Typical day?

What's your typical day like, robots?

>wake up, 7-8am, hungover
>drink some jagermeister to wake up
>eat egg whites, oats, and bagel for breakfast before heading to work for my wagecuck slave master
>put on motley crue, put a dip in and drive to work
>run my python script that does 90% of my job, pretend to look busy for 8 hours
>go home, lift, drink to excess

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what exactly does your script automate?

>Wake up at 6:20AM
>Commute to work, I arrive at 8 or a little early
>Work if there's something to do
>Eat something
>Leave at 5:30PM
>Get home at 7PM
>Watch anime and/or shitpost until 10PM
>Go to bed

>wake up at 5:30
>force myself to jump out of bed to make it easier on myself before I get comfy
>don't have time to make breakfast, only drink coffee
>not hungry at that time of the day anyways
>live very close to work, so take a tram there
>go to my assigned McOffice (TM)
>spend day slaving
>time for a break, wooo
>you have to bring your own food, so get shitty processed food from shitty ghetto supermarket, because there is nothing else around
>sometimes go home to drink instead
>get back to work goy
>finally leave
>maybe cook something, but nothing that takes more than 20 minutes to prepare, since I don't like cooking
>browse Jow Forums
>go to bed at 22:00
>fall asleep around 1 AM

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>wake up around noon
>Drink coffee
>Put on make up
>Clean apartment
>Go on /v/, /tv/, and here
>Try to play a video game or watch a show only to get bored after an hour
>Try to eat something
>Finally fall asleep at 3am

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get out reeeee

>6 am wake up
>take bath until 6:30
>7:30 work starts
>11:30 break
>17:00 work ends
>come come to eat fap and sleep

>Wake up at 6am
>Go for a jog
>Eat a big breakfast
>Finish any work that needs doing in the shop
>Pick up stuff from the hardware store if need be
>Come home
>Eat dinner
>Start drinking
>Pass out eventually

>wake up at 8-9
>Lie in bed for a while
>Go to kitchen get something to drink
>Sit around for a little bit
>Go to work
>Come home and turn on PC
>Play Vidya till 4am and repeat

I don't really eat just drink
I'm no skellybones, I'm a big guy

>wake up at 7:00
>dress and leave for work
>at work at 7:45
>back home at around 16:30
>eat something fast
>leave for gym at around 17:00
>back home at around 20:00
>eat something
>watch a bit of netflix or lurk a bit
>bed at 22:00-22:30

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>wake up at 6:30 am to the terrible chimes of an alarm-clock
>Lay in bed for atleast 5 minutes questioning life, if i should just quit my job, kill my boss, kill myself, ect
>force myself out of bed, on 4 hours sleep still hungover from previous night
>get all my ppe and shit in my bag, put lunch bag in, grab hardhat, put steeltoes on
>go slave away on the highway for 12 hours
>come home at 7:30 pm, exhausted and angry
>eat a piece of toast or something
>drink until 2-3 am
>pass out drunk

alcohol aside that is incredibly based if not a larp.

>Wake up at 8 or 9am
>Sort my hair out, get dressed and ready etc
>Chill out for a bit, maybe eat breakfast
>Head into work at the pub at 10 or 11
>Work until 4, sometimes later, get free food before shift ends
>Go fencing if it's open
>Head home and shower and stuff
>Play a bit of vidya, waste time on random stuff, maybe watch a movie or some anime etc
>Go to sleep at around 3 or 4am

I have about 4 variations to my days
Day 1: house chores and free time
Day 2: sleep as late as I can, usually til around 1pm, do more house chores, download any movies, shows, anime, etc that I want to watch, go to my graveyard shift security job and watch stuff for 8 hours, come home at 4AM and sleep
Day 3: wake up around 2, do whatever I want til I go to work at 10, come home at 6
Day 4: wake up groggy as fuck from being awake past sunrise, spend day recovering, usually drink to sleep

Graveyard shift is actually pretty good but I live with my mom so I have to adjust my schedule drastically every few days. I wish I could get a full time graveyard shift gig and move out to become entirely nocturnal

how do you get a job like that? seems comfy and i'm already up at those hours anyway.

I literally just searched "graveyard" on indeed lmao. This place specifically is super shady and has a ton of legal violations, they dont even require a guard card, but it's too cushy to complain. For some reason they dont get any applicants for this position, I think I'm the only one that even applied
If you get a job like it you definitely need to have a car cause they dont provide an office, and I recommend a power inverter so you can charge your electronics in the car

>super shady
You still have both your kidneys though right? Seems like a good deal desu.

Yeah but theres days people show up and I have no clue they're supposed to be there, theres no lights in the place or even a toilet, and I dont get my schedule til the day before my work week
Hard to really complain but there IS a lot to complain about

>Wake up at somewhere between 1pm and 4pm.
>Experience deep feelings of dread
>Eat "breakfast"
>Snacc and browse this hellish board until 6am and do it all over again.

