Jow Forums
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Anecdotes #533
Have some fucking compassion. She could be your daughter
How would you describe yourself in terms of personality, Jow Forums?
Your whole life you are conditioned to be kind, caring and loving. Well, none of you here deserve that...
Just remember, if you think what happened to bianca is good or even justified...
Why don't fat people stop eating
The love of my life is getting fucked in Texas
Why are women so evil anons? I'm actually about to cry
With the murder of oxy and st bagelcel coming into the mainstream...
Mods. It's time to shut this board down
Project Nightwalk
Be me
Work / Career
Do femanons wear cute sundresses? because if you dont wear them you fucking suck as a female
I've been getting drunk and high masturbating all weekend
Everyone is a npc but me and maybe a couple hundred other people on the planet at best
No but seriously what's with people from reddit coming over here and sharing their 'murder is bad' ideology as if it...
Femanons, after recent events...
Today is my birthday and I'm rather lonely
Why haven't you applied for a job here yet?
How to be worthy of a gf?
Be honest with yourself, Jow Forums: How many times have you masturbated to gay porn?
Comfy avatar thread
Tfw gonna get fucking stoned with friends tomorrow
Has anything happened with this dude in the past 2 and a half years? I know he got hacked, lost his job...
I don't understand. I don't do anything to my body and yet everything is completely clear, my chest, my back...
Is it over?
Will using a chainsaw on my own neck be too slow and painful?
You fucking incels are actually sick...
Operation fuck redditfags
25+ General
Biana redpill thread
This is your government-issued wife and behind her is the home where the two of you will live from what the land can...
Roastie really got toastied
Want gf
Lol roastie BTFO amrite incel9k?
Jow Forums needs an incel containment board. It's high time we gave these people a septic tank to call home
WMAF hapa here
23 years old
Bianca deserved better
/r9gay/ - #793
In celebration of /r9gay/ finally dying
Be me
Tfw only child
Fembot, 20 here
Roastie really did get toasted
Omegle thread. Come meet the next generation of r9k users drawn in by the death of oxy
Will she get killed too by an Incel orbiter like Bianca?
Can a male who uses tinder show me what their number in the gold counter on top is currently?
Why is this allowed for women
I'm a black woman, you people are all sick in the head...
Bianca was fucking this spic before she died
He does the virgin smirk
I am the actor for AJ Soprano, Robert Iler
Trips decides what I do with the Li-Ion battery
Memorial thread
Anyone seen/got the uncropped bianca killing
Do you sympathize
There are people white knighting this e whore on r9k RIGHT NOW
Why is this regarded by some men as the apex of existence? Aside from making a man feel good...
What's up with all these internet Laura Palmers? It's honestly creepy. Feels like I'm watching an episode of Twin Peaks...
Why did this Incel killed his Thot girlfriend
I hope you're proud of yourself you incel scum. You caused the death of an innocent girl. And for what...
Are people you meet on discord 'real' friends
Aistie, why are you so evil all the time?
Incels keep getting more violent, when will the government step in and deal with them?
What server was this from?
Official Laugh at Normalfags/Reddit Thread
A lot of you guys seem to go on about your depraved sexual fetishes and fantasies, but to any of you guys can nice...
You know after all the eliot crap and now this egirl getting killed and the mass reaction glorifying the killing it...
Draw pepe from memory please
Is there any point in lifting weights if you can't eat enough calories to gain weight?
Seven years ago today two men forcefully took me and raped me while on vacation in brazil
Honest question: what's so difficult about having sex? Everybody before you has had it...
Longtime /b/tard here
How about a Jow Forums music thread?
Be Muslim femanon
Daily reminder that anus is for defecation, not penetration
Is it sick that i kind of admire the bianca situation? i wish a guy would do such things to me...
There are non-whites browsing this site right now
She is browsing Jow Forums right now
Loser got what she deserved lol
Whole r9k is full of threads about the beheaded e-girl
Being a pretty/hot woman is living life on easy mode
How does one obtain a Bianca gf?
Why are Asian women so much more likely to marry into another race than Asian men? Ex...
Why Brandon killed her
Jow Forums Gets Fit 2020
So here's the deal, robot
Killed Girl
Please share big tiddies and your stories about/experiences having them
Be far-right irish nationalist
Twitter is already spinning this Bianca situation into a MEN BAD thing
Try tinder
One shot at life
You guys dont deserve fembots!
How nice would you say you are on a scale from 1-10?
What has this board degenerated to? In the old days it was populated by robots...
