I just ordered a meal for myself in Burger king and I had to pretend I was buying food for two. I feel like shit man

I just ordered a meal for myself in Burger king and I had to pretend I was buying food for two. I feel like shit man

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>and I had to pretend I was buying food for two


The first time I got head was in BK met a sissy from Grindr who sucked me dry in the bathroom after I ate a chicken sandwich

Yeah, why, user? If you wanna eat out alone, fast food places are the least weird place to do so

Even if you're a complete sperg, chances are you're still pretty normal as far as Burger King costumers go

LIke anyone working a dead end job would care about your fucking order

Because I don't -look- THAT obese but I eat a lot
i've been gaining a lot of weight lately

Fuck it. Eat as much as you want if your excersizing

When I go to Jimmy John's I make it clear I was ordering for myself, plus I can cook for myself. Just order smaller portions then.

It's in the same shopping center I work at, I see all of the BK workers and KFC workers daily

I've been going to the same McDonalds at least 2 or 3 times a week for five years, always ordering the same exact meal and none of the workers give a shit. I doubt they care about you either, user

Yeah sure you just HAD to buy food for two, fatty

I don't excersice that much...

This post comforts me

Not like they ask how many people will be eating.
What did you do? Order then awkwardly shoe in ".....im not gonna eat both meals......j-just so you know"

reminds me of one of the most pathetic days i ever had on this earth

had breakfast at mcdonalds and wasnt satisfied so 1 hour later i ate at KFC for lunch. then i had taco bell around 4pm then i went into arbys for dinner around 7pm.

Nah I pretend I'm on the phone and then ask my partner what they wanted to drink with their order, which I of course take with me and eat in the car.

No, I was just making casual chit chat and, when ordering the second combo I casually said "obviously not for me"

imagine eating from burger kangzz

Trust me on this when I say that by "casually" saying that you're making it much more awkward than if you just simply hadn't said anything.

Why did this make me laugh


Damn you think so? Im not really good with social norms because of past trauma, advice helps

I go to a 'n' dubs or timmies every day on my way to work. Who gives a fuck? And why do you care what retail serfs think of you?

Who fucking cares what some fast food wagie thinks about you? Just order what you want and as much as you want.

>casually said "obviously not for me"
very smooth, I'm sure ya fooled them!

Don't worry about it, man. I do a lot of awkward shit as well, but you gotta be honest about that of course, so you can work on that. As far as I am concerned, fast food workers have very busy jobs, with tons of customers and other tasks to take care of. Even if you order a lot of food for yourself and do so often, they likely won't care because they literally don't have time to think about that. However, if you DO make a point out of it they'll likely notice it more than they would otherwise.

Somebody who orders a ton of food, but then says something intended to make it seem casual automatically makes it weird, because it shows other people that they're insecure about it. If you act like what you're doing is normal then it increases the chance that people will not notice it as unusual, unless we are talking grossly disgusting stuff like shitting in the middle of the street or something.

I used to work as a cashier and every day you'd have people come in that come in literally every day, buying the same things (some of them buying alcohol every day of course), but I literally never had a thought beyond a nearly subconscious "huh, guess they're getting the usual" and that was it. As soon as they left I forgot about them.

Also, sorry if I'm being too nosy with this, but you said you've been gaining a lot of weight and that you have past trauma. If you're depressed or think you might be, please genuinely consider cutting down on the fast food among other things. That shit literally is designed to make you addicted and it WILL help to exacerbate depression, especially if you lack exercise.