I reply to everyone in this thread

I reply to everyone in this thread.

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a helicopter circled my house bout an hour ago i think they saw my post from a few days ago and decided to let me know they seen it or they just fuckin with me

Whats your endgame? Are you bored out of your mind!?

If you reply to this one you die.

Start small and work your way up and you'll see that your boipussy can take more than you ever could imagine.

faggot OP didn't answer anyone. fuck off you piece of slime.

they are watching you user, be aware
>Are you bored out of your mind!?
kinda bored, just took some kratom
>If you reply to this one you die.
everyone dies one day user
I once stuck a finger up my boipussy while jerking off, was actually not that bad
im still here faggot nigger

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Why do I always feel so unwanted, OP?
I try to be pleasant to be around, I'm polite, funny and somewhat charismatic around certain folk yet I can't shake the feeling of people thinking I'm retarded and that they dont want to be around me.

>Why do I always feel so unwanted, OP?
I feel like that as well. I bet you're a cool guy and most people like you, it's just in your head. And even if they don't like you, who cares.

Thank you. But that is the issue. I'm not sure if people like me or not so I don't even know if I should be happy that people like me or have the "Who Cares" attitude because I know they don't like me. You know?

erver435 5t r 5 5t 45t4 5t45y ty 5

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Shut up, autist.

>should be happy that people like me or have the "Who Cares" attitude because I know they don't like me
You can be happy that people like you, but try not to care so much. Thinking too much about these things will just make you paranoid and unhappy.

c-could it be?
my first (You)?

I think its too late, brother.

If you reply to this you have to fap furry porn

here, all for you fren

it's never too later my brother from another mother
never fapped to furry porn, worth a try I guess

carrot time

carrots are good for your eyes user, you can also shove them up your shitter for sexual pleasure

I like that mouse. I feel like it can describe me in many situations. For example I have to pee right now and I'm stuck in traffic

Why are you replying to everyone?

>For example I have to pee right now and I'm stuck in traffic
you could pee in a bottle if you have one
I'm bored and high

Name one of your favorite films.

I had 6 packages of saltine crackers and have been reloading the catalog for the past 10 fucking hours. Only 1 break to fap, or listen to music.

fear and loathing in las vegas, into the wild and nightcrawler are all good movies
>reloading the catalog for the past 10 fucking hours. Only 1 break to fap, or listen to music.
been doing the same the whole day, my brain is rotting away

You are not your thoughts. You are that consciousness which is aware of your thoughts. Consciousness is by nature absolutely still and silent. All movements are separate from your consciousness; they are not you. Your body, your emotions and your thoughts belong to the external, fluctuating, temporary world. You are an Eternal soul who happen to be in this world, but not of this world. You are the Eternal Watcher, the Silent Observer of reality unfolding itself perpetually moment from moment. There is nothing for you to do, because you are not the doer. You do not move; you are merely the observer of the movements that you call "your" life.
Hold onto nothing, take nothing personally, not even your own mind.

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give me cute anime girls pls

here you go
stop taking life so serious, sit back and enjoy the ride

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