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*rubs hands together knowingIy*

I'm unironically going to kill myself to punish my retarded boomer parents for having me molested with a knife.

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Not your parents fault. Jewish doctors make a lot of money from it and are sneaky as f*ck

Learn to massage your prostate by sticking a finger up your ass with a glove. then maybe you can feel the same heroin-esque orgasms that intact penises feel

is that a who from whoeville

>tfw you got the "beauty" cut

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oh fuck off. it was the parents who chose to hand over their child to be circumcised. parents fault 100%

do not fret my children, thou will find salvation in foreskin restoration

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life is unfair, user

Parents get lied to and told that "circumcision is just removing extra skin". Doctors often hide the truth.

Although granted some parents are just sick in the head.

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Circumcision significantly lowers your chances of getting HIV. There was a big Johns Hopkins study in Africa that proved it. Educate yourself instead of being stupid.

Imagine being given one life and spending it all obsessing about a piece of skin not being on your penis. Inb4 t. jew

john hopkins was a retard, any institution that names itself after him is also full of retards

Who the fuck is john hopkins? Sounds like you're a retard who can't even spell the name correctly.

lol stay mad reading bogus studies in your batcave loser

>The number needed to treat to prevent one HIV infection varied from 1231 in white males to 65 in black males, with an average in all males of 298. The model did not account for the cost of complications of circumcision. In addition, there is a risk that men may overestimate the protective effect of being circumcised and be less likely to adopt safe sex practices.

uncircumcised kids are so frustrated

yeah i'm in medical school, have fun being stupid and poor

I dont know if thats true, im not taking your word for it. Not saying its false, i would need some reliable sources for it. If it is true, then yeah ok, thats some sickening bullshit

have getting outshined by literally everyone of your piers you fucking pathetic loser hahaha

>yeah i'm in medical school,

And yet you're on here? are you a virgin? your posts scream frustrated autistic virgin

>yeah i'm in medical school

so when do you plan on dropping out?

At least you don't have a skin bridge because of it twat

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What do piers know, aside from fucking boats

A lot of doctors don't even know about the anatomy and functions of the foreskin, especially in the U.S.

>"As a medical student, we don't learn anything about foreskins. In my anatomy textbook, there are two lines about the foreskin: It's the skin that folds back upon itself and reattaches around the glans penis, and the second line is: 'It's the skin that's usually removed during circumcision. And that's it, in the entire textbook."

Stewart Blandon, M.D.

Other doctors do know that the foreskin is not simply "extra skin", bu they lie because they really don't care about their patients and just want to make more money, or they have another ulterior motive, like a religious bias or a fetishistic urge to hurt children.

There are also of course also ethical doctors who oppose forcing this unnecessary mutilating intervention onto children.

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That's because they were jewish and christian and less likely to fuck each other in the ass.

>There was a big Johns Hopkins study

kill yourself

Nice reddit meme, pleb

My friend said it was a bitch to clean until highschool. He also got blowjobs from literally every hot girl, so maybe that had something to do with it.

Why don't you become a spree killer/serial rapist? that would be a far greater punishment.

You have to find the obstetrician and off him first. Otherwise it's meaningless.

Yes, it was done in Africa, where you have a bunch of unwashed niggers fucking like rabbits without condoms with AIDS EVERYWHERE, a circumcised penis would be cleaner in a 3rd world country were hygiene isn't a thing and you have a bunch of monkeys who can't dedicate 20 seconds a day into washing their foreskin, it's not necessary in normal countries, and even if your argument was true, it's very unlikely your son would be exposed to aids until he is 18, and then he can choose for himself if he wants to mutilate himself, or just WEAR A CONDOM.
Circumcision decreases pleasure significantly, here's an analogy, if you sticked out your tongue all the time and had a piece of cloth constantly grinding it, it would get dry and miserable, losing sensation of taste, same with the glans, it's supposed to be an internal tissue, moist, and safe behind the protection of a foreskin, the years of friction and dryness with the fabric of your clothes fucking desensitizes you from the true pleasure you're supposed to feel, I am circumcised and instead of spreading false facts to make myself feel better, I've exited the circumcision matrix, and I am trying to raise awareness about how awful it really is

Hm, looks very helpful, doesn't decrease your pleasure at all, looks very healthy to me

very helpful, very healthy, not a human rights violation

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you really think so? Maybe I should get mine removed, huh

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There is also a bunch of bullshit about how 1: being circumcised is more sanitary because if you are uncircumcised you can't wash your penis, which is stupid since you literally just pull the skin back, and 2: being circumcised reduces chances of STD transmission, which again is retarded because it lowers the chance by like .1% and first of all you'd have to fucking some pozzed guy in the ass bareback for this to be relevant in the first place. So they tell parents it is medically advisable to circumcise for such and such reasons and the parents not knowing any better themselves agree with what the doctor is saying.

bro why are you so mad about being circumcised bro, you only got mutilated without your consent bro, literally a "piece of skin" with the surface area of your palm, bro

Is vaginal rape really such a big deal? It usually doesn't destroy the woman.

circumcision affected me really badly, the part of my glans that is exposed to the fabric of my clothes, is completely desensitized from pleasure, so around 90% of my glans are numb to pleasure, if only there was something that could protect them? Hmm

>m-muh dick fedoras!
lmao bitch ass pussies.

put a condom on before you get dressed. Make sure it's one of those that has a really nasty lube smell and waft it at all the normies. When they mention it, blame circumcision lmao.