So many poor virgin boys that just need some romance and attention for once in their lives and most will kill...

so many poor virgin boys that just need some romance and attention for once in their lives and most will kill themselves because life is shit and all women are unironically concubines of Satan, thriving and relishing in the misery and hopelessness of good, kind-hearted men everywhere.

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Other urls found in this thread:


just be yourself you fucking creepy virgin

get aidsbola and bleed out to death from every orifice nigger

Unironically correct and good.

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"fucking creepy virgin"
"be yourself"

Unless they finally realize that women are shit and that the only love they needed comes from other poor virgin boys~

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Based and gaypilled, truly enlightened uwu

Be glad for the board filters because pic related is the near entirety of what (You) would be getting otherwise.

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I don't get it, could you elaborate?

>so many poor virgin boys that just need some romance and attention for once in their lives

As soon as you accept the fact that your low social status means that you have to get with an obese chick, you'll get some romance and attention. It will be from an obese chick, so it will be kind of unpleasant, but you'll GET it.

All (You) deserve is a "k" response.

discord gg/g3wqdH


I believe I've already fulfilled your request.

fat girls are attractive. really depends on how the fat is distributed and how tall the girl is though. even if her bmi shows that she's "obese" she could still look really good. "just go for an obese chick" is a meme, they have their pick of men for both sex and relationships as well, their not anywhere near as desperate as you'd like to make them out to be.

based and true post. this is perhaps the best post ive ever seen in my many years of Jow Forums.

thank you, but there used to be way better posts than the OP even just back in 2015 r9k alone. the quality of posts here really took a nosedive starting sometime around 2016-2017 for me.

>fat girls are attractive


>really depends on how the fat is distributed


>and how tall the girl is though


>even if her bmi shows that she's "obese" she could still look really good


I had sex lots of time and did a lot of kinky shit. Yet here I am depressed and suicidal. I never knew this was even possible.

Thinking a woman will solve your problems magically is exactly why they know you're not a good, kind-hearted man

wait... why is this hot?

Fuck off faggot
Op is a faggot

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