Anybody else here like fapping to dicks but aren't really attracted to men? Lets talk about it

Anybody else here like fapping to dicks but aren't really attracted to men? Lets talk about it.

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so if i wear a costume with only my dick out would you let me fuck you?

What is there to say? They should have given girls dicks and boys vaginas

Give it time. Men will start to look better and better until you want nothing more than to be pinned under one.

I'm not attracted to anyone irl
real people are gross

No I don't think I would ever have sex with a man, too much disease and I wanna remain pure just in case I get a gf.

I don't think so, its been like this since I was a teen and now I'm almost 30.

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Yeah I like big cocks and erping as a sissy cum dump to bully anons but I'm not attracted to dudes at all irl.

Yeah I go from fapping to dicks all night, then I go out and girls are suddenly interesting again.

>I'm almost 30
i wouldnt have sex with you either

Has anyone here actually cum from anal alone or is that just exaggerated reactions from porn?

Where is this from and is it on nhentai?

how would you go about exaggerating a reaction like that, satan? it is very visible and undeniable when a man cums

I don't care, I've had a gay guy offer me money for sex so I must be still attractive.

nagi ichi

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This is the most frustrating sexuality.
I hate vaginas and love dicks, yet have no attraction what so ever to men.
The only solution seems to be tranners but they're rare as hell and hate their dicks.

I think its better to just stick with girls desu, at least we like their faces. You can just fap to dicks and get it out the way whenever.

How do I get around the part of finding vaginas disgusting and only wanting to fuck them in the ass?

>nagi ichi
wtf this one with the fox boy is the hottest most romantic thing ive ever seen
>tfw no cute bottom to go on adventures and fight monsters with

Deal with it like most men do. Notice how we have cocklust threads but no pussylust threads, pussy has always been just a ugly fuck hole.

I don't know if I can user. I've experienced it and it's such a turn off.

How hot was the girl? Pussy is only as good as the amount of attraction you feel for the rest of the girl.

I've tried with two different girls thinking maybe one was just a bad experience. Both were average since I can't get hot girls.
I really liked one but it ruined things for us. As to be expected, she wanted interaction with her pussy but I couldn't get into it all. I had to fight like hell not to throw up when she coaxed me into oral. Everything else with her was nice but I would lose my erection if I tried to do anything with her pussy. Similar situation with the other girl but I didn't like her nearly as much.

It's because you watch too much porn blah blah blah. I bet you feel gross after you cum too probably,

I don't know, some guys aren't into eating pussy though. I'm a virgin so I'm only hoping I can at least tolerate it.

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I used to fap to cuck stuff and felt fucking awful after cumming. Once I switched to traps I felt a wave of relief - it feels so much better and "right" to cum to a feminine boy

I was hoping the same thing and that I was just a pent up degenerate, but I really can't get into it at all.

It seems to me that cocks are mostly clean, barring some sweat and possible pre-cum.

Vaginas aren't like that. When a girl gets wet it's basically slimy. I understand some girls taste better than others, but in my experience (one girl) it tasted seriously sour. It's very unpleasant, and hard to ignore, especially when you can't fucking breathe.

What kind of sexual experience do you have?

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>Must be attractive
>Virgin nearing 30

>get off to guys cumming from being ass-fucked or having their prostate massaged
>masturbate anally myself, favorite way to get off
>no desire whatsoever to actually do anything with any guys

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>but in my experience (one girl) it tasted seriously sour. It's very unpleasant, and hard to ignore, especially when you can't fucking breathe.

Yeah it seems like even some of the straightest guys have vagina horror stories. The problem with dicks is that they are sometimes too smalls, but vaginas are just straight up gross it seems.

That will happen if you never approach girls or even give them eye contact.

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A lot. I have enacted pretty much every fucked up fantasy I've ever had, from cuck stuff to fucking traps and every other dirty thing I've been into.

