Whites make up less than 50% of zoomers. At some point soon, the US will be a hispanic majority country. How do you think this will effect race relations?
Whites make up less than 50% of zoomers. At some point soon, the US will be a hispanic majority country...
Hispanics want to be white subconsciously so youll still be in power no worries
god I see so much spic babies, we are FUCKED
Race war. The only way to stop it is ethnostates.
Nothing will be different
Hispanics are just mutts so at this rate we'll all be those reddish, whiteish, blackish, yellowish, brownish future people from that one southpark episode. Since we'll all look the same and haveno more indentity to a certain culture, we'll have either peace or become complete degenerates with their own satanic tier culture. With the way things are going, with the loss of good european christian values, and the acceptance and normalization of degenerate cultures, values and behaviors, id say the latter is more likely
I think the mutt thing is inevitable just because transportation and communication technology is so good now that its relatively easy for different people to interact with each other.
I honest to God think that it's going to lead to Balkanization at some point. The current state of disunity and tension is just the calm before the storm. A country built on "diversity" where large swaths of the country want completely different things and have nothing in common with each other is disastrous. Doing away with encouraging assimilation is going to be the deathknell that dooms our country.
We no longer have a national identity or shared as a result of this insanity. The fetishization of diversity is going to be the end of the nation in a few decades. I just hope that the split is peaceful.
Western society will become non-white.
But, minorities all want to be white. They love and hate whites because whites are blamed for all their problems yet whites are seen as the ideal of beauty, of achievement, of strength, of everything.
So more non-whites will be born, more mixed race kids will be born, the remaining actual whites will be worshiped and hated at the same time, and plenty of non-whites will try to sneak their way into 'white' status.
The world is a shit, as usual.
>whites are the ideal of beauty
>whites are the ideal of strength
Do whites unironically believe this?
Yes. Non-whites want to breed with whites and they even try to white-ify themselves.
You see this with all types of brown people. The only problem is, they aren't white.
Not this bs again. Most wh*tes look like dogs. The only attractive ones are slavs and southern mutts.
Well i guess i dont think white women are incredibly beautiful, physically and mentally, but thats really the only reason i want to be with one. As for strength, its always niggers and spics becoming champions in boxing and ufc ect so idk.
Meh, average white american looks alright, but I guess the average white american is already a mutt too.
Sorry, i meant I DO think white women are the most beautiful
That's your opinion - but many people around the world disagree.
Strength as in the legacy of colonialism, the crushing military power, and the economic power that whites have.
Honestly already looks somewhat similar to average mexican
Yeah! They both have eyes, and a chin, and a nose. Very similar!
Kinda, this one has wider native american features and the american has more eloguent and high iq european features
Oh will this is pretty much true then. Being asian in the us kind of sucks because we have no real role models or anything. You always see white rich chads, masculine thug black rappers swimming in white pussy, and handsome and "spicy" spics with the accents that women love on tv. Also the champion thing i brought up. All you see for media representation for asians in america are nerdy virgins and kung fu masters
ok wh*toid
Brown people are white, even Jow Forums thinks so.
Come on user, hop aboard the modern brave new world and embrace a whole new set of facts.
I don't know much about being asian. The oldschool Chinese are cool though, if they like you. Met a few guys like that over the years, I keep in touch with one.
Martial arts movies were awesome when I was younger. Maybe one day I'll get back into them.
>America? No, I'm not retarded.
>thinking americans are actually a distinct race and not a bunch of halfnigger mutts