What hobby, collections, interests have you picked up in your spare time?
Doesn't matter how autistic it is, this is a no bully thread, I'm just curious what Jow Forums does.
Pic related, I like to make harsh noise
What hobby, collections, interests have you picked up in your spare time?
Doesn't matter how autistic it is, this is a no bully thread, I'm just curious what Jow Forums does.
Pic related, I like to make harsh noise
Other urls found in this thread:
i love to listen to harsh noise so much it's my favorite genre
i wish i could make it too but ain't got no money
harsh noise isn't music, it's harsh noise. Hence why OP's photo doesn't have any instruments in it.
you can make harsh noise with a guitar bro you just need them pedals
those are synths btw
I have too many hobbies to count really. Lots of stuff related to crafting and survival though.
Do you have a soundcloud or something OP?
>those are synths btw
Just like I said, no instruments.
I dont really record any of my stuff desu
I just do it for fun and experimentation purposes
I do record my sessions and post them on insta
Synths can be instruments if utilized properly
I wouldn't call myself a musician, just a guy with wires and knobs
I actually was at a noise show the other day, guy used a guitar with pedals to make his noise.
And then there was a freaky goth chick using contact microphones and pedals
I gotta say it was an interesting experience
post insta!! do you have discord? let's talk abt noise
Getting into blacksmithing
Got a bunch of free wood from a tree cutting company so i made my own charcoal and i made a small forge with some fire bricks and a leafblowet as a makeshift bellows.
Ive really just spent the last 4 months turning rebar and 1cm square steel rods into tiny knives and leafs, but i wanna get the basic knowledge down.
collect arizona tea bottles but only the flavors i have drank
autistic hobbies:
>sometimes I spend hours on dan/gelbooru and collect images for my meticulously sorted folders
>I consider myself and imageboard hobbyist and have basically every living (as in gets a few posts a week at least) imageboard bookmarked, I frequent more than one obscure alt. chan
>I love visual novels and learned Japanese exclusively so I could play untranslated ones, right now I am reading Chaos;Child
not autistic hobbies:
>drawing, I do this at least once a day only from real life not anime (though my end game is to draw weeb stuff). I like to draw plants, people, still objects like bikes/fire hydrants/keys/lamp posts/whatever makes an interesting subject
>coding, although I only started this month, I am teaching myself python atm
>jogging (90-120 minutes a week)
>lucid dreaming, I keep a dream journal although lately I have had the time. Had 40~ LDs
>reading, lately self-improvement books and some other misc. topics. I plan on reading all the Tolkien stuff soon. 30 books in this year so far.
>meditation, 30 minutes daily
I love my hobbies but working interferes with them. I just wish I could live rent-free somewhere, I don't need much to survive. Everyone should be guaranteed at least a living quarters, I have to wage slave 45 hours a week to make minimum wage and just survive. Maybe I can make a few killer app and live off the income, even $1000 a month I could easily live off.
Looks cool.
What are some mid-to-endgame projects you want to make? Imagine if you made Guts' sword or Pyramid Head.
Midgame is copying hard stuff. Endgame is inventing my own. No innovator is bound by what exists already, i want to try and make unique things that havent been seen before.
Know any good imageboards for tech discussion?
lifting, if that's a hobby.
Jow Forums. LMAO
Tohno-chan has /navi/
8gag /tech/
ccoolthings_1#2501 for discord
barely on it, but i oughta be desu
Microscopy. I like to imagine that I'm just one of those little microbes, and that I have no problems. For anyone who wants to know, I have a Nikon alphaphot ys2.
I don't have any hobbies except making music and I spend pretty much all my exposable income on it.
I like my synths to sound a bit more musical but you do you. I also have that exact same flower pot that's been sitting around here for like 15 years.
> making psychedelic electronic music
> building modular synths and effect pedals
> playing guitar
> longboarding
> projection mapping and VJing
> creating visual art (painting, digital. Ect)
> building electronics and little gadgets.
i love you do you wanna be my bf
i used to paint, i should jump back on it
there's an unfinished painting just sitting in my room for 3 months
I love you too user let's fug
no fucking just noise musik
I like your synths. It's a shame I cannot test them to see how everything works. I want to buy myself a first synth, preferably not an expensive one, but I have no idea what to choose. I have a basic/intermediate knowledge when it comes to sound design and mixing and also a 3-year experience of FL Studio. Also what do you think about this Korg?
You need to decide a few things.
Do you want monophonic or polyphonic?
Do you want self contained, modular, or semi modular?
What kind of sounds are you looking for?
Are you looking for something with digital memory or true analog?
Do you want to use MIDI, CV or both?
Some things to consider before making a purchase
All I really do is work on music (rap shit) and sometimes go to smash tourneys (inb4 fag). I should prob. learn to mix/master and produce but fuuuuuuuuuuuuck it.
