>It's an "attractive person complains about their life" episode
How can you live life on easy mode and still complain about it? It's like a millionaire telling everyone how rough their life is.
>It's an "attractive person complains about their life" episode
How can you live life on easy mode and still complain about it? It's like a millionaire telling everyone how rough their life is.
They need something to talk about. It's often boring at the top. That, or they enjoy making lesser people feel worse. Just ignore them and they won't go away but at least you won't have listened.
Sad thing is normies care about attractive people "problems" far more than guys like me. I learned to shut up but still
>far more than guys like me.
LMAO man i love chan holy shit my sides
If you live in the first world, YOUR life is on easy mode
Exhibit A
And if you live in the first world and are attractive your life is on tutorial literally can't die mode.
I'm probably an 8 if I'm well groomed. Have had sex with hot girls before.
My life is depressing and lonely as hell. I have broke down crying every day the past month.
complaining about your life is unattractive, ergo there is some kind of a paradox with what you say.
The real most attractive thing is self-confidence and compassion, something we are all capable of. Your jealousy arising from what you perceive as an attractive person "stealing your pity" away from you is unhelpful on multiple levels. Perhaps reassess how you approach people, yourself, and ultimately reality.
Notice the "" (quotation marks) in op's post. They aren't "complaining" nor do they have "problems." It's humle-bragging about whatever can get them the most attention and positive social feedback.
>dude just become confident dude like wtf lmao
>dude just become confident dude like wtf lmao
you have to have the intent to climb that mountain before you take the first step.
>just reach the summit dude like what are doing down there hahah manifest here haha
>The real most attractive thing is self-confidence and compassion
If only it wasn't well researched that attractive people are treated better in literally every aspect of their lives (which in turn fills them with confidence and allows them to have a much better view of humanity since they only experience the good parts of social interaction)
Oh wait, it is
I think he's saying, "confident people are attractive" which might mean "confidence is attractive" but as you've pointed out, attractiveness leads to confidence thus meaning "attractive people are confident because they are attractive" or, as he'd have us believe, "confident people are attractive because they are confident"
>just reach the summit dude like what are doing down there hahah manifest here haha
can't tell if you're trolling. obviously i'm suggesting to take baby steps in going easy on yourself, learning to love and accept yourself piece by piece, and forgive yourself even if you fall short of your own goals sometimes. It's a mindset or attitude in climbing that mountain that is important, not just "manifesting" at the top instantly.
people will hardship can develop truly wise approaches to life, and see more of the spectrum of human suffering and existence than anybody lucky enough to be born advantaged. And I say "lucky" enough because it is nice for them to have some happiness. If you want others to suffer, you will be eaten alive by bitterness and suffering yourself. Pivot around your perceived disadvantages, use them to benefit you and others instead of wallowing in unhappiness.
Let's leave it at a much easier attractive people are attractive
Or if you want, traits much more prevalent on attractive people are attractive by association
I don't want other people to suffer though. I just wish everyone could experience living and having everyone care about you, being taken with empathy and compassion with you fail and considered a good person by default due to looks.
Yes, attractive people *are* attractive. We are figuring out if confident comes before or after attractiveness
>baby steps
>no one ever explains them
This is akin to a kid trying to learn to drive a stick-shift without any guidance. Fuck you people. I'd rather be alone at this point anyhow, unwanted for 22 years.
>I don't want other people to suffer though. I just wish everyone could experience living and having everyone care about you, being taken with empathy and compassion with you fail and considered a good person by default due to looks.
believe me when I say it starts with yourself. You are feeling sorry for yourself, meaning you are not leaning into the pain and letting it transform and change you, grieving successfully for your perceived disadvantages, rather you are wallowing in self-pity and the bitter desire for the world to change instead of you. A losing game my friend.
>This is akin to a kid trying to learn to drive a stick-shift without any guidance. Fuck you people. I'd rather be alone at this point anyhow, unwanted for 22 years.
I'm almost 29 and wish I'd realised this stuff much earlier. Forgiving myself for the time lost is part of my recovery at this point. I urge you to take proactive steps in trying to step outside of your everyday mindset and understand it, reason with it, turn it around. A good therapist, microdosing psychedelics in tandem with buddhist meditation, whatever works for you.
