Wagecucking General

You know the drill

Get in here and share those wagefeels. GOOD FEELS are welcome in this thread.

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No fellow wage faggots around ?

Maybe they're at work?
I wageid a bit, my God was it mind-numbing. Like, it just packing things so there was literally no variety, just cut and pack ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.

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I'm a part timer so it's like being half-cucked.

Just finished setting up my place. How I get to chill and drink coffee until someone comes alone. Feeling horny would like to be at home in my chair. It's dead out so far today. Hoping I won't have to pack a lot of potatoes

I'm just doing it so my parents don't force me out of the house. One day I'll just suck dick for some free housing on /aan/, they say it's easy for a woman to get a house on there.

last week i got a 4 days sick note. imagine not having to go to work to tolerate normalfag co-workers and jew boss while receiving money at home.
unfortunately it ended and now i'm burning in hell again. i'm really considering throwing myself out of a tall place to break a bone or having an od just to get more sick day notes.

I think I'm known at my workplace as "that guy that everyone hates"
at least I can pretend I don't care by drinking myself in to a stupor.

Ok cool mate

Just make sure you stay comfy my friend

Everyone is at work I guess. I am going to find a part time job. Working Monday to Friday is hell. If I can find a 3 day a week part time job, that will be good enough

Shitposting at work is encouraged

here is some motivation for you wagecucks.
>be me
>get first job
>hate it
>go to doctor and request autism diagnosis
>talk to doctors and psychologists for 6 months
>receive autism diagnosis
>nanny state forces me into work program for autists
>fail gloriously
>work program woman, doctors and psychologist all agree I should be on autismbux
>apply for 100% permanent disability for autism
>waiting on results
I'm so fucking excited I can hardly sit still.

>Good career
>Good money
>Good coworkers
>Good hours
Just be lucky

You sound unironically autistic, so I doubt most of us would be able to pull that off.

The only time that I felt good at my wagecuck job was when I quit working there. Never again will I go back to a 9-5 40 hours a week job.

How do you support yourself now?
Moved back in with mom and dad or living off the dole?

>be me wagie
>actually don't mind my job
>drink with coworkers on the clock
>drink with manager on the clock
>generally take our time to do shit
>smoke breaks basically every hour
>leave feeling refreshed and ready to play vidya when I get home

I work seasonally and piece together various jobs throughout the year. I have tons of free time, make about as much as I did wagecucking, and don't have to put in the 9-5 grind like I used to. I work from home most of the year.

everyone complaining about working 40/5, fuck you, i wish i worked 40/5, mine is 48/6 fucking disgraceful job.

Whose fault is that, you queer?

Dumbfuck normie Bartender fuck off.

Brewery. But I work in the back

>be me
>go to mc donalds
>order a filet of fish
>eat it
>go to the bathroom
>take a shit in the middle of the bathroom
>dont even wipe

enjoy that little surprise wagies

Tell us more about your job user

Why the fish o fillet though

There sure are a lot of angry people here

I would be too if I worked for fuck all money and no benefits

I get 21 days paid leave, sick leave, pension, flexible working hours (I can also take off extra days if I do unpaid overtime), health insurance, and lots of random other shit. Get paid 44k euro too.
There's a swimming pool and sports facilitys in in the office to use free of charge.

Yeah so working sucks in general but it's not too bad in my case

I used to rob people like you all the time before I started working

stock clerk.
nothing to say about it, 48/6, minimum wage, annoying boss, dipshit co-workers and sometimes i have to pretend that i'm working.


Fucking hell. That's grim. Why they make you work so much

(not days off, i mean working kill me pls)

High school English teacher here. On my fourth week of summer vacation right now. God it feels good to just get paid to do nothing but play old playstation games from the comfort of my bed.

Is there a job if you just can't connect to normies, the only guy I liked working with was this immigrant because he made anti-semitic jokes all the time.

9 here because guy that covers my days off is getting surgery. Plus side is I'll get 5 off after assuming everything works out. I expect to be at my wits end by day 6 tho since I have to deal with the normie public AND pretend to be nice to them.

>I used to rob people like you all the time before I started working
Sure you did fatty. Sure you did.

On annual leave for 2 weeks with a girl i dont even like.
im a dicklet, so having sex with her is not an option either

>Why they make you work so much
honestly? no idea. this could easily be an 20h week job.
i mostly spend my time pretending that i'm working, watching anime on my phone or doing stupid favors for my disgraceful co-workers.
it could be an enjoyable job though. if i refuse to do any favors they tell my boss/manager, fuck this job. how much i want to kill everyone in that place.

Just sitting around pretending to work at my underpaid programming job

Man i wish i was a NEET

>got a call back for a job that I applied to last night
>they want to do a phone interview
>say that right now isn't a great time but this afternoon is
>the job seems to be pretty good based on listings and everything but I need to calm the fuck down which is why I said i'll do the phone interview later

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Every day I wake up at 5:30 very seriously considering either suicide or going on a train as far as away as possible and becoming a bum, yet at the end of every second or so workday I leave with a feeling of "huh, this was alright, I guess..."
I don't really understand my feelings towards my job at all

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Sometimes I almost like working in a store.
It's terrible 95% of the time. My manager doesn't give a shit which means nobody else gives a shit, which means I'm trying to get the store up to my standards by myself. And that feels bad.
But sometimes, when upper management nerds are coming to visit, the manager will actually do the work he was supposed to be doing all along, and everyone starts working together, and your efforts actually make a difference. I feel satisfied when I can think, "I would shop here". Unfortunately, once the store visit is over, my manager stops working again, and I get the next day off, and on my next shift, it's all back to being shit. 95% of the time I feel embarrassed to work there.

I'd work somewhere else but even with years of retail experience, no entry level shit stores will hire me. Not even Mcdonalds will hire me.

After not smoking weed for six weeks I've finally been able to apply to a bunch of higher paying jobs. I've got three interviews lined up later this week with jobs offering me 21-23 dollars an hour! My job pays me 16 an hour and everyone treats me like shit except for the actual head owner of the company himself. I haven't officially given him my two weeks notice yet, or told any of the higher ups I'm leaving, but he pulled me aside today and gave me a raise from 16 an hour to 17 an hour. Too little too late. I can't wait to tell the bullies in my department that I don't like any of them and now I'm going to be making as much as them, except I don't have a wife or kids to blow all my money on stupid shit.

I hope they are salty as fuck because I'm gonna leave them high and dry with nobody to handle the work I do. If they give me any shit at all after my two weeks notice I will tell them that I don't actually have to work the two weeks and I'll happily go home in the middle of the god damn shift, never come back, and take a little vacation before I start my newer, significantly higher paying job. I hate them so much.

I think we can all agree that food and service jobs are soul grabbing amd an mocking to our existence. Treat the employees nice, anons

Especially service jobs are so well-paid though, at least in my country. So many jobs that seem enjoyable are awfully paid, have shit working conditions or are both.
I used to want to become a nurse (still do desu), because I love taking care of people and it seems like a genuinely fulfilling and non-alienating line of work, but the health sector in my country is so fucked that nurses here have extremely shit working conditions and shit pay, and are getting outsourced more and more to even worse paid workers from Eastern Europe.
So instead of doing that I became a stereotypical wagie...