What's your IQ?

What's your IQ?
Don't bullshit retards this is an anonymous imageboard

Attached: D_BMlT-UEAIcEYX.jpg (530x368, 35K)

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>being retarded enough to waste your time on some problem that might be paradoxical

No thanks.

Attached: 10933818_10154962966995538_3845241469334107869_n.jpg (720x554, 56K)

nigga this is a diophantine equation whose smallest positive integer solution has 80-digit numbers


Attached: 53647189_2352320748386124_6706336809022798725_n-2619211277.jpg (524x601, 119K)

I forget it was something around 118. The results in the individual categories were way out of line with eachother though which is supposed to be pretty abnormal and was used to diagnose me with the tism with my lowest being 85 and my highest being 140.

>The results in the individual categories were way out of line with eachother though which is supposed to be pretty abnormal and was used to diagnose me with the tism with my lowest being 85 and my highest being 140.
the exact same thing happened to me, lowest at almost retard tier & highest (verbal) at genius level, conclusion: autism

I'm also 6'4 and 4"

you typed it wrong you retard

>that image

Me too.

Attached: 1408940393140.jpg (968x580, 349K)

corrected: wolframalpha.com/input/?i=\frac{x}{y+z}+\frac{y}{x+z}+\frac{z}{x+y}=4

>missing full stop

Not him by the way but ironically you don't type well.

108 on pattern recognition only tests, 140 on comprehensive tests involving vocabulary, problem solving, and memory. So realistically probably around 120-125. Still unemployed and miserable.

that's not how it works, you don't average the tests, you have to look at the lowest score

>he thinks errors in grammar are just as bad as errors in equations

I don't really care enough to argue.

t. 108 brainlet

Nah dude, I aced the DLAB so I'm no fucking brainlet.

We were discussing this yesterday in a group and I took 6 tests:

>130 to 145 or higher?

I think in a "real" test I would score above 125.

I'm also super duper knowledgeable about cars, computers, electronics, movie/game/music stuff etc =^_^=

The average IQ of PhD/MD degree recipients is about 125, which is higher than 95% of the general population.

Virtually all of the people claiming to have an IQ > 125 are lying or totally delusional.

Is this supposed to be a symptom ? Am I sperg too ?

Attached: Sans titre.jpg (2034x290, 116K)

Yes, it's a strong symptom of being on the spectrum.

>thinking the problem to be solved has any real meaning

It is important, degenerate.

Do you happen to have any source to back this up ? I'm getting genuinely curious now.

There is more than one possible results for each variable and I will not waste my time with this right now. I don't know my exact IQ, but an psycologist already told me it's above average.

There are common people sith high IQ you retard. Your IQ does not determine what you do with your life.

William Sidis was one of the smartest men to ever exist and he spent most of his life as a dishwasher and clerk. IQ is only one variable in success.