Do you think your life would be better if you didn't have a small dick?

Do you think your life would be better if you didn't have a small dick?

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Still better than having no dick like yourself.

Not that much better but it would be one less thing to make me feel like a genetic failure. But I'd still feel like a genetic failure.

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I think my life would be better if I didn't have a dick

no bc its an itty bitty peeny clitty

I agree with this user whole heartedly

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Yea absolutely just having a small dick even though no women has seen has destroyed my self esteem and im too scared to show it to a girl...

Infinitely better
I would actually have gfs and never discover Jow Forums

I actually have a pretty big dick but I'm never going to get to use it so who cares.

>tfw no girl to say this shit to you in a baby voice whilst you plow her
having specific less prevalent fetishes is a real struggle man

no one has seen it so nothing would change

would have been worse, my ex prefers massive peens and we broke up because the sex was trash. but i realized after that our relationship was massively fucking with my mental health.

now i'm with a girl who's cuter and cums 2-3 times every time we have sex, life is good

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Think? I know so, but not for the reason you might think. My penis is so small when flaccid that it literally goes in me. Not only does this look embarrassing in front of women, but it almost always prevents me from having clean underwear. Every time I piss I'm never able to get every drop, and with it being nearly inverted it's hard to keep clean. If I was bigger just while I was flaccid it would be a massive improvement. Not to mention that it only gets to like 4.5 inches(12 cm) when hard, and I fail the toilet paper roll test. Just knowing I'd be able to actually please women with my penis alone would be a massive boost to my confidence.

Yes, definitely. The only 2 girls I've ever been with have been massively ashamed of me for having a tiny cock.

What is the toilet paper roll test? I think I'd fail it too because I'm around 4 inches I reckon

Toilet paper roll test is a test of girth. In the US, toilet paper rolls have a circumference of around 5.5 inches, so if you can fit inside of it without difficulty then your penis isn't wide enough to satisfy a girl that well.

>Not to mention that it only gets to like 4.5 inches
Wait user I think that's an actual medical condition, I saw a guy on TV once who had the same problem (flaccid dick being buried inside, but normal when erect) and he fixed it with surgery. I'd go see a urologist if I were you.

Right I'm going to do this today. But I already know the answer. I simply don't measure up.

I'm fairly sure the average girth is not 5.5 m8, it's like just above 4.5, so the toilet roll test is stupid as shit

>it's like just above 4.5
I'm 5 inchs around and that shit is tiny. I reckon that's around average, if slightly smaller. I can only imagine how fucking small 4.5 is...

At least you guys don't have an ~2 inch girth

>I reckon that's around average
I went and looked it up before posting buddy, statistics are what we go on not what you think it must be. The average girth is like 4.69 apparently. And your personal view of your own dick is always wildly skewed, I'm nearly 6 in girth and I think it looks thinner than it should.

>The average girth is like 4.69 apparently
I don't believe that at all.

>I'm nearly 6 in girth and I think it looks thinner than it should.
That's because you're a retard

I have an above-average dick, it doesn't matter if nobody sees it.

You're free to not believe in real sample sizes all you want buddy, doesn't change anything.

>That's because you're a retard
No, it's because just about every male on the planet has some small amount of body dysmorphia when it comes to their own dick, and porn has wildly affected what you consider normal or average.

So far my small penis has not impacted my life in any meaningful way.

Worse actually, I probably wouldn't have discovered horse porn otherwise

I'm 5'9
I know I am not short, but nor am I tall either. I know objectively I am about average. Same applies to my penis, maybe slightly below average.

If you look at your 6 inch girth dick and still think it's small, even though OBJECTIVELY it is bigger than 80 percent of other men, yeah you are a low IQ brainlet. Porn has nothing to do with it.

i have a big dick but can't use it. so why does it matter?

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>but can't use it
why? Do you have ED?

Except it's not you retard, that's the point. You're not seeing ordinary peoples dicks, you're only seeing porn, and in porn the average is not the same as the average amongst the general public, so a 6 inch girth SEEMS average at best based on what the fuck you're comparing it to. Jesus christ lad this isn't complicated stuff here. If all you saw were nba players, you would not think you were average height

no, autism which prevents me to put it in girls

Lol, by your own logic, you should feel the complete opposite of insecurity or thinking your dick is not big enough.

Autistic people have gfs and get laid. You just choose not to use it.