Ah, so you can't help me. Typical. "It's all in your head dude, haha, just let it go man whoa"
It'd be funny if I hadn't seen it more times than I can remember, although it is funny in a different way
Therapy is very useful for getting a grip on your mindset in a linear, verbal fashion.
Exercise and eating well, as well as regular sleep patterns are important for stability.
I know it seems like you can never quite put your finger on what it is to be self-loving and at peace, but if you begin even mechanically, small glimpses will start opening up to you, and with continued work with a therapist, which includes openness, honesty, self-reflection, stepping outside your "auto-pilot" inner voice and trying to change it, I guarantee within a year you will see real changes. You have to have faith in yourself, your ability to see and understand love, and understand that even if it feels impossible along the way, even if it gets frustrating and difficult, it's OK to feel that way, and that the road is supposed to be bumpy.
Confidence can easily become "cocky" if the person is ugly.
Basically attractiveness is the most important thing. The only way you'll be treated as nicely as someone attractive is is if you're rich.
Sure brah let me just channel my primal grieving energy attuned to Gaia to get a better looking face so people don't change sides of the street when I go for a nightly jog.
I notice in the 18-25 range its all about just be about me with the girls. I seriously wonder how many guys they are talking to cause every other day its a post on social media about people having Disney movie dates that they want so they can post it on social media or its about how they're better/ stronger now that a guy has rejected them or ghosted etc. Its so funny how even when unattractive they are still getting approached and can just by having some sort of social media presence. Maybe the pua nonsense is right and you should take a bite at every fish you can.
>Sure brah let me just channel my primal grieving energy attuned to Gaia to get a better looking face so people don't change sides of the street when I go for a nightly jog.
Do you want to wake up in 10 years and still be thinking this same thought? Do you think it will in any way benefit you long-term? Sometimes it helps to get it out of our system, the bitterness like a tantrum from a child. But sooner or later you'll think "enough is enough, it gets me nowhere", and you may wish you'd made that realisation sooner. It's always waiting for you to reach out for it.
They cross the street for you too? It's either that or they laugh when they pass me.
It might be hard for someone like you to believe, but the truth is I am very content with myself. No, confidence hasn't manifested but I am better than I used to be. The bigger issue for me is I see no use in engaging with people. Yeah, I know my original response () made it seem like I care about this shit as central to my identity maybe, but that's not the case. I come here because I get bored. I grew up an incel and have mostly left that now, but it's still fun to pretend to be one.
At the same time as all this, in accepting myself I accepted two very simple truths; "some people are meant to be alone," and "not everyone breeds." My personality is not conducive to female attention or anything like that. I am meant to be alone and that is something I am fine with.
How exactly is that to change the way people react to me socially lmao
He's just a normie. This is all he's equipped to do, spout generic self-help aphorisms and refer you to shrinks. Don't hate him. He's probably genuinely trying to help
>How exactly is that to change the way people react to me socially lmao
It may change the way you perceive people and their intents to begin with.
>He's just a normie. This is all he's equipped to do, spout generic self-help aphorisms and refer you to shrinks. Don't hate him. He's probably genuinely trying to help
I'm not trying to undersell the pain you're going through. I've been there too, for most of my life. Utter outcast. a lot of paranoia about how people perceive me and my place in the various social "hierarchies". If you need to cry and scream about your self-perception then do so. But ultimately it will always lead to the same state of being if you don't decide to do the hardest thing of all: be honest and accept certain things. Confront it. Then move on. It's important to be happy in life my friends.
I felt bad for you for a second but this is just sad. Failed normies are worse than incel propers. Just go away
>person with inferiority complex acting like they aren't responsible for the problens they face
What "problems" are you referring to?
I don't see myself as a "failed normie" at all. I see myself as somebody who has experienced a dark quality of human experience that most people in my society probably don't. I see myself as compassionate towards all people, because I understand the suffering of people who are going through similar things, and I would never wish that kind of suffering on those who haven't experienced it. I'm not trying to be a normie or anything I'm not, that's the point. I'm just myself, and I accept myself with all my advantages and disadvantages fully. We ALL have the capacity to be ourselves, in fact, that's the only "real" thing we can be, instead of trying to be like someone else, or trying to just not accept and be who we actually are.
