
how does it make you feel knowing that nobody really gives a fuck about you?

you could die tomorrow and nobody would care. you only exist to other people as someone they can potentially take advantage of. they dont know the real you and they don't give a fuck

thoughts on this? hell not even family reaches out to me

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it's a sad truth you must accept. maybe you can find people who will care if you put yourself out there. sometimes i drink when these feels get too bad.

The only ones who would give a fuck about me are my mother, my little sister and my dog.

But that's okay because they're all I need.

Pic is my sister and dog.

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my friends care about me! in fact as i was typing this one of my close friends messaged me to say he loves me, and a couple days ago another friend sent a heart before she said goodnight which made me feel warm and comfy
maybe you're just jaded or something op, i hope you change for the better
very wholesome user i hope you take good care of them and vice versa
this made me smile :)

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why are you here normie cunt

I don't give a shit, the fact that nobody cares about me gives me the freedom to kill myself whenever I want

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>ppl on discord say nice things so they must care about me!

that's not really how it works, anyone can be nice on the internet. just wait til you find yourself in a situation where you actually need them for something and you'll find out how loyal they are

>normie cunt
where did that come from user
i have no friends in real life (bar 2 i meet up with maybe 3 times a year usually for gigs, so i'd consider them more internet friends) and was a neet for over 2 years prior to where i am now
i don't see why you'd go to the effort of being unconditionally affectionate towards someone you don't care about, but whatever

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>i don't see why you'd go to the effort of being unconditionally affectionate towards someone you don't care about, but whatever

it's virtue signalling, it feels good. it makes them feel good about themselves.

it's not as unconditional as you think.

I knew that since elementary school due to harsh living circumstances and a brutal upbringing, so I've had more than enough time to cope. On the flipside I'm an antisocial misanthrope, so theres that

>it feels good. it makes them feel good about themselves.
isn't that kind of the point of being nice to someone?
people are generally affectionate to one another because they themselves wish for affection from the other; it's a give/take dynamic

my friends are affectionate and caring towards me, so i do the same because i have the knowledge of how good it feels to be treated as so

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So then does actual virtue just not exist? What about the people who have been my friends for years, through psychotic episodes and unemployment that I'm sure would have made you desert me? What about the woman sleeping beside me right now, who worked a terrible job to support me through everything even though everyone around her no doubt told her to bail?

You have no concept of what love is so you can't imagine that others are capable of it.

so why call it unconditional when the conditions are so easily defined? anyway, it's completely superficial, being nice to someone isnt the same as having their back, even wives who cheat on their husbands can be "affectionate"

it's completely superficial. you learn the hard way when you find yourself in a situation where you're actually vulnerable

>You have no concept of what love is so you can't imagine that others are capable of it.

correct, that's because i'm not a normie.

go back to facebook.

>so why call it unconditional when the conditions are so easily defined?
because i trust that it would not falter under alternate conditions, or lack thereof
>it's completely superficial, being nice to someone isnt the same as having their back, even wives who cheat on their husbands can be "affectionate"
of course, but but having one's back is a generally "nice" thing and both are roughly indicative of another (if i were to be affectionate towards a friend, it would be a rational assumption that i would be there for them in a time of need)
not to mention that even having one's back in a time of need is also somewhat a conditional act, in the belief that they also would be there for you if a similar event arises for oneself
>it's completely superficial. you learn the hard way when you find yourself in a situation where you're actually vulnerable
relationships are a state of vulnerability; bonds are forged through emotional exposure and the trust that one would not dare hurt the other under any circumstance, and you are vulnerable in holding that belief
relationships are the greatest potential hurt for one has nothing beyond material worth to take from another before they are acquainted, whereas in a deep personal relationship, if one were to withdraw all affection and proof of said relationship, it would leave the other questioning their personal qualities, other relationships, desires, reality and so on

sorry if this sucks to read i'm awful at writing but those are my thoughts, there's probably numerous conflations and contradictions

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>(if i were to be affectionate towards a friend, it would be a rational assumption that i would be there for them in a time of need)

by typing to them on a computer? if you havent at least been inside someones house they arent really a friend, just an internet acquaintance. any number of things could happen that would lead to you never hear from them again. the difference between you and me is a matter of personal standards.

>relationships are a state of vulnerability; bonds are forged through emotional exposure and the trust that one would not dare hurt the other under any circumstance, and you are vulnerable in holding that belief
relationships are the greatest potential hurt for one has nothing beyond material worth to take from another before they are acquainted, whereas in a deep personal relationship, if one were to withdraw all affection and proof of said relationship, it would leave the other questioning their personal qualities, other relationships, desires, reality and so on

i don't disagree with any of this but internet relationships don't ever get this deep no matter what you tell yourself.

it's comforting to believe that they do but they really don't

>it's comforting to believe that they do but they really don't
i agree, but it still brings me comfort and warmth knowing that someone out there cares for me, even at a different level than your conventional friendship
call me biased but i wouldn't be confident in saying they can't get as deep, but rather in a different way, which i am yet to be able to explain aptly
thanks for a genuine discussion as opposed to brain-dead name calling which this board has become all too notorious for, i think it's good to see different viewpoints and even find middle ground occasionally
have a nice day/night user

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I don't have any parents or extended family to fall back on, and while I do have friends, I feel they mostly spend time with me because I can provide social organization functions/rides/drugs/hospitality/whatever. Every interaction I've ever had with the opposite sex that's gone on beyond a week has been a disaster. I've lived in poverty for most of my life, and getting out has been slow and painful, and I often wonder if it's even worth fighting to reach the surface so I can finally breathe.

I cope with it by saying that fending for yourself makes you stronger. The people with large social groups and big families are obviously worth envying, but those people are also dependent on something they've had their entire lives, and we aren't. We're used to the process of having to figure things out for ourselves, because we can't depend on anybody else.

That's terrifying in some ways, but it's also empowering. We've survived this long without any love, nurturing, or . It hurts to be alone - hell, it might even kill us some day, but we're not dead yet. We're like trees growing in the desert.

The part that is actually terrifying is that we're in a race to fix this isolation before it becomes too much for our minds to bear. A lot of research suggests that the key to long life is meaningful friendships/relationships, and you don't need research to tell you that feeling alone increases your risk of committing suicide. If we don't figure out how to find or create a group of people that cares about, it will probably kill us.

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be strong user, reading that made me sad for both of us.

at least we have this awful place

You define anyone who is capable of giving or receiving love as a "normie," so
>I'm not a normie
just means
>I don't have any love in my life because I don't have any love in my life
Facebook is a nightmare hellhole full of aging retards but even they can link at least two concepts in a single post.

Been thinking the same thoughts but you put it into words better than I ever could. We must stay strong brother lest we give into the void.

Dude I cant even get an escort to set an appointment with me, this is as lonely as it gets

feel the same way. only thing really keeping me sane at this point is my lifelong obsession with the ocean, and sharks. after i experience both firsthand, chances are i will kill myself, to the dismay of no one.

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>has friends, a gf, and a job

nah that's a fuckin normie

this board is not for well adjusted people