Why do women hate Virgo men?
Why is it that on Instagram she looked like an 8-9/10 e-thot, and here, when dead...
There is an aggressive horde of predatory dinosaurs that are coming to eat your anime...
I went to top tier university (Cornell) and met some of the smartest minds...
Reminder: if you do anything to make someone else brake, you are a bad driver
*unplugs your computer*
Just fucked a fembot
2020 will reveal all
/YFG/ - Yellow Fever General
Hello fellow incels
People are weakening
Press D to dab on a dead e-thot
I've just failed my first driving test at the age of 27...
What's been the main problem you guys have been dealing with lately?
I want a white boyfriend really bad
This world is a scary place for women. It's fucked
Please logically explain why you eat meat. give me your best logical reasoning why you eat meat and drink milk
A decisive victory today against manipulative discord tranny cultist whores who have been destroying this board for...
What causes grown men to have a mommy fetish?
Why don't more people appreciate chubby girls?
Everytime I get sad about tfw no gf...
Me and my feelings should matter more than your life
I am Iron Nigga
Any other femanons kinda want a real penis to have fun with but don't wanna deal with the drama or needs of the guy...
I'd rather die a virgin than compete for pussy
Is it worth it to make a tulpa bf/friend if I have crippling paranoia and anxiety...
Would you desperate femanons do this?
It's ok to ask for help
*gives you a high dose of radiation causing potential future cancers*
Imagine if society were like this
Nissin or Maruchan?
Truly no sight more beautiful than this
Why do some girls like being physically abused?
Ok, I come here from Jow Forums I'm not one of you degenerate faggots. But...
If you're a male and you let a man inside you, does it feel nice? Do you get to feel wanted...
Doomer Hours
Best way of smoking the Devils Lettuce in my opinion
Just take your SSRI's bro, what's the worst that could happen?
How come all leftover single guys above 20 years old so shit...
Glad that bitch died
Why are incels so entitled that they think everyone deserves to have sex or a partner...
Why haven't you tried to join?
Is it me? Or does the alleged killer look a little too normal to be an incel, robot, stalker, or whatever?
Why are there so many gay people nowadays? Like where did they all come from so suddenly...
INCEL thred
/trans/ rights are /human/ rights!!!
You think this is funny? Laugh. Laugh loudly if you may. At some point you will have to work too. And the more you wait...
"still no girlfriend, user?"
Sup virgins, I'm trying to leave my wife. She keeps threatening to either kill herself or become homeless...
Have a great gym buddy for about ten months
Why am I not having my pussy eaten out right now?
I will beat and possibly rape the next woman that treats me like trash for simply thinking she is attractive...
"Hey principal user thanks for visiting me in the hospital this week!"
Every man needs a mommy gf that is taller than them
How many of you are vampires?
Niche religions
There must be more to the story
Ls intelligence heritable?
Robots getting the spotlight?
Battle station general
Haven't seen one of these in a while. How are all my 25+ bros holding up?
R9k how can you be desensitized? I dont know I see this shit and it eats me alive maybe I'm a bitch...
Why are redditors such shitty people ???
What's your favorite game and why Jow Forums
I'm 29 and I finally got my shit together. I have a job lined up after grad school with a high income, long-term goals...
Name just one female you know who doesn't have a social media account
Is r9k joining the raid?
I have severe anxiety and tomorrow I'm going to the doctor to see if he can help me
Do you feel like a big person when you mock or glorify the death of a human being...
/wagecuck/ general
New titty thread. Last one hit the limit
I'm paranoid. I think I'm being chased/watched and do my best efforts to hide myself. What can I do? What could it be?
Why don't you have a girlfriend, user? What's really stopping you?
Buy video game
He is dead and you helped to kill him
Why do asian men get so mad when they see WMAF couples?
Emo chick murdered lol!
Doodles for (You)s
Jesus christ what the fuck is going on in discord lately?
Females/fembots/femcels however you call yourselves
Hehehe... Huff huff huehuehuehuehue
Greentext one line describing a story from your life and only expand if others are interested
Never had anything against black girls but never seeked them out eitehr
I'm a mystic and currently under influence
Anyone /volcel/ here?
She was a /soc/ attention whore
White guy rates a bunch of women. Thoughts?
Just a reminder that hating women has never solved any of your problems. Goodnight
This is the face of a man who realizes his wife doesn't love him. Watch this...
He shills traps and gays with anime pictures
Help i only wanted to get a bit drunk but i ended up being very drunk
Does that haircut has a name?