>Not instruments
It's like you forgot about keyboards or something
i do plenty of different activities throughout the day, but nothing I'd consider a "hobby" because all those said activities feel like a chore to me most of the time
>(rap shit)
kys yourself
Nah im good. This life shit ok.
least autistic reply itt, good on you user
it's worse than autism it's normie nigger shit
drawing, video games, and anime mostly. im writing for a game too! so thats neat
making music like youre doing sounds really cool and i hope to be able to pull that off myself someday
I've been playing classical and ragtime piano for most of my life, and now I'm working on improv/jazz fusion - voicings, phrasing, modes, weird harmonies, just anything I can change key or style
Pic related, my new baby
Cool, I'm doing the same thing on piano but I don't have any classical training and my fingering is all fucked up.
I've been trying to lucid dream as well. Most times it happens is when i fall asleep watching/listening to stuff, then realize I'm not where I was and wake up. How's it going for you?
If you're working on dexterity/fingering, this book is the go-to, and the exercises will always serve for keeping sharp
Noted, thanks fusion user.
>exposable income
I'd love to hear your definition of musical instrument.
my brain no work good after stroke
fuck I remember more or less memorizing this book. It is the standard though and has been for a very, very long time.
now I feel bad . The synths are cool anyhow, what do you think of Moog?
I don't actually own one. I'm a poorfag and bought a bunch of other shit before I started getting into synths. I have a Korg Minilogue because I wanted something polyphonic and because I found a used one for a hell of a lot less money. Normal retail price over here is about 500 european funbucks and I got mine for about 350. I also have a Waldorf Streichfett coming in the mail because string sounds are the greatest shit and I couldn't find a string synth for a comparable price. To me it seems like Moog is a bit overhyped but I might buy one eventually to try them out. My next synth will probably be something semi-modular like an MS20. For now I'll just keep making music with what I've got
> Music (i often play drums)
> Vydia (i'm very into my Ironman in OSRS and i just got Dead by Daylight in Xbox One, also i'm a regular in MK11).
> Cooking (it's so entertaining and new tastes are my go).
> Lifting (I go ocasionally to the gym or i lift at home)
> Soccer (sorry lads, i'm hispanic and i like to play in team tournaments)
> Jow Forums (default hobby for everyone here).
> Drugs (I'm a degenerate that likes pot)
> MBTI and that kind of shit (it's a great ice breaker desu)
My life is pretty boring and kinda "Normie",except that i'm a weird fuck socially and that hurts a lot.
I play warhammer, both 40k and Age of Sigmar.
It's a pretty good hobby for making friends, and you always have something to do as you always have some model that needs painting, lol.
Not exactly a chick-magnet, but what can you do.
music, mostly guitar with a giant pedalboard, but i also have some synths. i make post rock, garage rock, and experimental stuff like noise also
i produce sometimes, usually making deconstructed club/post industrial type stuff or power noise
i do art, street art shit. stickers, wheatpaste, paint
im into cycling which i do as a full time job as a bike messenger
those are the main ones, theres some shit on the side like some political activism shit. videography and photography, games. i used to do comedy and got some gigs doing that but became too depressed and lost interest
I do airsoft and Cold war LARP with people significantly less autistic than myself, but the average age feels like 35. Airsoft has a weird stigma in my cunt so I can't really go about looking for frens easily. And 100% male hobby so no gf
>classical, electrical, and acoustic guitar
>keyboard, melodica
>dizi flute, transverse flute, pan flute, recorder, quena, harmonica
>erhu, viola
>Concert and soprano Ukeleles, plus a 12th string mandolin
Instrument/music autist, main ones that i actually know how to play are the guitars, the keyboards, and the flutes, but i own around 16 instruments because my autism needs new instruments every now and then like a drug for some reason. of course since i have so many it's impossible to be good at all of them, but i'm at the point where i can at least play you a song on each one, currently trying to learn the erhu but it's so fucking hard because all the content on the internet is in chink
When I was at university I played a lot of badminton. Now I've finished and have a fuck ton of shuttlecocks and no Chinese students to destroy me. I miss you unsociable cunts
OK. I fell off the wagon though because my current living conditions are no longer conducive to quality sleep. I can't practice nor do I have the energy to even keep my dream journal updated. Here's what I found to work though
>Wake-back-to-bed method combined with this
>Wake-back-to-bed method combined with Galantamine
>repeating a mantra before bed but take it VERY seriously
>training your body to wake up after every dream cycle and recording your dreams during these intervals in the middle of the night
>meditation before bed (20+ minutes)
>staying engaged in LD forums, blogs, books, etc.. and thinking about it daily
>reality checking daily
Life's too short to waste potentially amazing sleep adventures.