
Wakey wakey NEETS. How do you fellow robots plan on spending this fine tuesday? How about a few jokes to get things going...

So a wagecuck and a NEET walk into a bar and the NEET says to the wagecuck "i'd like a vodka and a coke".

>why couldn't the wagecuck's wife give him an erection?

because only shekelstein can give him a raise

no normalfaggots

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>Wakey wakey NEETS
10:43am and about to go to bed.

I never had a job but studying is shit and work seems like that as well the only good way is the NEET way so good to play HOI4 and watch youtube all day literally fuck wagies
I have to tell you tho that i know a wagie who got extremly lucky working in the parking buisness getting a good wage and stealing from Shekelberg a big part of the money so there are good opportunites but very rare

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I just ate something tasty, lie in bed watching ASMR .
Lifes good .
I have a joke too .

Why did the wagie cross the road ?
So he can make mr. Shekelstein rich .

I love being comfy .

All of today's obligations are accomplished. I have no more but to take another nap.
I never missed this life, frankly.

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>a NEET thread only getting 5 replies

Jow Forums really is dead, remember when hundreds of ragie wagies would storm these threads?

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Fucking this. Couldn't agree more. I made some wagecuck breads recent that have got good hits but it depends on the timing.

I also remember more random funny threads. Basically anything non sexual or about anime. Even random shit like being autismo at the drive through nor tipping the delivery guy

"I can't get seething reactions"
Come on, we're all human here. Don't be like that, you guys are better. Just stay a comfy NEET and enjoy it without trying to piss people off.

Play comfy half life single player mods for a comfy feel. Life's end is a good choice becasue it's really weird but comfy

Had to get something at a mall today
Worst experience ever
I fucking hate people

You have reason to. Normalfags will insist that "no one cares" but social perceptions rule their lives, as does the hierarchy. Their social perception also allows them to identify NEETs and shut-ins with a single look.

You must be new lad, NEET threads were pure comedy a few years ago.

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Do you neet lads still go subway every day or is there a new place now?

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>tfw have more disposable income than most wagies despite never having a job

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Comfy in bed, haven't been studying when I should, had chicken and bacon & eggs on toast for dinner. Nan says I can't drink anymore but I'll just sneak it in the house, going to pop 200mg of seroquel and read manga or watch a movie before sleep. Reading the woes of wagecucks in their own thread just giggling to myself, should it be illegal to live life on easy mode?

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Swingin in my hammock with my dogs, guitar, and a nice cup of coffee

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>So a wagecuck and a NEET walk into a bar and the NEET says to the wagecuck "i'd like a vodka and a coke"
Then the wagecuck says that they don't accept EBT, and escorts the NEET out.

Have you played kaiserreich or old world blues? Would recommend both of those if you are getting bored with the base game senpai.

>tfw I spent the last 3 years trying to make waging work
>tfw finally embracing NEETdom
Feels good bros. Everything is finally as it should be.

No but i sometimes play Hunflavor or Millenium Down or with the great war mod and i download in the name of the tsar now