Has a girl ever caught you staring at her tits? How did she react?
E girl got head sliced off by emo retard
Why are YOU here user?
What was the moment that made you realize you hated women?
How does this webm make u feel?
Any anons here use Snapchat?
What went wrong? I don't recognize America any more
"I just don't want to hurt anyone's feelings"
Imagine the smell of that seat... oh god
I want to be in a relationship with a man
Their are people on here who don't trim or shave their public hair
I have a date with mom tonight
Alright, I'm fucking done
What is the ideal female height in your opinion?
Should I enter a LDR with a girl I'm going to attempt to talk to on OkC? She's in Toronto and I'm in Scarborough
Don't have the money to upgrade shit PC and buy vidya
ITT: the closest you have been to getting sex experience
Go into house
Can we have another avatar thread? The last one was bretty comfy
Im about an 8/10 in terms of attractiveness, AMA. no, im not chad. i have a "cute" boyish attractiveness...
/sg/ - Sissy General - Pale Femboy Edition
Femanons biggest turn offs thread
Waifu General /waifu/ #204
Why are men so fucking degenerate...
Fembots, why don't you try dating girls?
Be father
ITT: Post a girl that is in your league
Brother married a Vietnamese bitch
What if you're a happa/mutt incel?
/creative/ thread because there isn't one and I like tunes
I wanna worship a Japanese girl's feet
Typical shit liberal nowadays
Weekly family stories thread
Shit Your Boomer Dad Says
What do you think that being this much of a Stacy must be like?
/RR/ Robot Revolt General
Can someone tell me how white women can even compete?
5'10 male who's around 175 pounds. Why's it so god damn hard to lose weight? My diet is good, I don't eat that much...
Dad's parents, my grandparents, are visiting for whatever reason
Global Conquest - Red Alert: Session 3
I'm very sexually attracted to my sister. I hate her guts but I want to have Sex with her
Are there any cyborg/normies who can be a mentor to a high functioning robot for a few minutes?
Just talk
Are there any femanons here willing to be a mommy to me? It doesnt have to be sexual at all...
I'm a bad useless waste of a person and there is no reason why I shouldn't kill myself...
Why does it seem like for women, sex or being with men isnt really that big a deal...
Bianca aka Oxy "passed away"
This is a 19 yo girl. How does that make you feel?
Any other people from Africa on here? Im from Bloemfontein
ITT we determine who should get to reproduce to gift the world with intelligent offspring
Too much negativity. Post your favourite animal/cute animals generally
Jow Forums seriousIy needs more positive transgender representation
L-I support trans r-rights!
Mfw even discord fembots ghosts me
There's an indeterminate amount of boxes
Post something about yourself that sounds like a larp but is 100% true
Low IQ
Getting too old to have the cute GF
Did you try tinder yet?
Ywn make a boy you like happy
Fembobs, what would you find more humiliating and traumatising, vaginal rape or anal rape?
Would you robots fuck Sisley? would u even married her?
Noriko/Hikichan Thread
Tfw watching videos of men getting killed in combat, knowing this could happen to any of you any day now
Should we allow unlimited immigration for Asian women?
Have value just by existing
Online clout has butchered my social skills and has given me trust issues...
Describe your current self in one image
Add fembot
Five Big Reasons Why Women Prefer A Large Penis
Letter Thread
Dark secrets/Confessions thread
"No one's looking, kiss me, user!"
How to get to heaven
Mm, ahem, this is a school announcement. It is now 10 p.m. As such, this is officially a Monokuma thread
Incel kills himself
Hey r9k. this is a thread (again x2) where you can write whatever. ill respond to you in some shape or form. all of you...
Oneitis thread
Tell us your life story in exactly five lines of greentext
What the fart is this?
I just want a girl to let me love her. I have so much to give. Anyone else?
Fembots do you have an interracial fetish? If so, what is it? What race are you?
Japanese girls when they see a white man in their immediate vicinity
Foot Fetish discussion thread
Desktop Thread
Will someone be my friend origionally please oregano before i get banned please
I really fucking hate video games and the people who play them. They're all so fucking samey, and so mediocre...
LARPing as a girl on tinder taught me Stacys rule the world
Why dont more girls have short hair? Just cut your hair, its impossible to find short hair girls...
Acceptable gf/bf thread
HEWWO NICE FWENZ!!! =^.^= ^o^
Say something nice about yourself, bitch. You wont
/r9gay/ - #792
Unironcly kinda like avatar version of me. She can be anything I want her to
Open fridge
Guys I fucked up big time and did the biggest stupid of my entire life
Are men aliens?
