I'm not OP but hes a faggot that's all you need to know, I'm more important and you should ask me questions instead
Liam Price
Yeah what the faggot above me said. Fuck him with an 11 and a half inch dick what a fucking queer. Oh and we could use some more footage too.
Jason Richardson
Need more voices. But anything you want to submit is fine too.
Alexander Long
bump. love from orignalfag
Josiah Williams
>Night walk, >Well more like early sunset walk. >Meet girl along the way. >Get talking >Her birthday is a week and a day after mine. >Her bf ditched her, not dumped but, ditched. >She was quite upset. >She was in a band. >Very nice girl. >Felt very good talking to her. >Didn't high five her or anything. >Dunno what happened to her.
Lain would want us to make this doc, Lain wants you to submit video, voice or text. Because we are all connected. Even if the world outside of us decays and the world we inhabit on the internet crumbles around us. We are still connected all of us.
You know a greentext or just type out something interesting that happened to you on a nightwalk.
Stuff like. >Nightwalk one night. >Find myself on the rougher side of town. >See two homeless men fighting, >Don't know over what. >One homeless guy beats the other. >Knocks him down. >Grabs something. >It was a sandwich. >Taken from the trash apparently. >Or at best stolen from a gas station. >Dude who won started crying. >Something about how could he do that to his only friend in the world.
Ethan Gonzalez
What is this thread still be orgeonally bumped?
Oliver Ortiz
I've not nightwalked in a long time, but I am kind of inspired now.
Caleb Perez
I took breaks from doing it frequently but, I do it fairly often nowadays.
I work nights and on my off days I stay awake all night. Being a night owl is a h00t. Okay I'll see myself out now.
Jeremiah Martinez
Still accepting submissions, you don't have to post in the thread or join any discord. Deadline is in 11 days or so?
Easton Bailey
This takes me back. I always loved nightwalking. This one time me and the boys were doing a walk when a bunch of Batarians showed up. They had us fucking pinned but we managed to keep our heads down and finish the nightwalk.
Fucking Batarians just don't understand nightwalking.