Why is addiction so shitty...

Why is addiction so shitty? I'd been sober for about 4 months but then I started drinking a bit again and now I'm drinking enough to be impulsive which means doing drugs. I have my life together mostly, why is addiction so challenging?
What are robots addicted to?

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Life sucks, substance abuse makes it tolerable.

>getting drunk with beer
are you -tarded?

just socially drink once a week tardo

That's what I've always told myself but is it worth it? I still feel shitty just high too.

I drink every single day and have for a long time now but I wouldn't consider myself addicted. I'm special. I have special genes. I don't get hungover. I don't get a physical need to drink :))

Addiction is great it's quitting that sucks

you're supposed to elevate your concsiousness through spiritual means. and also rise to male social dominance heirarchies so that you can lead others. you do that miserable shit day in and day out and then you reward yourself with pleasurable substances once you achieve goals. pleasure for pleasures sake is destructive.

Benzos, Opiates.
You can be way worse off OP.

based and addiction pilled

I talked to my close friend/dealer tonight about how I'd still try heroin if someone offered and he made a good point about snorting it rather than shooting it. But I still know the risk of addiction is there. I just don't think I'd be very into it. I really like uppers. And I've tried benzos but they just make me sleep and feel really groggy.

Am I dumb? I feel like trying new drugs is something I should stop now that I'm not in my 20s and having careless fun

Heroin is heaven benzos on the other hand are only good for anxiety otherwise there's no "high"
The "high" I experienced on Benzos is being anxiety free and that's what hooked me.
Heroin tho anyone would love it.

And if you shoot it there's no going back so stick to sniffing and do it on an empty stomach so you don't vomit. But puking is not unpleasant on Heroin it just happens. There's no feeling like alcohol where you know you drank to much and start feeling sick and eventually vomit, you just start gagging 2-3 times and then it shoots out of you like a laser weapon lol.
But I did as first on empty stomach and just gagged and the high is so nice.
I fucking love it.

I wish. I picked up 5 beers after work Monday. It's now 7am Tuesday and I haven't slept or stopped. Social controlled drinking isn't possible. It's just excessive drinking that leads to no inhibitions.

That happens to everyone? Sounds like it would happen to me so thanks for the heads up.

Stick to sniffing if you wanna trie it just don't get hooked because if you're hooked, you're gonna shoot up because you'll realise that sniffing doesn't give you a great high anymore and by IV it's instant onset and you take bioa yadayada is 100%

This comment is original

I'll never understand how people get addicted to beer. Liquor I can understand because the high ABV gets you feeling the effects pretty quickly. Beer however is generally pretty weak. You can get full on beer and barely have a buzz, plus you'll be pissing constantly. I have family members that will sit there and drink 12 or more beers almost every day.

I only every gagged once from opiates and it was from these extended release morphine tablets.
I wasn't sick when I tried heroin, sniffed it though but did it for a few weeks daily. Oxy and heroin I feel give a very energetic high. Takes ages before you just get tired and nod.

Beer is a great, I'm going to have a drink but not drink liquor so I don't lose control drink.. it also tastes good but it is full of calories. It does get me drunk, not fast or efficiently.

I know.
It's for everyone different when I did it the first time my friend also wanted to try and he vommited like twenty times I dunno. But he was taking way to much he thought this is like railing lines of speed and after his third time puking he went to fucking mcdonalds and drank a fucking milkshake and ate those disgusting chickenburgers.
It was pretty funny he puked on the mcdonalds floor and told the cleaner we want a refund because their food is clearly shit kek

I was scared that I would puke the first time but I was just taking little matchhead size lines, figured I should play it safe and then i would just have a little more every 4 hours or so, I didn't need much to get fucked up. I think I bought 3 grams and did it over a few weeks daily.
Then again I'd probably chunder if I had a belly full of maccas lol

Replace booze with pot, and if you say you don't like it fuck off and keep smoking it till you do, you will eventually. It will work.

I've been sober for a year now, telling myself I can't have even a drop of alcohol is much better
I've been trying to cut down and moderate in the past but it's a waste of time, after a while your standards for what is too much alcohol become more and more liberal and before you know it you're back to square one
I'm drinking coffee to fill the void, it's not the same but at least it won't kill me

My addiction is weed. If I go a day without it I have zero appetite and can't sleep for days. A few times I managed to quit for a few weeks, but I just found my life kinda empty and dull without it.

I think theres some people that just need vices. I do use it responsibly though, only about .25-.50 grams spread out throughout my day.

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Weed is not for everyone.
I got panic attacks after smoking 2weeks straight ended up in hospital. Benzos are more my thing

damn I forgot this was a normalfag board now

>five beers in a night
Damn dude youre really off your rocker

Im the same way. Bionic liver or something. I like to think i was granted this power as consolation for my life being shit in many other ways.

I guess its different for everyone but i don't think getting high every day is responsible use.

When you're starting it seems like a lot but tolerance is a bitch

No dude i was making fun of you. Five beers is weak shit. I'll have five beers with the boys after work before i even go home.