Fembot adds me on discord and shows me a picture of herself
It's that time again robots. Make your dream GF here
Why aren't you bi yet?
If a powerful nigger gang in prison gave you the option between death or becoming their prison sissy, what would you do...
Left or right?
Femanon feels
What is the best site for sex
The moon is trying to turn me into a doggo and there are two people who got turned by the moon howling outside...
What do you think of findom? I think it's pretty hot
Can someone explain the subtext behind the 'black woman/blocks your path/whiteboi' meme...
1. you're gender
Why the fuck does my fucking little fucking sister have to use so much fucking toilet paper every time she uses the...
27y/o bro finally gets a g/f
What do you think about long distance relationships? Do you have one?
6 foot tall are not real robots
Fembots or robots, are you attracted to men who look like this?
I want to be in complete control of a guy friends orgasm. Are guys that are ok with that real...
Hey Jow Forums, what is you're opinion on this guy?
Mfw even the most pathetic, fat and disabled ones of you will get drafted before I am
Imagine the best orgasm of your life
One chance at life
He wallows in self pity rather than using his pain as motivation
Can i dump my "familys" folder here? It's a collection of scary normies for normie vs. robot RP
Gennki MBTI thread
Tell us about your kinks anons
For the love of god I need a trap with HRT tits to breastfeed me!!
Modern Videogames are a joke
Who /devilish/ here?
Why is it human nature to give away 80% of your surplus labor value so that some rich asshole can fuck your wife on his...
How and where do you masturbate?
Jow Forums Desktop thread
The year is more than halfway over and you still dont have a gf user!
That kid thread
I want to go to Disney World so bad, but I hear it's so crowded now that I'm worried I won't be able to enjoy it...
Why do women never have any actual personality?
I work in a pharmacy, ask me anything
Fembots do you have an interracial fetish? If so, what is it? What race are you?
Do you robots use the service of prostitutes? If yes share stories
Hey anons, I have a simple question for you all. How can somebody who realized that life is meaningless be happy?
Femanons with large boobs, do you go around worrying that people are looking at them and thinking of you as a hucow?
This is what a real fembots underwear looks like
Learn eternal slumber and/or extinguishing of consciousness is philosophically impossible
Doomer music thread
What's the most disturbing thing you've witnessed on the internet? Did it affect you emotionally?
Play poker
Which gender is more evil?
Get thrush from not washing after sexytime and generally being a dirty bastard
Does sucking cock taste alright?
Anyone enjoying watching roasties getting rekt
Tfw red-haired people might go extinct in my life time
Robot music
How exactly do alphas react in situations where you can't do the alpha thing or you get killed or it simply doesn't...
What would you have done?
Fembots, how do you deal with the fact that your body doesn't look like this?
Koreanons get in here
Most played game thread. platform does not matter. I only use steam
Just spent $18 on a pizza and I don't like it :(
Ive always heard that girls get wet for a dominant male who doesnt give a shit about them e.g. treats them like shit
Robots adopt a neet gf
Vault 6969 Experiment
HOW are you going to survive the impending apocalypse ?
*hear knock on door*
He has labeled himself as an incel
Can't even >nightwalk because too scared of being killed, live in a very big city. Any tips?
Roboter thread
User, come on
I have a gf, ama if you want robots
Why wont robots give latinas a chance? I look like this but robots wont talk to me...
Anyone experiment with bambi sleep...
Be me
Does anyone else have a problem with findom porn? I hate the idea of videos like this so much...
Fuck this beat, I would beat this bear to death with a hammer. Does this video also piss people off?
I have so fucking had it with gays. i just hope i'm not alone out there
What's with all the men becoming women these days? I just don't understand it. This never used to be a thing...
Mom says it's my turn to use the xbox! *jumps on you*
If someone is autistic, is is safe to assume that they are also Sociopathic?
I'm a fat and ugly female. Why am I still alive? I can't even go out out of the house because of it...
Did I do the right thing robots?
First she sells her piss
Namelet Thread
Armageddon; Even iron pill Chad alphas are being cucked
Why do these teachers always have sex with chads who brag on social media to all their friends about having sex with...
Comfy Global Conquest: Red Alert: Session 2
Come back, Saki, sweetie. If I wanted to dox you, I would've done that already, but I love you
What is actually so bad about sex? Why does it bother so many people, and especially on Jow Forums as well...
