How rare do you think it would be to find a virgin girl over the age of 20/21

How rare do you think it would be to find a virgin girl over the age of 20/21

>Be me 20 male slightly overweight
> Feeling insecure about not fucking a virgin girl when i am a virgin.
> Real question is why do i care
> Can stop thinking about it
> Don't know how or where to meet girls so this will never happen

pic unrelated

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I'm 24, divorced already and I'm not certain how many sexual partners I've had but if I ever got into a serious relationship again I'd prefer a virgin or low body count (3 or less).

>Feeling insecure about not fucking a virgin girl when i am a virgin.
That's a stupid reason to get a virgin.
Virgins are for pure marriage, if you just feel insecure, go fuck a random girl you don't know and after a while, you'll start to get good at sex.
Leave virgins for pure religious lads, ok?

Never said i wasnt stupid. I was in a depressive episode my schizo kicked in with these ideas for no reason kinda fucked. I dont get it just what my mind does

>I dont get it just what my mind does
You got it wrong.
You're your mind. Your body is but a vessel. Your mind shall rule your non-obedient body. You need discipline and rationality for that.
Do not listen to your urges of wallowing in self-deprecation. Give yourself clear goals and advance towards them.
Whether other people consider you as brave or foul is none of your concern. Happiness is found inwards, not outside.

You took the words out of my mind. I have got it all together now from my depressive episode the past few days. I have goals i am going for now and hopefully it should work. I also do no fap so i get some superpowers girls dig superpowers

go to clubs on moderate doses of mdma and try your luck

Godspeed then user. May you find your happiness.
Do not forget this world is a stern world, attaining ataraxia might be hard and need constant efforts.

thats a issue i have. Its the only thing i really get nervous about is club. Dont know why i struggle with going to them?

Hey mate, I'm pretty much a normie compared to most here and I despise clubs.
It's expensive, music too loud, music too shitty, too many people, usually it's pretty damp and hot inside. And there's only thots and retards, not a good place to dwell.

Don't force yourself to fit the mold, you should seek your own niche.