>life is sooooo hard if ur ugly :((((((
You really think just being attractive fixes every problem in your life? No.
Sure being attractive makes life a bit easier. You'll have wider access to sexual partners and you're more likely to get hired by employers but that's it. You still need to perform and work hard just like anyone else you ignorant fool. People who feel entitled because of their looks usually end up down the drain.
Being attractive gives you a slight headstart over others, but you still need to run 99% of the marathon.
>I don't see myself as a "failed normie" at all
>i see myself as somebody who has experienced a dark quality of human experience that most people in my society probably don't
This is why you're "failed"
>I see myself as compassionate towards all people, because I understand the suffering of people who are going through similar things, and I would never wish that kind of suffering on those who haven't experienced it
>I'm not trying to be a normie or anything I'm not, that's the point. I'm just myself, and I accept myself with all my advantages and disadvantages fully.
>We ALL have the capacity to be ourselves, in fact, that's the only "real" thing we can be, instead of trying to be like someone else, or trying to just not accept and be who we actually are.
This is why you're "normie"
Oh. You're one of those people. Sad and unoriginal
Imagine living with this much delusional cope. I don't think I'd have the energy to do anything else after keeping this lie alive in my head. Sad
Yeah good job proving his point.
Which is why you'll remain a messed up pile of shit for the rest of your life
>weeee i can't achieve anything because i'm ugly weeee :(
I can achieve plenty from my computer. I just finished a short 30,000 word book that I'm self-publishing after I finish formatting. What *you* and all the other normies want from me, however, is what you're talking about when you say I won't achieve "anything." And that means I won't pay taxes, buy a house, have kids, or generally contribute to society -- a society which hates me, mind you.
I perceive people just fine
I have friends and can function socially
But I know I'll never be treated as well as someone attractive is and that I'll have to jump through hoops and hoops just to be considered valuable, while an attractive person is valuable by default
Pretty much yeah.
You're afforded more empathy and compassion
Everyone treats you better
You will be chosen over more qualified people
Everyone will perceive you to be nicer and more interesting
You will be considered a better leader
Those are just a few of the benefits being good looking affords you. Especially nowadays with the crazy reach of the internet.
This. Attractive people are successful, full stop. Exceptions are not the rule.
imagine being able to buy a decent smartphone, pay internet subscription and still having 500 dollars with MINIMUM wage salary..
you would be lucky enough to find a good original phone and it would cost your entire fucking salary implying that you have an average wage job.
What's eating you, my guy?
I JUST WANNA LOOK PERFECT, I WANT PEOPLE TO DESCRIBE ME AS STUNNING, NOT JUST "yea she's kinda cute", NOT "she's ok but not my type" I WANT PEOPLE TO TURNS THEIR HEADS WHEN THEY SEE ME WALKING BY, I WANNA LOOK IN THE MIRROR AND BE PROUD OR EVERY INCH OF MY BODY NOT JUST CERTAIN PARTS OF IT, I WANNA BE PERFECT. I'm happy that I'm not ugly don't get me wrong but UGH I want to look like something special not just some common run of the mill pretty girl..
I dunno mate, I've met awe-inspiring women with a majestic PRESENCE who dominate their surroundings and can wither you down with a displeased look. I don't think it's something that can be learned or develop through personal growth.
I guess you could try dressing like a brazilian parade dancer if looks is all you're after.
Okay OP we get it, you have zero empathy. The same can be said about unemployed robots, people who hate their jobs look at you with all your free time jacking off and watching cartoons and think "Why are you complaining? You don't even have to work" or "Why are you complaining? The majority of people of both genders under 20 are virgins and the majority doesn't have a snowflake secret club god complex about it?"
I'm not a neet though.
Look there are plenty studies that show attractive people have a significantly easier life thanks to the Halo effect and the self fulfilling effect of confidence.
I can empathize with a beautiful person whose dad has cancer because that sucks.
But when they live life on literal easy mode to the point you can expect any beautiful person to outperform a non beautiful person at everything and they have the fucking gall of complaining how tough life is? They can fuck right off. It's like a rich man complaining how tough his life is.