Honestly how do i get gf
Incels, would you date a single mom if it meant you could have sex with her?
What do you want more than anything, user?
Make yourself
Y-you don't need to hit so hard, user
I just quit my job for no reason other than that I didn't want to work a 13 hour shift today
This is very accurate
When this meme first came out, I chuckled. After having not touched a woman for 2 years, I'm not laughing anymore
I feel like because beta males can't get pussy in this hypergamous society they become sissy fuck holes or just resort...
Don't you want to be a girl user? Just take hrt it's that easy!
How do i get beta orbiters as a fembot?
About to turn 20 and I have no romantic experience with the girls
Average person on Earth is Asian
If you absolutely had to get laid within a week, what would be your plan to achieve it? Paying for it doesn't count...
Describe your average day, from when you wake up to when you go to bed
Women can literally just marry some man and then never work another day in their life
Anyone else miss emo girls? What happened to them? Why did this style die out?
Tfw no avatarposter to spoil and protect from jannies
Femanon, why aren't you a Hero of the Soviet Union yet?
If you didnt join a sports team in high school you wasted your time there
Settle for fat?
Why don't you just try talking to a girl? it's easy
Fembots, let's see what your ideal boyfriend looks like
Why do females not like?
If you could wipe out 99% of the population, would you?
Why don't hostess bars exist in the west? Prostitution is gross but I would pay to talk to a charismatic girl
Women only like muscular, aggressive and dominant men
Coworker friends were mad at me for not texting this girl
What are some comfy weekend video games I can play to forget about tfw no gf?
User stick it in!
Add fembot on discord
Had crush on best friend for 3 years
Why do dark skinned people still exist?
One single shot at existence
Dinner is served, robots. help yourselves!
Tfw dypraxia
How did society change so much
Saki, please come back. I'll give back your proxy and maybe a little something extra. I want to spoil you
I'm a khhv and i'm planing on seeing a prostitute before my 23rd birthday (which is next septembre). Any tips...
Question for fembots:
How does one write like Dostoyevski?
What was Jow Forums like before 2010?
Just pissed my pants
Zoomers will never experience this
High af again and bored. 23f oregon
Why do so many escorts have restrictions against kissing?
Bros, what the fuck is wrong with shad?
How can one look at this and think that these things are human? Or that race is just skin color?
Open your windows robots. You are literally killing yourselves being in a closed, unventilated room all day
Saki still hasn't posted
Need clarification help
Fembots do you have an interracial fetish? If so, what is it?
What type of music do you robots (and redditors/normies I guess, since there's so many of you) like listening to...
/dicklet general/
What is your philosophical outlook on life?
What is the ideal female body type that you prefer?
Fembots, list reasons why I should marry you. I will tell you who is wife material
Hi everyone, I'm looking for creative images that have a lot of tropes. For example, this anime girl roll image...
Are indians the most unattractive race?
How many of these are you guilty of using?
Drunk General
I'm looking for good reactions. I feel that my folder is too small and I have to reuse ones too often...
Why are women so sexually aggressive?
Trips predicts how long until i kill myself
Guys who drink and smoke are such major turn offs. Sadly thats pretty much of all them
/depression/ -1st edition
Get banned from Jow Forums for a month
What are the odds that a black girl from an upper middle class family who only dates white guys has herpes?
Tfw you were never chad enough to have all the carefree fun during college break
How do you anons go about learning Mandarin?
My dick is 6 inches and apparently "average", why the fuck does it seem so small?
Jow Forums rap
Are incels at least entitled to prostate massages from girls? What reason does an incel have to live?
Tfw he's inside you
Why do you hate women? How can anyone honestly hate these beautiful creatures?
Why so many woman worshippers on the internet these days?
Why are you still wasting your life chasing insufferable roasties when you can just be in a fulfilling relationship...
"Thanks for dinner user! It's really yummy!"
I'm having an anxious episode so please tell me about your day or things you like so I can forget my thoughts
Calling all fembots
How about a good old "Post the last thing you fapped to" thread
My 13 yo sister just saw all the porn ads on my screen from this site. I dont know how to explain this to her...
L will fucking eat you
Post three things you like about yourself, right fucking now
Should I kill myself?
Im high as fuck now. My consiousness is blazing. Wtf shrooms are scary now. This high buzz is fucking wild
There are femanons on this board (probably right now!) who have fucked their brothers
When was the last time you laughed your ass off ? What was it?