If you were genuinely attractive user someone would definitely have given you a number or even a chance at some point in your many years of maturity.
Also have sex

You've got pretty good taste.
t. 24 year old who also suffers from permanent cocklust

Why do vaginas look so gross? Roast beef doesn't look attractive and coinslots look so puffy and weird. when they're spread open and you see the glands they just look like insect mouths. Every other thing about girls is perfect and complimentary so why do I have to be one of the ones repulsed by their womanhood? I'm not even that attracted to dicks I just love anal

How'd you do it (especially the traps)

this, i love woman's faces a tits, but vaginas are fucking disgusting. it looks like an alien mouth.

I've had at least 3 good chances where they came to me, but they were either ugly or had a boyfriend.

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Yeah but only specifically big ones. I think I have a complex about size more than anything so seeing the contrast is hot. Hung shota + milf is the god combo.

And here you are lusting for cocks.
What a dark path you have taken user

>when they're spread open and you see the glands they just look like insect mouths. Every other thing about girls is perfect and complimentary so why do I have to be one of the ones repulsed by their womanhood?
This sums it up really well. There's that meme that vaginas look like the predator but it's real. It freaks me out trying to stick my dick in there because it doesn't feel or look like an inviting place at all. Everything else about girls are nice, I don't get why that part had to be so fucked up.

Me too. My dick is so small I feel silly self inserting as the man, being the bitch makes more sense.

Hey its either cocklust or dealing with female bullshit and having to chase/impress them 24/7.

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do you even chase men though? You should be sucking cocks instead.

>it doesn't feel like an inviting place

that's literally what it's made for

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Think about how much of an improvement it would be if it was just a simple hole like a butthole. No feces to worry about, self lubricating along with a simple, appealing design

>that's literally what it's made for
Which makes you think they'd do a better job of it

Conceptually? Yes.
In actuality? Hell no, it's about as uninviting as it gets.

I'd love if that were there the case, but I can't enjoy the living sore that is now.

One can only dream, or scheme. My preferred situation is to get close to a girl that I like and keep dropping hints until she pushes me over and does it herself so i can just look at her mischevious face instead of that. The feeling should awaken my instincts which should suppress any disgust. Thoughts?

It could work for you but the chances of it ever happening are slim to none.
Women become very irate when they learn you're not into their pussy.

Met a girl on tinder. Thought she was a little tall, but I was literally trapped. She told me she was born a boy. I wasn't looking for it, so I basically stumbled on the holy grail. We only fucked twice before she ghosted me but it was amazing. I ended up falling in love with her and pressured her too hard to be my gf when she just wanted to hang out and fuck occasionally.

I used to be like that. Liked looking at penises but that was it, male bodies were a no-go.
It was a slow, gradual process over the course of 10 or so years. But I guess I became full blown bisexual.
Little by little I'd cave on some of my limits. "Well, I guess it doesn't HAVE to be futa..." "Well, I guess the trap doesn't HAVE to wear a skirt..." "Well, I guess twinks aren't THAT masculine..."

And now I want a strong, muscular man who is bigger than me to hold me tightly in his arms, and treat me like I'm his woman (I don't want to BE a woman though, it's not like that). Now I see shirtless men running or biking in the hot sun and think "nice".

It can happen to anyone; it can happen to you.

damn lucky bastard guess it just happens if your out there enough though

that's why tranny porn is pretty good user. get the bonus of dick, but without the downside of being a guy who looks the antithesis of attractive.

Whenever anything past the line crosses my mind, i just imagine I'm Ichigo tearing off the hollow mask

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I considered it for a while, but the lack of attraction is too much, I'd just be using them for dick, and it would be hard to find a nice dick anyway.

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it's easy. If you're in college just write your kik or discord in a bathroom stall and say you want to suck dick. They'll send you pictures so you can sort through them.

I just can't get into that. If I see a guy thats bigger or stronger than me I want to become that, my drive to be more masculine than the next guy and protect my space is just too strong. Also no matter how hot a guy might be, if his dick were small, it would ruin the entire package. That's the difference between men and woman, despite having gross genitals girls are just a walking pile of attractive parts, while a man is only as good as his dick.

No I'm pretty much over trying to act it out. Hooking up doesn't even appeal to me anymore, I just want a qt gf (and to fap to dicks)

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One time I made one of my ex-gfs give me blowjobs on cam on omegle while guys jacked off to her. I loved seeing them cum to it

you are gay, die of AIDS and get of Jow Forums