I really hope every incel reads this story

I really hope every incel reads this story.


Attached: incel.png (928x650, 1.19M)

if you hate incels so much that you just have to patronize and berate them why dont you just fucking leave?

Attached: normalfags coming here.jpg (501x1200, 219K)

>linking to Reddit
You need to drink an entire bottle of buffalo piss

Not OP but Jow Forumsincels was deleted so they flocked here and Jow Forumsincels was mostly Jow Forumsinceltear users.

I did research on this and heard about redd*t on Jow Forums first before you chimp out. Jow Forumsinceltear users are most of Jow Forumsincel, incel is dead, ten thousand new trolls come to Jow Forums.

OP is trying to troll. Their parents lets be honest, parent raised them terrible, so they acted out to get attention. This is the only way of communicating they understand. Just sage and move on.

Also, I know they were constantly invaded due to redd*t showing user vs visitor in it's site. Places like Jow Forumsincel were mostly visitors showing, by the tens of thousands before it was deleted. Mostly an unsubbed sub. Tons of redd*t subs go to hell due to the visitor rates being ten fold higher than the actual userbase. They are as invaded as we are by newfaggots.

>so they flocked here
"The blackpill" has existed on Jow Forums long before that, newfag.

Because it's fun to patronize and berate them which they deserve as their condition is entirely due to their own making

also fuck off where you came from

Attached: microexpressions-disgust.jpg (524x336, 29K)

>also fuck off where you came from
Where do you think we are?

I never said it didn't dumb ass nigger. This thread is a redditor thread is why I was bitching and also explaining about redd*t.

Why even bring up the pill meme? Did you click on the link or something? Drink bleach.

>implying nature vs nurture leaves room to choose who you are
Normalfaggot telling people to leave.

People are fucking morons.

To mock the retardation of the poster?

>Why even bring up the pill meme?
It was something discussed here heavily a few years ago by that name. Ofc you would know this if you weren't a newfag.

Incels ITT S33tH1NG

Attached: 2450819.gif (607x609, 821K)

>ur a newfag
You brought it up for literally no reason. The red pill meme was stolen by redd*t SO LONG AGO that they have like ten different pills so we STOPPED using it for a reason. Just like only newfags use pepe despite where it came from.


>The red pill meme was stolen by redd*t SO LONG AGO that they have like ten different pills so we STOPPED using it for a reason.
I wouldn't know, I don't frequent that site.

Get the fuck off my site

>virgin loser to having amazing sex every day
>not at all to do with luck

>I refuse to go to the site and do research
>are you proud of me yet Jow Forums
>do I fit in yet

Sure, just like you "research" trap porn.

this isnt 2009 anymore

I know this guy, shouldn't call him an incel

Go back and stay back

>supposed "incel" is 1000 times better looking than you

Attached: pepe_tired.jpg (250x250, 6K)

"You get less experience with sex and romantic relationships so you will be more immature in them and be a bad partner so you will get less partners and have a lower chance of ever getting a meaningful relationship"

This is a wild exaggeration.

>linking reddit
>incel bad

kys normalfag
>fuck trannies
>fuck jannies
>fuck normalfaggots
>fuck faggots
>fuck niggers
>fuck s.o.y.boys
>fuck redditfags
>fuck brainlets
>fuck neurotypicals
>fuck jews
>fuck commies

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