Make yourself
Would you date a girl with a pedo fetish? That likes to be treated as a kid being raped/abused...
So this trap discord server is like doing the exact same as r9cute and are currently threatening to leak my nudes to my...
What do you anons cuddle with? I cuddle with pic related every night or every time I'm feeling tired/down...
On the train
Too poor for a nose job. Women reject me constantly, and I know it's because of the fucking jew nose...
Reply if these faces make your dick twitch
Is it even worth saving him at this point?
She's rite u kno
If the age of consent in your country was 14, would you fuck 14 year old girls...
Theoretically what would happen if a 17 year old girl sends sexually provocative pictures to a 19 year old boy she knew...
Post why your an incel
Who do you miss, user?
Misaki friday
How easy is to make you cum?
ITT: Ugly ass chicks
Genuine question. How do all my sub-six feet tall brothers not kill themselves? I am 6'0 but I feel short as fuck
How to appease a zoomer who hates you?
Hitler was literally the greatest man who ever lived and should be worshiped by all for eternity
Go to your backyard
BPD thread
KHV fembot here. Went on my first date with a guy I have known for a while...
Are traps gay or not? Would you sex pic related?
School Shooting Achievements Thread?
Why are White people superior to others?
Life fucking sucks bros
What do you think of women that are quiet during sex?
Roastie gets toastie
You like meekakitty still, Jow Forums?
What secret will you take to the grave?
Ask out asian girls all the time
I’m Black AMA
Fembot Appreciation Thread
Skellies get in this thread whoo
There is a femanon lurking right now that has been spanked red by another girl
I don't fully understand the asian meme
I've had a couple tattoos before, and im about to get my 3rd...
I fucking hate poor people
Hey user, uh, I have a question I want to ask you, but ... I'm afraid you'll laugh at me
I am so fucking angry. I can't believe it
Just grow a beard, user
Why are pedos a taboo?
Would you have sex with an alien?
It is time
What do you think about Lil Peep, you like him? Favorite song/album?
If you could go through high-school and your 20s again what would you change?
Would it be a poor investment to spend $170 on a sex toy?
Why do pretty white QTs do this to themselves...
What kind of a mad man would willingly jack off while sending random girls money on the internet and buying them things...
Bros, I'm so fucking lonely
/r9gay/ - #791
Being a nice guy sucks
Whatchu know about that? Prolly nothin
Make yourself
Post your fav drinking games user
Go into kitchen
ITT:Who do you want to be as cool as?
He thinks 5'10 is enough because its "above average"
Be twenty-seven-year-old NEET
I fucking hate women. All of them
I like to beat the shit out of people...
Wageslave General
Okay, serious question time. Do normies even have meta-cognition? Are they sentient...
Which is it, Jow Forums? Would you rather Christian bakeries be forced, by threat of incarceration, to bake gay cakes...
I can't cure my depression and mental illne-
Femanon here, what's the deal with you "manlets"...
A few days ago some guy from work killed himself, so they introduced "uniforms" today to honor him...
Why is every American on here obsessed with black people? Most the black here in Netherlands are good people
What was your nickname in hs user?
Asian girls vs. White girls
I wonder how it feels like to be inside a woman...
You were right
Fucked Fetish
Rate Yourself Thread
Come and get your dinner my little Anonnie!
Primejailbait is finally gone. Now where do we go?
Is this the end of the line?
Anyone else miss this faggot?
Dont even know how I landed here but gosh you are a load of sad losers. What's even the point of this board...
Female matchmaker: Why Women Have Totally Unrealistic Standards for Men, Dating, and Marriage
Your not "depressed" or "autistic" your just ugly
Hello eurofriends and people who are up late or awake early.. How are you doing? How's the weather where you're at?
Hey guys femanon here
You’ve just died
Last text you received from a girl outside your family thread
Nonwhite girls should really stop pretending to hate white guys
Why dont girls like me?
Anyone want to talk to a zoofem?
Friend has spent the last 7 years cuddling up with his gf on the couch watching netflix
Is avoiding sex beneficial?
Why didnt naruto end at the end of the pain arc? It would have been perfect if it ended there
I want to get into gaming what the fuck should I play
Belle Delphine is selling whole tubs of her bath water for $10k. I wish I could afford it
Live near toronto
He's going bald at 23
Reply with your first name
Pick your girlfriend
That kid thread?
Do you ever wish that you were born a girl?
Make yourself, Jow Forums
Name the worst discordfags
Why don't you get a mommy gf?
Would you date an obese, 28-year-old female virgin who has not left her room in six years...
