Be 1/8th asian

>be 1/8th asian
>have a really small penis
>my dad has a massive cock
>my mom is 1/4th asian

this people is why you dont fucking racemix.

Attached: sph hentai.jpg (1700x1200, 496K)

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move to japan and be 7/8ths bigger than the average

>native american dad
>hes tall, handsome as fuck, confident and brave, strong and has a 6+ inch cock when its soft (i walked in on him naked once)
>white mom
>somehow i end up pale, weak bone structure, ugly, skinnyfat and small cock.
A-atleast im tall, right?

>A 2015 systematic review found that it was not possible to draw any conclusions about size and race from the available literature and that further research needed to be conducted.
It probably has more to do with your nutrition as you grew up. I bet you're a manlet too. Try eating more than a woman.

HAHAHA how small 6 inches?

Then why does literallu every guy in asian porn have a 4 incher?
Cope harder gook

i have 6 inches but its kinda skinny. wanna see

I'm 1/16th native American, and have a pretty nice cock (6.8"). So idek.

>porn is an accurate representation of reality
As long as we're spouting anecdotal nonsense, I can claim that western porn is produced for cucks that want to see men with bigger dicks than themselves while jap porn is for people that wanna focus on the woman in the video.

I cant imagine you got the genes for your penis from your mom
Maybe being a beta is recessive and you were just unlucky
Also have fun with the angry yellow fever posters

>angry yellow fever posters
You mean angry hapas? No guy wants a hapa son. I love Japanese girls, but would only want a hapa daughter, perhaps going as far as to make an agreement with my Jap wife that if she gets pregnant, and it's confirmed it's a boy, that she gets an abortion. Why would I want to spawn another Elliot Rodger when hapa girls are little qts who are destined to marry a white guy and spread your genes?

How do you know your dad has a massive cock user

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Its not really anecdotal if its an oberservation made through visual proof, is it, chun lee? On the other hand, your counter argument is literally a retard-tier whataboutism. How's it feel having a little cock, chink boy?

wanna see my skinny 6 incher? please respand

>Its not really anecdotal if its an oberservation made through visual proof
Thats literally what anecdotal evidence is. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're underage and undereducated rather than retarded.

At least you're not inbred, consider yourself lucky.

Not OP but I saw my dad's cock once or twice. Fuck, even soft he was like 6 inches and thicker than my fucking forearm. Either he doesn't get bigger than that or he has an actual 12 inch cock

I saw my dad's once, and he isn't circumcised. Why the fuck would he let my bitch mom mutilate me?

Left dick is actually average size while right dick wouldn't even be able to penetrate
Also why are the textboxes pointing outward is if the men were speaking but the text seems to come from the woman?

Actually anecdotal would be if only I had observed this, and it was an indivudual analysis with no real statistics. Since thse videos are online for millions to see, millions coust testify to it via their observations and therefore create the statistic if it were an actual study. Nice try, you little dicked zipperhead

ask me to show you my penis. pls respand

>my dad has a massive cock
How the fuck you know ?

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pIs respand

I don't want to see your pencil dick you literal fucking faggot, kill yourself

>be a little more than 1/16 asian
>Have big peepee
I lucked out. Plus I got big muscles and bones.

why? dont want your racism to be proven wrong? afraid my pencil dick will be -larger- than yours? its ok, friend. jealousy is a b*tch

>be completely asian
>6" dick
Now if only those pesky stereotypes didnt exist. Nobody believes that I have a decent sized penis.

You literally admitted to having a 6 inch pencil dick. Is it small. It is smaller than mine. Are you retarded?

Penis size is inherited from the father, you dumbass. It's on the Y chromosome.

me here
You're 6''? I'm 7.2''

it is bigger than yours. 6 inches properly measured from directly above the dick no press.

