Are there any dentists here? If so can you tell me if my tooth is fixable with a simple filling...

Are there any dentists here? If so can you tell me if my tooth is fixable with a simple filling? Or is there too much damage?

I already have an appointment at the dentist in about 7 hours. But I'd like to get your opinion beforehand.

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Nigga I'm no dentist but it looks like all's that's left is the root, unless you're getting false teeth that shit ain't fixable.

Not a dentist but I had a similar problem. Just get it pulled.

No, a simple filling can't fix that. The damage is too much. I'm no dentist but it seems to me that at best it'll need a root canal and a crown. If your dentist decides it's too bad it might even need an extraction. Sorry. But keep in mind that modern dentistry is great and any of these things are completely painless and quick. I got my first root canal done last month and it was so quick and painless I felt like a retard for worrying so much. The only thing that'll hurt is your wallet, though.

The tooth doesn't look rotten so maybe they can fill it. I would put money on it being pulled though. Let me know how much a fake tooth costs

The fuck how did it even happen. Drank pure acid? Broke it?

this is what i was going to say. i had a very similar case and got it fixed a few months ago. very expensive and mine actually hurt like shit. normally i dont experience any pain at the dentist and even previous root canals were pain free but this latest one was so bad and so deep the dentist had to keep reapplying numbing shots. like 10 times or more and i ran into spikes of pain throughout as he went deeper and deeper. i cant stand the dentist now

Dental student, so dont take my word as gospel. I would say that it could be done with a filling but that it would be the least ideal way to fix it, basically only do it if you cant afford better.
Just looks like dentine exposure.

I'm not worrying about the pain or anything. But I was hoping that it could maybe be fixed by a filling.
I had a cavity that I ignored for too long and yesterday big chunks broke off.

Dude how much does that hurt?

Not a dentist, but a similar thing happened to me, I just got it pulled

It doesn't hurt at all surprisingly. So I'm guessing the damage isn't very deep.

Not necessarily. It could also mean that the root of your tooth is dead. But either way we have no way to know. Just go to your dentist.

>tfw almost 30 and have four teeth out (all molars)
>teeth in constant pain and sensitive

Brush it aggressively with fluoride-containing toothpaste (several times a day).
It will slow the progression until you can get it fixed.

One of my molars is in a similar state, ive been putting off getting it fixed for years.

One of my wisdom teeth ended up like that, it was pretty fucking nuts when I saw it on camera for the first time. The tooth had felt 'jagged' for a few years but I didn't realise it was because a giant chunk of it was missing, it didn't even hurt. I'd always thought a rotten tooth would hurt.

Get the fucker pulled. There isn't enough left to save it, and even if they tried to save it, it'll just cause problems with care for the rest of its existence.

I can actually remember when the tooth broke up. I was on acid at the time and felt the piece in my mouth, I tried to spit it out but couldn't find it. The rest of the trip was a nightmare spent panicking that all my teeth were going to fall out. I even went and asked my dad to look in my mouth and tell me if he could see any broken teeth, I've never had such a horrible trip. It was only several years later when the dentist stuck a camera in my mouth and showed me my wisdom teeth that I realised I wasn't hallucinating it. That in itself was an utter headfuck. Teeth falling out randomly is nightmare fuel.

How can you fill something that isn't completely there like imagine pouring water into a glass that's missing half of its body.

Wh-what happened to your tooth? OwO

I cannot see if the pulp is compromised from the image, but if is then you're looking at a root canal. Unless, of course, the infection is too severe, in which case extraction is certain. If, however, the pulp isn't compromised then consider yourself lucky, because you can have it restored and shaped with composite resin.

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jesus, i've been lazy only brushing once a day for the past year. time to step my game up. thanks horrifying pic poster.

Start flossing too. Believe me you'll want to do it all the time after you see how much nasty shit is stuck between your teeth

I've had one of my teeth like that for a while now. Like a year, haven't gone to the dentist because I'm frugal as fuck.

>Jow Forums
>"is there a dentist"

Are you fucking retarded