I finally have 32 pounds of sodium hydroxide! I can finally get started! Its time

I finally have 32 pounds of sodium hydroxide! I can finally get started! Its time.

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i'm scared. What are you doing with all that, user?

Don't worry so much haha

are you manufacturing textiles?

Ur gonna commit suicide with that aren't you


Dude how is anyone going to kill themselves with sodium hydroxide? The only thing you can do is dissolved proteins and perhaps bones. Putting someone in that is just going to give them chemical burns.

>Dude how is anyone going to kill themselves with sodium hydroxide?
Drinking it? Christ you're dumb.

What about soap. With that much product who knows how much soap someone can produce! Just imagine!

I already have hydrochloric acid in my stomach. What a little sodium hydroxide gonna do to me.

Its like you pussys don't even drink drain cleaners.

Maybe he's making soap or maybe he's dissolving a body

reacts with aluminum, creates hydrogen gas

Okay, user. Goodspeed. Don't forget where you come from, as you gaze over the lunar surface.

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dmt probably, its common people use this to start extraction

Good thing I'm not made of aluminum

a fucking lot of soap


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he is manufacturing textiles, or soap

Thats WAY more than what you would need for an extraction.

My friend please be respect not use chemical are dangerous suicide extraction method fault police are censure report

OP is either going to use it to make homemade soap, or to dissolve someone's corpse.

If OP was using it to off himself he would have just bought one bottle and be done with it.

But instead he bought it in bulk which means he obviously plans on doing more than just drinking it you retard.


you also have e coli in your tummy dummy
eating more will kill you

I wanna see the science experiment!

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OP tell us what you're doing you faggot

I hear they're great as a bath salt. Just toss them in the bathtub and you've got a Jacuzzi.

waiting for OPs secret reveal

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Probably he is using that for the most painful suicide method

Do you think he's going to have a party with all of it?

You guys will never fully understand what I'm working towards. But it is grandos in it's final point of production. Do you really want this knowledge?

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Just fucking talk or leave you fucking faggot. I'm not in the mood for some retard posting vague shit without substance to fish for yous

tell us or i will find you and bathe you in that shit

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we want the knowledge, op

oh, it's just a bomb and you're being super edgy about it.
kys faggot.

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I mean, realistically speaking there isn't a lot you can do with sodium hydroxide other than
-ingredients for a bomb
-making homemade soap
-using it to dissolve meat

I putting my money it being any of those 3.

Maybe he has a pipe that is really really clogged

How destructive a bomb could OP make with that?

Castle bravo

Op here

I'm gonna mix it with my poop and pee and post results

ecoli are after the stomach acid bath. Drinking stuff like that usually fucks you up because it burns through your oesophagus which is, unlike your tummy, not made for that much. It will likely not kill you, you will be gurgling on the floor until found or eaten by your cat after a gruesome death

Plastic explosives or bootleg meth?

A body?

Could you be making ghb in bulk?

Dissolving a body i presume. Good luck op.

Not original fuck me

>using this retarded of a suicide method
>wanting to have your innards slowly burned alive
>not using a more painless method like nitrogen gas or shooting yourself in the head

Maybe he's making enough DMT to enlighten the entire Milky Way Galaxy

>will surely deliver

pick one

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>he isn't hardcore enough to dissolve himself from the inside out
And you wonder why girls don't pay attention to you.

Jow Forums's first suicide party?

Ok I'll give you the knowledge.

So I'm using sodium hydroxide aka lye as a display for silica aka crystal cat litter. The sodium hydroxide at about 40 grams dissolved 60 grams of silica gel in 100 no of water to create sodium silicate.

Why am I making sodium silicate? I'm making it at home becuase it is a high temperature binder used in investment sand casting. It reacts to CO2 in the air hardening like a rock.

When mixed with silica sand aka regular fine sand at about 10 to 15% it creates a moist sand that I surround my 3d printed prototypes in, then take a CO2 tank and inject inside the sand to harden it.

I melt the plastic part out and pour molten aluminum into the casted cavety and break it open to show my 3d printed metal part.

The reason I ordered 32 lbs of sodium hydroxide is because I use a lot of it and at 2.20$ per pound in saving at least 3 dollars buying at Wal-Mart. You can buy sodium silicate but its much cheaper to make it yourself.

I wanted to make an anonymous post about it to mess with you guys but it least is showed you guys the reason why. Pretty funny right!

But you can totally disolve body's with this much sodium hydroxide.

The pic related is a incomplete test of a metal pour. In working to get better detailing by covering the parts initally with plaster of Paris coats to get more defined detail. So far my test subject gave me incredible prefect detail by doing this new process I invented.

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very wholesome OP

>investment sand casting
that's a made up term

Op be fucking careful when using that around aluminium its highly reactive and produces hydrogen gas.

That's pretty cool.
Make a gun.

>user is preparing to cast an ar15 lower to blast normalfags with

so can you make anything that isn't trash?

Dude don't blow my cover
I will......eventually
I know thank you for your concern about my health!

Just a dildo to fuck your mom with.

No OP is casting sex robot parts and the is his first tit.

Please do report back to /b/ when you pour molten Al on some unreacted lye.

thats actually pretty neat

I thought you were a plumber who just needed a lot of extra-strength drain unblocking

Jesus nigger, I'd've sent you 2 50 pounds bags of sodium silicate from my work if you live close.

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What does that do? Probaly nothing good. But sound interesting

What do you do that allows you to work with the stuff? Shit I'll Grease your hands for you trouble and pay for the shipping if ya mean it. im in florida so your probably too far. I'd post a throwaway email if ya serious.

That either a lot of drains or one hell of a clog