What websites does Jow Forums browse besides Jow Forums?
What websites does Jow Forums browse besides Jow Forums?
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>browsing websites
Why would you do that when you can read RSS feeds?
Reddit, facebook, instagram, twitter, google news and netflix.
walmart and craigslist
mangadex and wuxiaworld
Always have a Yandex tab open for quick image searching of sexy pics. Their algorithm is so laughably far above Google's that I can get thousands and thousands of times the sexy pics I usually would.
Here is an example of what I'm currently farming.
Here the results. You may not like it, but this is peak Internet browsing (if I were to include the retro gaming sites I used and github and IRC).
>putlocker for uploading dick pics and sending to dudes
>protonmail for receiving emails from dudes on omegle
>tagmap for searching dudes to send dick pics to
I can read you like a book, user.
Reddit and vox news
youtube and google
pornhub youtube news sites research
All I use the internet for is Jow Forums and porn. I can't think of anything else I want to do on the internet. I don't even watch youtube videos, they can't hold my attention. When I can find the energy and motivation to play a game I just play single player games. I've been browsing Jow Forums for 15 years and it's all I do for the most of the day. I don't know what I'll do if it ever shuts down for good. I'll probably kill myself before that happens though.
Always found it funny that this whole "freedom of information, so much technology etc" internet era is based around a handful of instant gratification websites
Nope. That's an instant fail.
Putlocker is what things like kikefix want to kill.
Tagmap is to attempt to make a robot tier friend (or kill normalfaggots) in my area.
Post your top approx ten or so then if you dare.
kike flix*
not fix.
They are the fix and are just as old. One streamed, the other streamed, meanwhile I screamed as the Internet gets worse due to (((capitalism))).
I use no other websites. I am thinking I should stop coming here too, but I dont know what else I would do with my time.
I use instagram solely to post my photography and have never put a tag on a post, i use twitter constantly but dont follow anyone and ive been on tumblr for 10 years
unironically and originally tumblr
4channel, some blue boards are actually OK. Wait, where is this board now I'm confused
The Internet is boring.
There is so much but not enough.
Its so overwhelming I'm just staying here.