You just proved his point you brainlet
Delusional is all i gotta say to that. Made me post when i havent in done so in months.
Anyone here knows what the Halo Effect is?
>you can expect any beautiful person to outperform a non beautiful person at everything
Really? Everything? You can't be that ignorant, and if you are then why are you still alive? If you consider yourself ugly and have no hope at succeeding at anything, why even bother continuing.
I'm attractive and female. Also 5'11 and in tremendous pain 24/7 thanks to severe hypermobility and osteoarthritis so being tall with huge jugs isn't always the best. Plus a chance of me stroking out before 48 because I have vascular problems. Please stop assuming being pretty is easy mode.
Stab in the dark here, but you're not by any chance an artist with the initials LD? You've just described someone I know.
Such is the human condition.
Show tits, cripple
Imagine your situation if you didn't have your looks and such a popular set of genitals.
You're putting words in my mouth. It's not that ugly people can't succeed, it's that attractive people are primed to succeed since they're born. It starts with the cute kids getting more attention, doing better and having higher self esteem and continues all through life.
What was the last homeless attractive person you saw?
No, sorry user. My name is Dahlia.
In your wet dreams maybe.
I know other girls with EDS that have gone into camming. I've been considering it because disability benefits aren't doing much for me. Great point though. Someone else in the Inspire community had a cerebral henmorhage at 24. Life's a shit I guess.
I don't get what your point is. Any people can have a shitty hand like that, at least be happy you're attractive to go with it which makes people feel worse about it and be more empathetic.
>You're suffering but hey you look nice so your suffering doesn't matter
Fucking kill yourself
You say you are so enlightened but you are still here in the gutter with all of us, fuck you are pathetic, you bow your head down and lick the boot that kicks you. You are a wimp, a coward, your nonsense advice is nothing more than a cope, a facade of acceptance you created in face of your own incompetence and your cowardice, you think you are giving good advice but all youre doing is repressing your feelings and allowing this wretched existence to stay the same, stop conforming to the shit youre dealt with, revolt, your feelings matter, they exist, if they exist theres a reason for them, your old mindset is not wrong, you just gave up. Dont let this filthy world bring you down dude, fuck them, dont lower yourself, fuck the world, fuck everyone, your non reciprocal feelings are not wrong, unironically just be yourself, not the be yourself meme that is just a excuse of s answer, since the be yourself meme is just a form of fitting you in a perceived box of whats acceptable, if your feelings and mind are no accepted are you wrong? No, fuck them, be the most autistic person out there, fuck everything, and this is not some nonsense if you be yourself you will eventually find someone, no you wont, thats the point of being yourself, people dont want to socialize or empathize with beings that dont fit their little box of what they perceived as acceptable behavior, dont fit boxes, shatter them. Dont betray your feelings and yourself
Congratulations for missing the point entirely user.
Aaaaaaaaaand... Baited! ;)
gg no re
There's no paradox in a person with a very attractive face complaining about their life. Most people also wouldn't consider that complaining unattractive.
It's a lot less bad than if an ugly person does it.
>Im a female who's 'petite' (5'1" flat chested, conventionally pretty, uses sense of humour and social skills to get cock.
>I compensate for my lack in femininity with performance in bed.
I'm moderately sexually active and I score BIG, like 8-9s.
>I repeatedly fall in love with every single one of my hookups due to the lack of emotional support I get from my family.
>It fucking breaks me when I see my hookups go on after using me to have girlfriends who aren't as skilled or 'pretty' as me, yeah I know I'm being petty.
I compulsively fall for anyone who shows me empathy and yet I get treated like a whore.
>humour and social skills to get cock
What is this retarded nonsense? Is this for real or Im just stupid? I hope its not both, I can deal with being stupid but not with this shit
Yep. White people shouldn't be allowed to complain.
Attractive homeless people exist, and them ending up homeless has nothing to do with their looks. Recently, I met a blonde, blue-eyed homeless guy a little younger than me, when I asked him how he ended up in his situation he basically blamed it on a series of poor decisions.