Seriously, what's the difference between petting a cat and molesting it?
She's right you know...
Be me femanon (female)
Sincerity thread
Who here /literally evil/?
Waifu General /waifu/ #203
I want your serious arguments. Give me your best case for why tickling is not the thinking man's fetish...
I like being a girly fag boy and nothing you say will change my mind!
League people from vidya thread yesterday
You know that universe that you created in your head that you like to think about while you lay in bed to fall asleep...
I'm completely broken and need someone to take care of me. I can't fix myself
Why can't femanons look like this?
Have any femanons had breast growth experiences like this?
Have sat at the computer obsessively since 1998
He thinks asking out more girls will improve his chances of getting intimacy
It's that time again. let's see where robots rank politically
Would Jow Forums date a girl with a diaper fetish?
Death and suicide thread. All thoughts and discussions pertaining to death and suicide go here
I heard people here met their irl girlfriends on r9k. How did you do it?
What is your favorite anime and why Jow Forums?
What age group is the majority of r9k these days?
If femanons had the looks to be an instathot would you do it? or do these types of women just disgust you?
Just found this pic on my sisters phone
Whats the best way to cut yourself or hurt yourself in general?
What is the cleanest, best pleasure?
Well boys, I asked her out. It was a train wreck, literally had sweaty palms and couldn't form a sentence, but I asked...
Cursed images/gifs thread?
Fatty trying to lose 30lbs here. Is a calorie just a calorie...
Let's Play a Game
Be me
The normies call him a mad man because they dont know the pain of being a below 6', 0/10 incel...
Did the stoic user make it?
Be Black
My (female) therapist sent me this pic and recommended me I do this religiously every week for my low self esteem...
Im black and I have a white girlfriend AMA
God tier
Bagel Manlet suddenly has tons of women hitting on him
"Hey guys, let's gang rape user."
Every fucking time I see an attractive girl or even a representation of an attractive girl (like a drawing) I get so...
I wish there was a place for fags and Jow Forumsniggers on this website
How can you even argue that we shouldn't be vegan? We literally have the teeth of a herbivore...
Be neet
Swiping on tinder
Are there any other spergs out there who wouldnt care to talk to fembot sperg that fangirls over yaoi and drag
/dicklet general/
Personality flaws
Femanons that use pads=pure
Jow Forums forms a rag-tag party set off on a grand adventure over vast fantasy lands
Anyone here been a stocker at walmart? whats the workload like and what about difficulty...
Hey user, this has been a fun date ... but I'm not sure if we're meant for each other
Why are there so many Jow Forumsniggers here?
Just imagine how many times the girl you like touched her ass and her asshole wondering how good it must feel to have a...
Spend three hours typing up a letter to an online friend
How is this fair? I'm a better person than Destiny
Man, I really wonder why the manlet at the bagel shop snapped
/sg/ - Sissy General - Ready for the summer edition
How do turbo manlets cope? Short anons, please share your story so I can feel better about my life as a 5 foot 9 man
Why are attractive women completely devoid of any culture?
What were the best years of your life?
List your mental illnesses
If it was possible to become a woman would you do it?
Post your eye!
All these sissy threads are starting making me horny for cocks.. What can i do?
How does someone get off videogame addiction?
I'm so jealous of all those chan girls who have creepy psycho stalkers saving their photos and making obsessive posts...
My wife bores me to fucking tears. I want to move back to living with my mum
Fuck bisexuals
Women Hate Thread
Be me
He's from the oId neighborhood
Why are white men so delusional?
Fembots, is it typical to fuck about 30 guys in your teens?
Last text you got from a female outside of your family
Very interesting. well what do you think Jow Forums?
This is the funniest image I have
Has a girl ever called you daddy??
Would you date an obese, 28-year-old female virgin who has not left her room in six years?
Which one of you gave this girl $11,000 for her coke habit?
How do white girls feel about being mogged by Japanese beauties?
If you have a gf you have to leave this board now. Only people without gfs can post here
What are your thoughts on female pedophiles? Or rather, ephebophiles
Back in 2015, zoomers born in late 90s were universally hated on Jow Forums for being "fake/wannabe 90s kids"...
Is Jow Forums all zoomers now or does anyone remember using a 56k modem to log on the internet?
How do fembots deal with their bush? i can't stop itching mine
Would you be a staceys ass slave?
Doed anybody else genuinely want to kill Belle Delphine?
What's the most pathetic thing you've ever done?
