Who else survives off ramen?
Pic related its my food for the next week
$6 for all of it, and i had enough pocket change over to get a single packet of maruchans new picante chicken ramen. Honestly it was pretty good as far as shit tier ramen goes, spicy but not so spicy as to assrape my white ass tastebuds.
Any other neets survive off the sweet noodly nippon necter?
How does anyone lives off this and still gain weight? i don't get it.
Onions leaks and sometimes if i can afford it i throw thin cuts of steak into it, a few veggies and a bowl of ramen becomes a whole meal.
Honest question; why do you think anyone surviving on ramen are trying to gain weight? They're probably trying to make ends meet
I make OK money but I still live off ramen, just the more expensive kind of ramen. Pic related, it's Nissin Ramen-ya-san scallop ramen. I'd eat it every day if "protein" wasn't a concern so I try to limit it to every other day...
The first time I ate ramen I felt like I was gonna puke the rest of the night. Still looking for something that won't make me sick that's still cheap.
You will die a premature death. This is not even real food faggot
Grilled cheese, my man.
Ever considered buying meat/eggs in bulk to cook with the Ramen so you could at least get some protein?
Rice + fried egg + vegetable (vegetable optional).
The oil from the egg flavours the rice. You can add onions sauce or ketchup or a little butter and salt if you want. Tastier than instant ramen honestly.
>samyang x2 spicy chicken ramen is my absolute favourite
>buy 2 packs of 5 at a time
>eat it every single day that i have it in my house
>shit hellfire every following day i eat a pack
>keep doing it because it just tastes so good
Yo at costco you can get 48 packs for like 8$...
Anyways I usually get cheap ramen and then like once a month I buy some nice Korean shit (chicken cheese) and put some canned chicken breast in there...
Why don't you have more than $6 for food?
Fuck, go BEG for an hour and you'll get more than that.
You say that as if i dont already. I forgot to mention it because its second nature to me.
I always crack a whole egg into my ramen right after i pour the water, its really great stirring the yolk into the noodles as it makes the slightest difference but its totally different.
An egg, a handful of chopped onions, and sometimes said strip of steak is honestly my favorite meal whenever payday rolls around. If im frugal enough sometimes I'll bulk buy shrimp and throw a few into my bowls.
I dont care, id rather die at 45 having enjoyed my life than at 90 not able to walk.
Responding to you and answering , im a simple wagie. I make about 11$ an hour. I live in a decent 1 bed apartment with half a kitchen, and i dont care much for nutritious tasty food anyways.
Ramen is cheap, it fills me up, and with a little finesse can be turned into s decent meal, $6 of ramen, $8 of veggies, and $4 of eggs feeds me for a week. It helps me save money up for the things i like.
Its nothing complex, im not dying on the streets, just a simple wagie making food he likes while saving money at the same time.
That's the price i get for it at the walmart nearby, its like a quarter mile away which is convenient and the ramen is the same prices, 12 packs for $2, they sell individual ones too so sometimes ill spice it up by buying different types. I dont much care for the beef, but chicken and shrimp are great, just tried it today and i really like the picante chicken they have too, might get some more of them next week.
I've ordered some samples to try out. So far my favourite is nongshim kimchi ramyun. I find the korean noodle texture really good compared to maruchan or sapporo ichiban. I don't really do it out of necessity, I just like instant noodles.
Ive never tried any of those fancier ramen brands, they're too expensive for my frugal ass. I might pick some up soon since ive put a bit of money away. Seems like you're fond of nongshim, ill try that. The spicy seafood sounds pretty good.
Don't waste your money on this shit. Buy rice and beans and eat that every day. It is much healthier and cheaper than that.
I dont really like beans, the taste and texture honestly make me feel like im gonna throw up.
I honestly just prefer ramen. Ive survived on it for 8 years and when i go in for my yearly checkup i always ask if im healthy or if i need to cut back on the sodium and ive been told for 8 years now that theres no signs of any health issues. When they start showing up i might switch to something else, but until then its ramen for me.
>$6 of ramen, $8 of veggies, and $4 of eggs feeds me for a week.
Oh OK I get it. I thought you just had only $6 left to your name somehow.
Nah, i just dont make much so i prefer to keep my meals cheap. Ramen is cheap and can be made tasty easily so its become my favorite.
You know that shit is loaded with soi, right?
I care why?
I ask in earnest, i cant think of a reason for concern
Rice and beans tastes awful. I don't get how people eat that unless they're totally starving. Lentil curry is pretty based but that's effort, I just want to eat ramen and use the internet.
My fav stopped being sold in my area. That shit is awful and you need to add legumes to it, basically.
It's like basically junk food fag.
The fat content on instant ramen is like 54% daily recommended amount
The kind i eat is only 18% per brick
I like my noodles with a fried eggs. I I have money by buy extra caged eggs.
Dinner time lads. Unhealthy food for a healthy soul.
They also have a cream chicken where I get it. Highly recommend for splurging, bc it's like 6 cents more a pack
Ah lucky ive never seen anything of the sort, maybe ill try a different store
Instant pot and George Forman are perfect if youre lazy and like good food
Dude the udon onions ramen is awesome I've been getting that lately
Guess what OP I'm going to teach you all how to make awesome ramen if you wanna mix things up. I always make mine on the stove ....drain water add red sauce and shredded cheese in it, you can add the packet or not. Tada best tasting shit evaaa I do this with regular chicken one. Cook in boiling water EXACTLY 5 min and take off stove. Perfect ramen every time. Femanon outtt
>3 Ramen boxes/week
>12 packets/box
>380 Calories/packet
> 1 week/7days
If you do the math that's 1,954 calories per day on average. Lots of carbs and not much else, but at least you're not overeating. Good job user
Why is it still a brick? Can you get salmonella like this? Doesn't look hot/cooked enough
Udon and onions sauce*
My market has like 12 different kinds at least
What kind of vegetables?
Ohmygod just keeps autocorrecting. udon ramen and udon ONIONS SAUCE*
I break the bricks in half and pour boiling water into the bowl, i took the pic like immediately after putting it in, so that half hadnt softened up yet.
I throw other stuff into them most of the time, i eat 2 bowls every day.
OP watch that sodium intake with all that ramen
Yea I have, If you can afford some milk drink a few cups of milk itll help you out with your micros
I wouldn't be able to afford unholy amounts of anime if I ate anything else. I mix in beans, cornbread, and at least 1 meal a week with a substantial bit of meat. Then once every couple months I'll make a veggie stew.
user, please listen to me. One brother to another, stop eating that garbage.
Buy Top Ramen brand Beef ramen, cook the noodles, pour out the water, then pour the seasoning onto the waterless noodles.
It is the best way to enjoy instant ramen. Also, its cheaper than Maruchan.
On top of that, boil an egg just enough so that the yolk is slightly runny, around 5 mins in boiling water. Cut in half down the middle and place on top of the ramen.
Honestly why not just go with spaghetti or rice instead. You can dress it up in the same way that you already do but without the horrible additives they put in those ramen packets. Seriously, just look at the sodium contents on these ramen, it's astronomical.
jesus christ that body. how?
I hope you only use 1/4 or at most 1/2 of the seasoning packet since it's basically just salt.