Do girls like being abused?

Do girls like being abused?

Attached: hot.png (540x960, 410K)

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I hope Marky gets fucked by dogs and the video gets leaked

If it's by chad, yes.

Most people like being abused because being submissive is easy and brainless.
t. Female dom

women are so fucking repulsive

This girl is really disgusting. Probably suffers from multiple issues. I could imagine someone posting an image like this as a comedy sketch or to be edgy, but this is just pure attention seeking.

Attached: DBCA97E7-2399-45D7-9C3E-3FD521CF86E1.gif (480x208, 288K)

>tfw no Markey

My wife loves getting choked during sex
She cannot come without

To varying degrees yes.

>most people like being abused
No they fucking don't retard.
t.likes to manhandle and squeeze partners

stop giving normalfags conversation subjects
never post here again or ill kill you
fuck off and die normalfag Jow Forums is for social outcast friendless virgins only

Attached: suenghechodoublepistols.jpg (350x350, 18K)

Uh, yeah, they do, moron. Check out pic related. Two of the most popular fetishes for men and women are "females dominating" and "females submitting" respectively. Pegging and rapeplay are also listed. A good portion of men and women like submitting sexually to their partner.

But hey, you anecdotally provided your own that's...uh...nice?

Attached: 946E5B57-4E38-47D3-9A35-1793C62E7BB6.jpg (1687x1228, 213K)

crying little pussy bitch

Yes. Make her cook dinner for your mistress.

Isn't that catnip for losers?

>posting a "study" with samples picked from some degenerate reddit and tumblr

Here are some better studies.

Sexual Fantasies and Sex

Sexual Practices

Only the ones with a single mother mentality

>t. Female dom
Sure you are, sweetie.

Attached: female_"""""dom""""".jpg (2544x4000, 906K)

literally not even blood you mong

>because your data is subject to selection bias that means my position, supported only by anecdotes and subject to the same methodological errors (you really think Jow Forums is less degenerate than Reddit?), is correct by default
I'm shocked that you're not into femdom because you sound like you got hit over the head.

Merci beaucoup.

>first link
Had to use my workplace data base to access it. Anyway, pic related. Oh look. Both a majority of men and women want to be dominated. Looks like I was right again.

>second link
Same study different link.

>third link
Doesn't discuss actual fetishes regarding submission, mostly focuses ob attutides, frequency and occurence of specific acts like oral or anal.

Same study different link.

Yikes! Maybe, just maybe y'all could unpack why you talk like an onions lad, because it's really a big oof.

Attached: 35600E12-D8A1-4306-AFE7-7F7B43C11222.jpg (1136x472, 363K)

>Yikes! Maybe, just maybe y'all could unpack why you talk like an onions lad, because it's really a big oof.
That might have more sting if it didn't come from a reddit-space poster.

>Reddit space poster
Aw, it's so cute that you picked up that insult by lurking by have no idea what it means! Redditors did not invent using spaces between distinct paragraphs dealing with different topics.

Attached: 7667C74F-BE92-4EB5-9C4B-BD599AD2D3EB.jpg (866x475, 69K)

If you fucking niggers went to school youd know that youre taught to leave a space when using paragraphs (unless youre writing double spaced, which leaves a space for you already) and that a lot of people do that when writing long posts. Its not redditspacing faggot

Unfortunately a lot do

why are these uploaded, that's just incredibly creepy

>a load single sentences
uhuh. Totally intentional.
>file name
Did you find that while you were googling what reddit spacing is?

>talks about school but doesn't use punctuation

>a load single sentences
What? Anyway - the only single sentence paragraph in my entire post was "merci beaucoup". But yes, a single sentence can be a whole paragraph.

>hurr filename
I already knew what Redditspacing was and Googled that image because it demonstrated my point.

But let's be real, all your REEEEing about my posting style is a really sad attempt to derail from the fact that I was right and that other user was kind enough to help prove me so. :)

I knew this was coming. This is dumb as shit because then ANY reddit-space poster could use this cop out. There is no point in using a new line if your idea is a sentence long because we already have a separator for those; they're called periods, something your tranny ass has to fake with SpaghettiOs.