What vidya games do you robots play? i'm kind of getting bored of mine so some new ideas would be great

what vidya games do you robots play? i'm kind of getting bored of mine so some new ideas would be great.

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>Own 1800$ gaming PC
>Only browse chans
>depression will claim everything one at a time

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i'm not op but i feel that, user

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I play Fistful of Frags

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I play a lot of csgo, only game where I can be silent the entire time and then call someone a nigger and nobody even bats an eye

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nice, I wish I had an $1800 gaming pc
seems fun, I'll take a look
yeah csgo is pretty nice i play that as well

You wanna play some rn I'm silver 2 if you wanna play comp

>what vidya games do you robots play?

the last and the most amazing game I have played this year was Resident Evil 2 remake. I was thinking of playing sekiro next.

im playing etrian odyssey nexus atm. finally willed myself back into it and am at the southern temple

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sorry can't, I'm not near my rig rn
I've heard both of those are good, but I've played neither of them yet
looks interesting, too bad i don't have a 3ds

Got CTR:NF recently. I regularly place atleast 5th in online matchs and i am in the top 5% right now. Its awesome i 100% suggest getting it if you love racing games.

Same, $2,000 PC. I don't do anything on it, because games are so boring now. If I do play anything, it's strategy games and old games from 2013 and before.

I actually do love racing games. I tend to gravitate more towards sim racers like BeamNG and Forza 7, but I liked mariokart so I'd be willing to give that a try.
jesus you guys have a lot of money

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The Forest. I spend all day slaughtering the pathetic inhabitants of this island and desecrating their pathetic corpses. I consume every bit of flesh I can and my character gets very very sick as a result so I need to make him eat a lot of meds.
But their succulent flesh is the fuel to my inferno. The cannibals are growing weary of me. Their resolve weakens with each limb I consume.
Soon enough they will realize that I am the primogenitor of their suffering and their animosity will cease. A cessation that is analogous to the cessation of their living. A cessation that will not inhibit me from consuming their succulent flesh.

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Dont go into it thinking its some baby game cause it is in no stretch of the word a baby game.

I'm playing realm royale, it is fun

a-are you okay, user? Regardless, that looks like a pretty fun game, thanks for sharing
never said I thought it was a baby game
idk man, I'm kinda done with battle royale games, to each their own i guess.

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The hunger pains are clouding your mind. You need to eat.

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Well you compared it to mk8 which is infact a babby game

Play Paradox Grand Strategy games.
I have 2k hours in Hoi4 and it's still addicting

I started playing Left 4 Dead 2 again. It's very nice to play it on expert difficulty. Sadly not many people are playing it anymore

idk, maybe I'll eat some more rotting zombie flesh
oh, sorry, didn't mean to come off as if I thought it was a baby game
it seems like a lot of people on Jow Forums like those kinds of games, maybe I'll try one sometime
yeah, it's an old game, but still a good one. I played it on Xbox 360 a long time ago.

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i just play minecraft most of the time desu

Playing Dark Souls 3 now because I hate myself.

yeah minecraft's pretty fun desu
wow, have fun with your rage quit

league, ror2, rotmg,jc3, sometimes csgo and for honor

>silver 2
Do you play with controller or something?

I'm personally addicted to Mount and Blade: Warband. It's an awesome mix of strategy and RPG elements. There's also a new one coming out this year which looks fantastic.

>yeah minecraft's pretty fun desu
Also i sometimes play Terraria

>league, ror2, rotmg
I haven't played those yet
>jc3, sometimes csgo
I've played those, they're good
>and for honor
I actually bought For Honor, but I haven't played it yet for some reason
Yeah, that's an old one, I didn't know there was a new one coming out though.
I've played a bit of Terraria, was fun.

i play fifa 2005 on my gamecube while training my runescape account, very comfy

wish i could play vidya, my laptop completely sucks ass

Playing PUBG. I know it's zoomercore but battle royale can be fun but I hate solo games, they're far too scary and stressful.

nice, that sounds really comfy to me desu
I was in that situation too, user, what are your specs?
>Playing PUBG. I know it's zoomercore but battle royale can be fun
Of all of the battle royales, PUBG is the best imo.
>but I hate solo games, they're far too scary and stressful.
I actually felt that way for a while about 7DTD, took me a long time to actually do things instead of just being scared and quitting 5 minutes in.

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>I was in that situation too, user, what are your specs?
Intel Pentium N3540
Integrated graphics
5400RPM hard drive

it really sucks and can run almost nothing

that sucks, user.
hope you can get better specs sometime soon

If you like left 4 dead check out warhammer vermintide or killing floor

fucking kek my sides
This is funny stupid robot fuckheaad ddkfhjaskfjsdshjf

>that sucks, user.
hope you can get better specs sometime soon
Thanks, i hope so too. it's an HP pavilion laptop so i can't upgrade anything unfortunately, but i'm saving for a nice PC.

yeah I've looked at those, I'll probably end up getting them, they seem good
I don't think he's okay desu
That's good. Every step counts.

Recently bought Portal 1 & 2, Metro 2033 and Last Light, and Mss Effect 1 & 2 on steam. Portal's been great, first time I play it.

Can anyone tell me how good are the others I bought? They were cheap and I had some money to spare, and I've heard good things about them but I haven't ever played them.

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None atm I spend my bored time looking for twinks on Grindr there are mostly old men but Iet 2 suck me off it was great

S.T.A.L.K.E.R Mods.
Literally the only thing keeping these games from dying.

From my knowledge, those were all good choices. Portal is obviously good. Metro 2033 is great and so is Last Light but Last Light kind of deviates from the novel the series was based on so idk. Mass effect is always a good choice. Nice job, user.
Good for you, I guess?
I don't doubt that, the game is like 12 years old now.

okay fag go away now

Yes, but people still play it.
There's Call of Chernobyl and Anomaly.

hey now, calm down.
yeah, mods seem to be able to significantly increase a game's lifespan. Just look at Minecraft.

desu don't really play much