First gf

>first gf
>her son outright disrespects me all the time
wtf should I do? anyone else dealt with a similar situation? I figure it's because his dad walked out on them

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>entering into a relationship with someone who already has kids

BIG mistake.

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Two possibilities really. Either you buy him stuff so that he starts to like you but he actually starts to like your gifts instead and if he knows what he's doing he'll try to use you.
Possibility number 2 is you show him who tf is the boss and who tf screws his mom. But don't be mean or anything to him just try to enforce some authority. Don't do anything stupid bc she will always believe her kid over you. Just try to show the kid a good time, find out what he likes and do that shit with him.

>I figure it's because his dad walked out on them
no, he misses dad, his mom does too but he disrespects you because you are fucking his mother.

how fucking beta can you be to be disrespected by your gfs son. jesus christ. just slap that little boy.

This is bait, desusenpie.

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Shut the fuck up, do you have a gf? You're probably just some lonley incel
I dont have much money, my gf is super protective of him and forgives him anytime he pulls some disrespectful shit or covers for him. I'm not sure what to do

you're a loser. you mihgt aswell just chop off your balls and tell your stepson to fuck you

Maybe you should have sex instead of raging at those of us who are getting some ;-)

in the wild most animals will kill any children a female currently has before mating with her. so, yknow, do the alpha thing.

We're not animals you fucking idiot

show that little bastard how to be an upstanding young gentleman. dont back down. You're going to have to man up and be a firm pillar in both of their lives.

so in short RUN run away as fast as you can. Because one slip up and SHE will be disrespecting you too. Just leave user.

But why? I'm sure I can do better than his so called 'dad', he's a nigger with no job

I bet you also believe free will exists and that there's a god, you dumb fuck

Tell him his dad is a loser and you will fuck his mother tonight

I bet you should have sex incel

I'd love to marry a girl who already has kids. my genetics are pure garbage so i shouldn't have any of my own.

>first gf
>her son

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Take that boy to church.

You failed when you dated a single mother, one entitlement issues and 2 raising a kid who isn't yours. You are feeling the notion of women getting a second choice after living a life of care free sex. Just dump her so her life style won't spread to her chaos spawn

I have fucked more girls than you have said "hello" to in your life.

Whatever you say, virgins

Lmao what a fucking loser dating someone with a kid that isn't yours and he cucks you? And you ask r9k for advice haha

Have sex virgin incel

>virgin vergun vergun xDDD

Holy fuck you can't even have an original thought hahaha

you're asking incel virgins for advice that makes you lower than them LMFAO

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Redditfag discovers Jow Forums. Enjoy being a disposable wallet to a slut and her crotchfruit. You're a real man, doing all that manning up! Getting punked by another dude's load rofl. Sucks your dad didn't teach you how to respect yourself.

Why else would you be mad? Clearly mad because I have a gf and you don't. Fuck you incel. Eat my shit

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god you're a fucking loser, hahaha

That's just what virgin incels say

Have you ever talked to a girl? They'll all tell you that it takes a real man to accept her kids

dude just kill yourself already, I hope her son does it for you

femanon here, ew youre such a beta

Lmao your a bitch who is getting pu led and your dating her with someone she's kid! This is sad and funny you fucking loser

>Had bf
>Never had sex or anything
>Messages me drunk
>"I just wanted one last time with a girl so I delayed our first date to do it..."
>"I'm gonna support the kid when it's born. You still like me, right?"
>Blocked him
>Probably an heroed given the state of the rest of his life
Single parents deserve the rope. No sympathy, just shame.
Drop her and let her live loveless with her fuck-up of a son in her dysfunctional family. You deserve better.