Is there anyone here with a serious mental or physical disability? I have never met anyone like that, I often wonder what is every day life for them. Do they feel discriminated or integrated? What sort of hardship do they have to face? How does it feel being stared at? On the same note, what is it like to live with a disabled person?
Is there anyone here with a serious mental or physical disability? I have never met anyone like that...
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no actually. im relatively good looking (relatively). and competent, and able to hold conversations. im a little short i guess
double up or shut up, user
>interrogated for 4 hours
all this and he hasnt shot up the school yet
what a cuck lol he should just fucking do it already
Crohn's disease. I leave my house maybe 20 times per year not by choice but because I can't. Even if I don't kill myself my body is trying to do it for me.
How skinny are you and why does it keep you from doing things?
i leave the house only 4 times a year. is this a disability?
I've never met anybody with schizophrenia, or anybody with a real mental illness that wasn't just a moody woman diagnosed with 10 things that validate her attention seeking habits.
Yet I'm still called a schizo in every thread I post in. Glow niggers are getting dumber and dumber.
>come be my sideshow
Fuck you.
No, being a pussy is not a disability
Last time I weighed I was 99 pounds. Barely under 17 BMI, I was 15 BMI a year ago My intestines are constantly being destroyed and repaired so they're very scarred and almost useless. Its really painful as you can imagine and I can feel the food and shit moving through me. Having no nutrients in me at any given time isn't too good for me and being able to move around, especially since when I sleep, my body is putting all of its energy into repairing my bloody scarred intestines. I'll probably get colon cancer in the next 10 years. At any given time I could develop toxic megacolon overnight and then just die.
What the fuck is wrong with that nose?
sea niggers live in a hot climates. they need big rounder noses to accomodate more sweat pores.
That's rough man, I guess you never stood a chance... what's your prognosis?
Bipolar and ADHD. I don't know if you consider those serious but It's pretty fucking garbage. ADHD meds and mood stabilizers have helped a lot though.
i have anxiety disorder and adhd. The adhd meds make me too anxious so i stopped taking them.
Glad to hear they work for some people.
Schizo here. I think I have it fairly easy when compared to the "stereotypical" schizo. I just hear voices. Anxiety/ depression are much harder for me desu. hikki neet btw
Have always suspectedim schizo but yesterday was first time I actually heard voices where they weren't
I used to hear someone calling my name lol, but it only happened like for a month. I'm an schizo as well?
he is not even that ugly. shit haircut, skin and nose but pretty much chill looking dude
you haven't seen me and my boys user. we are uglier than him and we are awesome.
it can be really scary/ annoying, but if you can do little reality checks and tell yourself that there isn't someone or something messing with you then you'll avoid going down the "crazy person" rabbit hole
It's a long list, my friend. A variety of mental illnesses caused by severe and repeated childhood trauma. Sensory Processing Disorder that effects my ability to understand what people are saying to me. Improperly healed breaks in my leg (shin, ankle, foot, and toes), and a hip deformity caused by the improperly healed injury. Sucks ass.
Why didn't you heal properly?
I wasnt given proper treatment. Healthcare around here is trash and my parents were abusive/neglectful. I broke my shin in two places, my ankle diagonally across the growth plate, and my foot twice. I've probably broken my toes multiple times but never had treatment for it.
my eye is slightly deformed from an injury. also have cystic acne scars on my face. also might go blind since my good eye has been having issues, so always nice to have a constant paranoia of going blind.
autistic, pdd, other than that I'm normal looking
>he is not even that ugly
time to improve your standards
My depression (I know mega kek who doesn't have it) is honestly kinda debilitating. I feel unable to think, my thoughts are disorganized, I constantly feel like I can't breathe, I'm in constant full body pain not to mention my pain tolerance has disappeared. No energy is also kinda rough. Do I feel discriminated against? I usually don't let it show but when I do, people tend to think im faking or just being dramatic. Life is pain my friend. I can't say I would recommend it.
(Add an anxiety disorder on top of that)
>diagnosed with BPD, PTSD, OCD, aspergers, anxiety, depression
ask me what hell is like
do you have someone in your family which crohn disease?
This thread was about real disabilities, not your armchair diagnostic skills.
Bump (why is this comment not original, wtf?)
I wonder what the guy in OP's pic actually did. Because obviously he is not telling the full truth.
Yes, why do you think I get NEETBUX?
he existed while being ugly, which is a crime in western societies
I've been diagnosed professionally, not by myself.
If he had simply asked a girl for her number, there is no way he would have had security called on him and be interrogated for 4 hours. Things like this do not happen in the real world, only incel cuck fantasies. You probably believe that he will get false rape charges for this too.
I haven't been diagnosed with autism but everyone I know tells me I'm weird and it's clear that I make people uncomfortable when I talk to them.
I do have adhd and dyspraxia though. I forget what I'm saying midway through a sentence, forget to breath a lot, slur my speech and walk funny. There's probably some other symptoms I don't notice too.
I think that stuff is the reason I make people so uncomfortable. I don't feel particularly discriminated against because I'm obviously the one with the problem, it's not like it would be reasonable to expect people to not be weirded out but a complete weirdo.
Bro that's just dumb, stop obsessing over things you can't change. It's all about your personality. Trust me bro I'm 6'5" and you could forge steel on my jaw, I have perfect teeth and fierce eyes but I didn't start slaying pussy until my early teens. It took me almost 13 years to develop a personality that could attract girls.
Think I have some form of autism, agoraphobia, and gyno tits since I hit puberty it's a shitty combination. I quit school first chance I got to be away from people and have been a shut in ever since. I've always felt stuck with no way out but death.
You don't have any medication? I'm on remicade and it fixed everything besides the fatigue for now.
Have you tried eating raw meat?
Look up into Aajonus Vonderplanitz it's a huge redpill to swallow
idk if it counts but i have cptsd, autism, adhd, spd, dcd, depression + anxiety all diagnosed professionally
i cant leave the house anymore on my own
Smh they missed out on calling the subreddit Incelfies
I'm not sure if it counts since its not a visible disability in the hunchback sense, but I have chronic, debilitating cluster migraines, once or twice a week for usually 6-10 hours. Aptly also called "suicide disease".