Hey... Could we maybe just have a thread about cute shit? Just one. Just one thread where we're not all depressed...
Fembots, how many people have seen you nude?
Just learn computer programming bro
Tfw no bf to protect you from bullies
Girls on Twitter are getting pretty mad about Belle being loved
Women have it easier than me
There are grown men on this board who still play vidya
He still sleeps with the same blankie he's had since he was a child
When did you realise that you were "different"?
What's sex with thicc asian girl like bros?
Do you hate women? I hate women
Signing up for college
Common worst experiences with the opposite sex
You guys got any podcast recommendations?
Global Conquest Map - Alternative History (Red Alert)
Was this man right?
Fembots, how bad is your baby fever right now?
Whats the point of loosing your virginity later?
Why do cute girls waste their pussy elixir?
What is the maximum age that one can live with their parents ? i'd say 25
Do female hairdressers really grope their male customers just so they can receive a good tip...
If you're so lonely, why won't you make yourself a tulpa, user?
How do we get rid of the discord trannies?
How do white w*m*n even compete with this? Asian and yuge tits? Yes, please
Where were your ancestors from Jow Forums ? mainly from Portugual but also have a small amount of Anglo Blood
Told mom I'm going to off myself if she ever stops providing for me or kicks me out
Why I took the BlackPill
How rare do you think it would be to find a virgin girl over the age of 20/21
Post random cuties you've found on the internet
Which is worst?
I'm so fuckin liveless and depressed, i have no motivation to do anything and nothing brings me joy
Another comfy day in the life of a NEET
What countries have you travelled to?
I genuinely believe that the main source of my unhappiness is the fact that I don't have a girlfriend
Any beta orbiters here?
The bachelor pill
He uses the word “morality” to vaguely suggest some system of right and wrong...
Did I a dumb with a girl last night?
He is tall
Fembot Thread
What videogames does Jow Forums like?
Is it true that women are evil and have no souls?
Let it all out, lads. What's troubling you?
Is there anyone here with a serious mental or physical disability? I have never met anyone like that...
If you enjoy torturing and killing cats and dogs, are you still a robot?
Why are girls so much happier?
How would you deal with cheating?
What does r9k drive?
Sniff a butt
Simply put, there are too many people in the world and the number just keeps on growing...
Just admit it. You are obsessed with appearances and have no interest of looking into anyone's heart...
Reminder that if you ate healthy during your teenage years and not eat processed garbage every single day you would be...
My crush sent me hearts in a text
I am so desperate
Wagecuck General
Imagine being a father and finding out your son, who has been acting strange and distant lately...
Hasve you ever made a (non family member) girl cry?
Fembots and Firearms
Have you ever told someone that they are pretty/beautiful/cute/attractive?
You're not God ,you're not my Father and you're not my boss!
Because of normies, now I can't even enjoy ice cream
How would your perfect wife look like anons?
Bluepill General
When did you realize that your parents are garbage?
I've been away for a few days working on my novel. What have I missed?
Im kinda in a weird spot. i would like to be an hero and deliver on my promise to stream it...
I can't sleep and I'm bored as all hell. I'll reply to every post in this thread
I really wish i had her face and body
I need to know right now
Who are you Jow Forums? I'm a vidya playing,weeb from New Jersey
Will any anons buy some pizza for a lonely femanon...
Try to listen to some soothing music to calm me down
I wish I lived in a city so I could go to a bar and talk to a human right now
Do you guys ever feel like you don't fit in anywhere?
Why did this happen?? I mean, what was really the root cause of this incident?
Was she a Stacy, bros?
Losing weight shouldn't be this hard
I just want to know. Why is it so hard to have sex in the modern world?
You're not killing yourself user, you're my friend and I won't lose you
Can someone redpill me on Islam. Is there only one true god and Muhammad the messenger of that god?
You don't get it
Tfw porn induced bisexuality
Dead mom
Call out people with stupid fetishes
You're offered $1,000,000.00 to eat one pound from this girl's corpse. Do you take the offer and if so, what do you eat?
Can you fill a condom in one go anonon?
Look, user, it's my old school uniform! Does it still look good on me?
Are people who wear glasses smarter?
What are the best ways besides hanging and shooting yourself to commit suicide? i tried hanging and it didn't work...
You will never know what it feels like to have an uncircumcised penis
I've had it with PC culture in Academia, Anons. I want to cause a massive shitstorm at my campus this year...
You are currently UNDER THE BRIDGE that is nearby the local WALMART
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship