently looking at JTAC/TACP

Also post beret with timestamp faggot

You'll be surrounded by retards many of whom will outrank you so you can't just tell them to fuck off.

>asking big brother for permission
If you need internet autists convince you to join, you're probably too much of a pussy to join anyways

The legion is a good way to start over your life for a bit. It's hard the first few years but once you get used to the system it's not that bad.
Combat in africa is very rare, we do capture terrorists but they almost never risk a firefight with conventional troops. the only real combat we had was when a IED vehicule blew itself up and destroyed two of our armoured vehicules.
No beret timestamp because I'm on vacation and I couldn't care less if you believe me or not.

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It's for losers and retards.
You really think a robot cares about any of that shit?
When I served there was no "brotherhood". Everyone formed their own cliques and we all hated each other.
I remember fantasizing about shooting one of the retards I deployed with and blaming it on the Taliban but I knew there would be no one I could get away with it so I stole some of his shit from his footlocker.

Oh, I know but the moments before every fight and the moments you spend with the people you actual enjoy and have half a brain are worth every single moment spend alongside some drooling retard that thinks "lol not feeling like doing PT today"

Speaking as a former Marine POG, shit sucks.
>13 weeks of bullshit at MCRD
>4 weeks bullshit at MCT
>8 months bullshit at MOS school
>finally get to duty station
>constant bullshit and fuckery
>every Friday interrogated about weekend plans because Lance Corporal Fuckwad got another DUI last week
>Have to lick the boots of the jackass who picked up corporal a month ago
>Clean everything 30 times a week just to be told it's still dirty
>Sergeant Fuckface constantly comes in to the barracks to tell at you because the blanket on your bed isn't perfectly smooth
>chow hall food is trash
>Was making more money for less hours at my warehouse job before enlisting
>treated like a child constantly
>3 hour safety briefs and SAPR briefs every goddamn week
>Never once felt that "brotherhood"
>only girls you'll pick up are disease riddled barracks rats and dependas in training
Don't enlist unless you have no other choice. It's not worth it.

>Anybody wanna redpill me on joining the military?
You need to man up and defend the interests of our greatest (((allies))).

Why apply for Exxon Mobile's combat division when you could make more money in the company as an engineer or something?

If you want to be miserable and hungry, go camping. It's actually more useful to society since you (hopefully) aren't killing innocent women and children while doing it.

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I don't have enough family connections to become an engineer

Then why not do something more noble than being a t*oop like pizza delivery or auto repair?

God no
I never knew how catty a group of "men" could be till I got drafted

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because that sounds boring
who cares about being noble i just want to kill niggers (sandniggers included)

Can anyone here redpill me on becoming an officer? I'm going before an Army board in about a month.

Don't enlist in any branch except the Air Force, MAYBE the Army. Never enlist in the Marines or Navy. If you wanna be an officer, your best bet is probably Army since Marine and Navy OCS have like a 50% pass rate and nobody gives a shit about Air Force officers except pilots and maybe intel guys.

It's a potentially solid gig, depending on your MOS.

Found the recruiter.


the cool intel triggerpuller jobs are only available to SF


how does this work if i wanna do IT?
is it straight to A school or whatever after boot camp?

If you come from a shitty home environment and a bit behind your peers, but are a hard worker and relatively normal it's a life-saving opportunity. Of course, you also might get killed or maimed and most certainly will be hardened and disillusioned, but that's also why you consider it in the first place.

YMMV depending on branch but they all have some ups and downs:
Marines and Army are (seen as) more macho, see more combat and typically do more physical labor depending on their rates/MOS.

Navy and Air Force are more or less trade schools with job training for the majority of their jobs, you will work and deploy but they'll feel like government funded booze cruises at times. You will not be able to relate to anyone "deployed" to combat zones by comparison.

All branches will give you a sense of camaraderie if you're not totally inept at socializing. You will be forced to socialize, or at the very least, adapt. Socializing can't hurt your odds at advancement however and is recommended to not go crazy. You will probably make the best friends you will ever have and share kinship with other vets later.

You will probably enjoy the job you pick(I hope) but you will probably hate the bullshit(paperwork, politics and pecking orders, outdated customs and practices, general douchebaggery/powertrippers).

That said, there is a lot of potential in the armed forces to do well, squandered mostly by the fact you're there with just as many others and people unsure what to do with their life or where to go. It's one of the few CAREERS with benefits you can potentially have with little more than a high school degree, regardless of whether you life up or not you will get bennies unless you fuck up or die.

My only regret is possibly not having gone infantry while a single man. Otherwise the only regret with the military for me was not having done it sooner. Prison rules almost always apply but respect is the cornerstone of the organization too. It's like the world's largest organized socialized, gang and fraternity all at the same time. It is an experience that is ENTIRELY what you make of it and for some people it is their replacement to the "college" experience. You will also be reminded that you are the governments bitch on the daily, be ready for that.

sounds like my unit
also this

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Marine and Army officers have an MOS.

Wanna go kill random brown people in random shithole countries for bullshit random reasons? Then the military is for you.

die cuck

If you actually plan on signing up, I hope you find an actual reason for joining other than to just "kill niggers" during peacetime.
People like you always end up washing out in basic anyway.

>getting cucked by your wife/gf back home
>dying or getting maimed protecting Jewish interests
>living for long stretches at a time in some desert shithole

Do something else, OP.

Don't nationalism is a blight on this world that kills more than any race, dictator or disease.

Private military contractors now that's were its at 150k a year, free food and accommodation, morally clean and you can kill without accountability.

Have fun on vacation user.
Wanting to restart my life, thanks for sharing.

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they have branches, not MOS

Are you fucking retarded?
obviously not original

Yeah: you literally just die or get PTSD just so (((they))) can profit off of another war

Why would anyone join an organization to be surrounded by slavs and third worlders. To fight a bunch of niggers in the shittiest places on earth for a country that couldn't give a shit if you die.

You give away all of your rights to be tortured and treated like a total bitch and only assholes are ex-military.

no, but you might be

The military is great for people with double digit IQs with zero sense of morality. You get to die for Israel and Saudi Arabia, or if you're lucky, for American geopolitical dominance.

And the desire to serve Isreael and Israel's interests!

Just for shits and giggles
The experience I guess

Thanks bro
appreciate the support

Why never enlist in the Navy, that's the one branch of the military I'm interested in

Also I have a university degree. How is being an officer different to being a regular soldier apart from telling them what to do?

Marine Corps sure as hell doesn't have "branches", not certain how armyfags works but I'm pretty sure they're assigned an MOS within a branch or whatever (i.e. 11A is infantry officer).

More pay, more prestige, better career opportunities, won't get shit on daily, etc. You just have more responsibilities. If you do Navy then try the officer route since Navy officers are treated like princes.

This, brotherhood isn't found in garrison or shitty fucking wars that don't even remotely benefit our country. The military is all fucking propaganda and if you go into it believing the spiel you're going to be harshly disillusioned. That said, it is a great opportunity to jump start your life, lots of benefits, free shit, and valuable skills on tap.

You'll make some really good friends and go through some really shitty times. Honestly even when it's shit, it's a funny store to remember/tell. You don't need to have a combat job, so ignore these actual fags talking about "jew interests." Cringe @ Have fun user!

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