3pm wake up
7pm have dinner
9pm start drinking
5am go to bed

What's your pussy like? if you shower every day I bet it is nice.

>wake some time between 0600 and 0800(depending on length of previous day)
>If budget allows smoke some weed
>breakfast of fruit and dairy, getting a grasp on work of the day (I tend to change jobs often)
>If i dont expect to stand in piss and shit in the next hour I shower
>0930 going to the stables or the farmers to clean or help with fieldwork
>arrive at 1000, half hour of bike cardio in the bag
>work for 2 to 3 hours depending on my speed, get paid, cash in hand...dafuq is tax?
>cycling back home, shopping on the way if necessary
>1300 shower, cook lunch and see if there is some new translation jobs on the freelancer websites, chan/fapping
>1445 get to the apothecary round the corner to sell people medicine they don't need
>close at 1800 meet with dealer, as he has time, if I'm out of product, smoke some, sell more.
>2200-0100 get home, do some translations if I'm in the mood, smoke more weed, fap, sleep.

>Wake up 6:00AM
>Wage slave at my parents business 7-12
>Go to the gym for an hour
>Go home and have lunch
>Play vidya with my friends all day until 10:30PM

Just got adobe flash and adobe fireworks gonna try my hand at making sprite animations, will cut into my very limited vidya playing time

>wake up at 6:30AM
>go and do basic hygiene
>put on my uniform
>drink a cup of water
>no breakfast cause I hate my body
>go on youtube and watch shit
>get on bus
>draw porn at school
>go home walking
>eat shit
self hatred until morning
>30 min sleep

Why do so many anons have such shit sleeping patterns? You'd feel better if you fixed that.

>Sleep till 1 or 2pm
>Wake up
>Watch youtube or play vidya
>Get food
>Youtube or vidya
>Shitpost on here, call whores roasties
>Continue until 7am

>wake up around 9AM, have a one hour fap session in bed
>crawl out of bed to pc, browse the chans and play vidya till 3PM
>eat something i find in the fridge
>go back to pc and play more vidya
>crawl back to bed around 2AM
>cry myself to sleep

>wake up around 9-11am
>browse here and /trv/
>check a few youtube channels for updates
>maybe go do some chin ups or push ups at a school by my house
>go for 1 hour walk
>come home and play ball blaster on my phone
>smoke a cig while dinner is cooking
>eat dinner
>smoke another cig
>browse the internet
>maybe smoke another cig
>go to sleep

there will be a job somewhere in there if i can get one.

also 1-3 fap sessions; 1 in the afternoon, 1-2 at night

You should start working as a coder on smaller projects in your free time OP
If you managed to write a code that does the work for you then you are skilled enough for more valuable jobs

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>8:30am wake up
>make coffee and some eggs
>browse /v/, watch vids, look at memes
>1pm cook something if ma didn't make lunch (she pretty much always does and gets upset if me and dad don't eat it)
>play vidya until about 6pm
>start drinking (2 liters beer or a bottle of wine) only every other day, don'T wanna become an alcoholic lol
>shitpost on twitter and Jow Forums while playing some vidya in the background until it's bed time
Parents keep chewing my ears for getting a job already, but they are pretty chill about it after I told them about my mental illnesses

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I have two schedules:

Home schedule:
>Wake up at 8-9am
>Make coffee
>Browse internet till about 12pm
>Make lunch
>Play vidya until about 6pm
>Make dinner
>Browse internet or play a game until like 9pm
>Watch whatever TV series I'm watching with my step-dad (currently Sopranos)
>Go to bed 12am

Uni schedule:
>Wake up 11am
>Browse internet until 2
>Watch video recorded lectures I skipped on uni portal site
>Play vidya or just fuck around, prolly make lunch
>Buy drinks from the nearby shop
>Go meet friends and get fucked drunk at our friends place
>stumble back home 4am-5am

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>wake up at 6:30 or 6
>shower maybe grab a granola bar and get dressed
>get to work around 7:45
>browse internet till 12:30
>sit in car and listen to podcasts and eat lunch
>come back in around 1:05
>more internet. front desk security is comfy
>leave at 4:45
>get home at 5:30
>eat dinner with family or by myself depending of theyre around
>play vidya and if I have a bottle of something nice drink might go on a drunk bike ride especially if my brother wants to go.
>get into bed around 11
>watch jewtube till 12 and sleep

although today Im getting high with one of the boys after work. wish me luck
Life is overall comfy but I wanna get out of my parents I just cant afford it even though I work full time. maybe I should go back to school to be a teacher but idk

>wake up early
>feel exhausted and empty
>eat something my mom made
>sit at computer programming, reading some stuff, maybe doing some math and ofc browsing internet
>i still feel empty but less
>time for lunch, eat
>sit at pc, continue doing what i was doing
>take a shower
>time for sleep
>feel empty and useless while laying in bed
at least i don't go to school anymore though loneliness is killing me, i hope i will be able to finish my projects and learn stuff that i have to learn until the end of the year so i can finally get a job somewhere (even if online)