You can't honestly believe that attractive people will outperform ugly people in everything (which is what you said), including creative and individual endeavours. Those sorts of things have nothing to do with looks, and somehow I think you know that but I'll leave you to cope with your perceived flaws in whichever way you choose.
Hello Dahlia. So I got the wrong person, but I hope you don't mind if I ask anyway whether you are artistic at all, or have any creative outlets? (I'd just hate to see you resorting to camming, especially if you don't want to.)
unless you go to school (burgerlander)
Then this guy do everything wrong since the start, join a gang, beats up a kid to a pulp, get arrested and have his mugshot posted on the internet, then he proceeds to become a millionaire model, life truly is hard for pretty people
danny devito is rich. don't act like life is hard for ugly people.
trust me. I knew that I wasn't born gifted with genetics so I worked so fucking hard to talk in certain ways to get with guys cuz I know for sure that I'm not conventionally fuckable.
Everybody suffers
Some beautiful people get a cancer and die
Some ugly people also get a cancer and die
Does this mean life is just as hard for all of us?
Does this mean attractive people aren't privileged on average?
I used to draw with a tablet and everything but now I can barely write for long because of carpal tunnel and locked up joints. I use a speech to text program called Dragon for most of my posts. My hobby is keeping a daily journal and I have hopes of one day successfully publishing a work of fiction although it doesn't look promising. I try to "write" everyday if possible.
Yes, it does actually. Now you understand.
>Danny devito
Do you even
Part of his richness comes from being a clown and letting people laugh of his own misfortune of being fat, old and bald. Dont pretend isnt anything else
No, it doesn't. If you apply that logic then literally noone is privileged. Would you say your life is going to be just as hard as the life of someone who was born extremely wealthy and doesn't have to worry about working a day in their lives?
Fuck off, larp. No one here would believe you even for a second.
Then why the fuck don't women give a shit about me? I've been told I'm an 9/10 online, but women in real life just ignore me. Despite being a poorfag, I have it all in terms of looks. Do females only give a shit about money? That's it? I've never even kissed anyone, and I'm almost 28. I'm really on the verge of killing myself.
Jesus fuck the worst is the reality. You truly should end yourself. Guys will fuck anything that moves with zero self respect, you dont have good social skills since whatever shit your say and do will get approved, thats why most females are social retards, everyone puts up with your shit, dont pretend is otherwise. You just have a vagina, thats what you need and thats what you have, thats why you get Guys
They exist but they are way less common than non attractive people.
Same with addicts and all other kind of outcasts. In fact these people usually get a lot more empathy than the ugly ones, they're assumed to have some mental health problems, to have taken a wrong turn somewhere. The rest aren't even considered human.
Will attractive people outperform ugly people on average? Yes, and there are studies showing this. Attractive people tend to be happier, make more money, have stronger social circles and so on.
Salman Rushdie is rich and dates hot girls. Also there are rich indians. Don't act like life is hard for ugly people. It's the easiest shit ever you don't even use the gym.
Physical attractive even dictates your likes, dislikes and psychological traits, dont come with some bullshit excuse to me, we can clearly trace similarities and have reliable statistics, one or another doesnt change the overall picture
Yes, I would. Now you seem to be understanding a little more about reality.
>be first world
>don't get hired
>also male
>homelessness illegal in the USA
Yeah right faggot. Sure is easy.
Keep the daily journal going, every day you write (look up the 10,000 Hour Rule) brings you one step closer to starting and one day finishing that novel you dream of publishing. May we hear the opening line to your novel?
>existing in the top 10% of the world
>complains anyway
Just become a award winning and persecuted famous writer bro, dont let those Islamist pigs say what you can and cant do
ugly normalfag cope ITT
Stop replying to a larp.
>writing is hard
ugly people, everybody.
Where is your noble prize in literature buddy?
>writing isnt hard
T. Brainlet who reads Harry Potter and think he can write because hes a productive member of a fanfic forum
I'm not your buddy, guy. You can't deny that ugly people have life on easy mode.
>man tits
>platform shoes to make himself taller
suicide is always an option
>ugly people don't have it hard, look at these rich people
>mfw this guy wrote this post and thought it was a major challenge in his life