>Nobody believes that I have a decent sized penis
Talking about your own penis size in real life is pretty autistic

we only talk about it here

Im 6.5 inches and pretty thick too, no press. Checkmate, yellowman

>All my great grandfathers were 6'+ tall
>All married 5' tall women
>Grandfathers and uncles and father all around 6'
>Get the manlet genes from great grandmothers, not even 5'7"

Boi, there are many here who say that they're 8x6 and think that this is a reasonable larp. No one should believe anything online without proofs.

Don't think your forced meme is going to catch on.

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ok you have me beat, anoniman.


so i -should- post my 6 incher is what you saying? pls respanse

Then why dad has huge horse cock and i have a asian tier dick

how small are we talkin? 6 inch?

Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. No one can call you a liar if you timestamp and use a ruler.

Asain boys should just give it up and go sissy lmao

5 inches and skinny. 6 inches seems big to me

best i can do, quad 6 bro

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oh. hmm you can still put it inside a vagina

i went beta bux sugar daddy mode

Not very convincing, my lad.

sry. best i can do.

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are you a girl(female) that prefers smaller/average peens?

How much are you raking in ? adn any advice ?

not much. ya, dont move out.

no. i habe peepee 6in. ^o^

7x5 khv here
I know a Korean drug dealer manlet who has fucked hundreds of girls off of tinder

you must be proud of him

who /stabby needle dick/ here?

am i the only /needle stabby dick/?

am i an anomaly

suuuport my mixtapes pls

I've been with a lot of asian men, they do have small dicks. It's really, really, REALLY well known.

No I think he is a fucking degenerate
I'm giving op an example of someone similar to him that fucks

ya. i think im the anomaly

Wouldn't that make your grandsons hapas?

>Be half asian
>Dad has tiny 6" cock
>Mum's family averages 5"
>Get 8"
Dilution is bad. Mixing is good.

w/e, hapa sons will at least be 6 inches. you can trust me im asian.

tfw 7 inch subhuman, almost made it to the 7.5 god tier status, FUCK MY LIFE FOREVER DICKLET.

Elaborate, how do you have that information user ?

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Being pale isn't bad.

>dad side
>irish/scottish inbreeding, 4'11, huge amounts of genetict depression, schizophrenia, every health defect possible
>mom side
>literally all men are 6'10 or more, only great great grandfather had heart disease, all of them smoke and drink but still live to 80s easily
>come out average
Guess I got lucky
Until I get older and I get all that fucking schizophrenia hahah a

Your logic is flawed. I guessing you never realized there are showers and growers. Show-ers when flaccid have a lot of length, but when erect it doesn't grow by much (probably 1" at most.) Meanwhile there are growers (Like myself) whom when flaccid they're small but when erect it grows a lot. (In my case I grow three times my size.)

Your Dad is just a shower. His dick isn't 12 inches


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HEHEHEHEHE tastes very good ^o^

got lucky
Yet your still here?

my problem is that my dick is fairly big, but my hands are really big so it ends up looking small in pictures

>irish/scottish inbreeding
where does this meme come from? so fucking stupid. I'm not even irish/scottish
> huge amounts of genetict depression
genetic depression is not a real thing
you're overexaggerating
>every health defect possible
fucking lol sure

I'm a phonefag, I didn't see the filename.
But my point still stands.

why are you taking pictures?

the gene deciding on cocksize come from the mother, not the father
whether your father has a big cock or not is irrelevant, and if you got a 8" and fucks a chink your kids will have chink peepees

>post my azn pp
>they still saying its smol
you really dont have anything else

>focus on the woman
you know what, this gook actually has a point. I fapped to some jav shit last night and was able to cum just watching yu shinoda spreading her delicious asshole doggy on a couch. meanwhile, i need to see vina sky getting stuffed with a big fat cock for it to be arousing. this is actually very odd. whats happening here? are japs superior?

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We compare cock size in our family to establish dominance. Backward pakis and chavvy brits combined.
8" and my medical degree basically makes me the family god.