Get drug charge

>get drug charge
>face 90 days in jail
>court offers program for mental health instead of jail
>takes forever to get into this program
>considering telling my lawyer i just want to go to jail

Its only 90 days. How bad could it be?

>inb4 stupid for doing drugs

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you'd be bored
since you're taking drugs already you need something else to make life interesting
there it'd be double boring

>it's only 25 percent of a year of your life
>how bad could the hell simulation known as imprisonment be

Yeah, have fun learning what life is there idiot.

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The jail system is meant to break you don't do it

the only thing i do now is drink alcohol, and i shouldnt be doing that either. And as far as boring, im fucking NEET. I already know the epitome of boredom.

life is hell. My room is my cell.

I dont like the idea of jail, but its not like im doing anything else anyway.

>my room is hell
Turn off your computer and do literally nothing for the next 24 hours. No reading. Nothing. Just pace back and forth. No fan. No turning off the lights. Just sit there. Or walk back and forth but no more than 9 feet by 8 feet or so, doth you pace. For 24 hours. Only eat shit food 3 times that day also and it has to be no more then 1500 calories.


>>life is hell
>smokes weed whilst partying online eating chips and soda

Fucking giant faggot this one. You don't know what boredom is.


Also, in prison they have no clocks so set a timer.

They call it HARD time for a reason. It will feel like ten times as long as what you think it will feel. 90 days is 900. That's more like 2 years.

Actually just round it off and say three years.*

Basically three.

>literally me without internet for two weeks
no doubt. Its just really a pain the thought of slipping up once on my mental health program that i have to do for a year. If i fuck up its 90 days instantly regardless. I really feel like doing 90 days is easier.

I'm sure a mental hospital is much better than jail. That's what I would elect for anyway.

youre stupid for getting caught lmao

then just do the 90 days so you can see what hell is like you fucking faggot

food is really terrible in jail. it's absolutely fucking horrible

i went to jail for 2 days. i just laid in bed and slept the whole time. it's boring, but 2 days isn't that bad at all.

90 days? that would be absolutely fucking fucked OP. don't do it

do the bullshit mental health program. it will be a waste of time but at least you'll be able to eat real food and sleep in your own bed at night

i simply can not stress how horrible the food is. you will be malnourished. no salt at all. no meat either really. it's just horrible, and pointlessly so

>b-but it's a whole year!
Enjoy the approx years in jail then. Time slows down when you actually do nothing. You'll see user. You will see.

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legit been to a psyche ward. I do NOT want to go back. I was there for just a week but it felt like an eternity. And being surrounded by people that are crazier than you is no fun.

it was some bullshit too how i got caught.

i often wonder how bad it really can be. I dont think i can actually do it. Im not cut out for that kind of environment. My lifestyle is not oriented toward doing things that would put me in jail in the first place. I just got unlucky ONCE.

fuck lol i got booked for this charge and spent 2 hours in jail. It was probably just the adderall, but i damn near lost my mind. Though i was pretty chill most of the time.

a part of me knows full well it will be miserable, but another part is prepared to deal with it because i know im gonna come close to missing one of my weekly appointments for the program. Im just trying to get mentally prepared.

dude shut the fuck up, if you don't want to do the mental ward things then just stop bitching and do your time

>fuck lol i got booked for this charge and spent 2 hours in jail. It was probably just the adderall, but i damn near lost my mind. Though i was pretty chill most of the time.

i have a lot of practice sitting around doing nothing
i am a programmer but i work maybe 20% of the time. i have literally years of experience sitting around pretending to be busy, doing literally nothing for hours on end, just waiting

but jail is shitty because:
- the food is absolutely terrible
- you just have to shit and piss in a toilet in your room with some other guy there
- (may not be an issue for you) no tobacco to smoke

like i said, it was 2 days for me so i just slept the whole time

Im the B^Uckley thread op

Itll be hell at first but once you accept your life is irrevocably fucked up it gets alot easier

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>have to make a weekly appointment
>go to jail for 90 days

C'mon this is not hard at all. Worst case scenario is you fuck up the mental health shit and then have to go to jail. They literally gave you this option to keep you out of jail because it's so shitty. Just do the program man. Either way you will have to quit doing whatever drugs you got booked for.

You can lay low in basement until the cops forget.

i got arrested last year wiith 3.5 g of bud (misdemeanor in TX) and 2g of dab carts(felony). i sat in jail for 45 days without bail before they dropped my felony and got kicked out due to over crowding. but that's beside the point. All of this is going to depend on where you live, as the quality of jails varies from county to county. no one can tell you what time will be like unless they were recently in your county's.

i will say though, it will suck. i've been poor and homeless for most of my life and christ is was hard. after a few days the inital depression will wear off and you'll finally start to eat the generally shitty food. and assuming you'll be in a cell with other inmates you will have to worry about people stealing your shit, or just fucking you up for fun.

i have however been in 2 mental institutions and much prefer them. typically decent quality food. always better than jail food. also the help there is typically pretty nice. where as jail guards are always typically kids bullied in highscool enacting their revenge on a bunch of poor souls who are as unhappy as them.

your choice op

>1 week was eternity in psyche ward
>I should just go to jail for 90 days aka 12 weeks


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I appreciate your input. Helps put my situation in perspective. I dont want to go to jail, and im not trying to be a hardass saying its gonna be as hard as it seems. Im just in limbo, and this whole thing is getting dragged out before i even get started on the program. Its a real bummer.

im baiting myself bro. Im getting trolled at every corner and i keep walking right into it. Fuckin life is a joke for me.

>saying its not going to be as hard as it seems*

If you ever try to get employed in the future, jail time will be a lot more obvious and concerning than a mental health program.

Does this guy come off as even being remotely employable? they have roombas now so the role of mentally challenged janitor is taken.

personally i would def not go back in your situation but that's they key phrase right there.

Maybe stop being a gay retard for five seconds and try to learn something while you wait to get put in the program?
Or just go to jail and get ready to have your future potentially ruined