This, I'd like to know as well

> Get up at 7am
> Have a tea and take a bath until 8:30
> No breakfast because I can't eat
> leave for work
> do computer stuff that pays well but makes me jaded
> 7p usually back home
> Try eating dinner, when I'm better I cook and eat nicely
> chores until 8p or 9p
> a lot of weed, chans, a bit youtube
> sometimes some creative shit I never finish (still a lot of weed though)
> try going to bed at 11pm
> fall asleep easily thanks weed
> repeat


>wake up at 8am
>eat breakfast
>take shower
>use computer
>eat dinner at 4pm
>go to gym at 5pm
>use computer
>go to sleep at midnight

I draw a lot of comfort out of it that it's almost meditative, I feel protected and nice and I wish I could stay there forever and one day I might

>wake up around 2 AM
>play video games and guitar until 6
>work out
>eat breakfast
>go to work
>dick around until I have a research assignment
>do it in 20 minutes and pretend it takes 2 hours
>eat lunch
>endlessly work on a memo and a book that I shouldn't be writing to kill time
>come home
>video games
>eat dinner
>pass out in my computer chair around 8 and shamble to my bed

its sorta strange to most people but I prefer it

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>wake up at 4am
>drink water/pre-work out
>work out at 4:30
>shower around 5:30 usually
>drive to mall for weekly meet ups with game dev friends by 6:30 bc 7am meeting time
>lead said friends for 3-4 hours for game we're doing together
>drive to comfy cafe nearby with good smoothies
>draw for 2.5 hours
>drive home
>eat one big meal for the day/it fasting
>write for an hour
>dick around
>in bed by 8pm

Thursday-Sunday Morning:
>sleep until 6pm
>draw for an hour
>program game for an hour
>shower by 8:30pm
>one meal
>go to work at 10:15pm
>arrive by 10:35pm
>talk to a few closing cashiers until shift at 11
>work until 7:30-8:00
>come home
>work out
>rinse off/hygene
>go to bed

>Sunday Afternoon/Night
>wake up any time/only rest day of the week
>don't eat sundays
>draw on and off
>program on and off
>sleep again whenever

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>wake up 9 from my GF giving me a blowjob
>have quick sex for about an hour
>shower, eat breakfast
>meditate for an hour
>prepare for work (rehearse)
>go to work conducting choirs and teaching the piano
>get home around 9 in the evening
>GF cooked a meal
>cuddle/fuck until midnight depending on mood
>spoon til sleep
bretty good life I dare say, although working in music doesn't pay well here unless you get a job in public schools.

Man thats a comfy life

ah, my fellow manual labor brother
work is tough and life is shit I know the pain
at least we make more than the McSlavery fags h-haha

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> wake up at 7:00, hit snooze button until 8
> slam an iced coffee and j/o in the shower
> 9-5 office work usually
> lunch is tea and maybe cookies
> stay late once or twice a week, leave early when weather's nice
> 40% - chill with friends and tv/vidya
> 20% - go out to a bar or show
> 40% - put on loud music, do chores, skip dinner, internet and jerk off

Summer is my active period. Winter evenings are mostly junk food and anime.

>wake up at 930
>Eat a Clif bar
>Smoke a bowl
>Beat meat
>Smoke more
>play csgo
>Eat microwave pizza
>Cry myself to sleep

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are you me

Go back to with that succubus fanfict. She's gonna leave after she's done sucking your life energy

>wake up 7-8 AM
>masturbate until 9:30
>nap at 10:30
>Shower between 1 PM and 3 PM
> sleep until 5:30
>masturbate, sleep, browse Jow Forums
Been this way until classes resume

are you the femanon with the white hair?

Yeah I guess. I didn't expect so many people to remember that thread.

Perhaps, user. What's your work?

>wake up at 0500
>contemplate suicide
>0525 walk to PT
>0630 pt formation
>0745 release for breakfast
>shower, listen to the same 3 songs over and over
>0930 go to work
>do details/clean motorpool/think about killing myself
>1130-1245 lunch, go back to room and stare at the wall
>1300 work again, try to duck out when nobody's looking
>1500-1700 (depending on what I'm doing) get off work
>eat dinner
>think about hanging myself
>click through the same 5 web sites over and over
>boot up gta 5 again intending to do some missions, end up aimlessly killing pedestrians and killing myself in game over and over until I get bored
>2200 lie in bed
>2330 fall asleep
>0145 wake up, lie in the darkness regretting life decisions and crying
>fall back asleep

I like how women have made femjak look as attractive as possible because femals that go on here are so fucking insecure. Did you roasties ever notice that the point of the Wojak meme is supposed to make him look like the most basic male stereotype ever. Just wanted to point out how dumb the ehores that go on this site are.

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Based as shit