i just want to literally piss money so i dont have to go to medical school
Liam Clark
try being the same size as her but also an ugly guy
Sebastian Baker
Even IF you were as good looking as her, you would never be as famous. She was lucky enough to have enough retards view her stuff but you will not. Get a fucking job.
Dylan Cox
same OP I'm a guy though
Christopher Kelly
i have a job you nimrod, but hey, i can also tell you are a salty wageslave
oof. like I said im aware i could be worse off
Samuel Robinson
>tfw could've avoided terminal oneitis but low self esteem & shut in because >ywn be this pretty
Jonathan Davis
>i really wish i had her face - 1 gallon of assorted cosmetics applied with deliberate whorish tastelessness - Photoshop - nosejob done.
> and body uh, what body?
Liam Adams
>nosejob yeah and her nose is cute as fuck, best nose job ive ever seen.
>what body? the body I posted in the OP. you blind?