Was this man right?
Was this man right?
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I'm 6'2", but can't help feel sorry for him. Whatever longstanding securities he has due to a physical deformity (Peter Dinklage talks about having the same insecurities as a kid), the short temper about it that probably inspires further ridicule instead, and the public outburst that only ends up isolating him. Makes me all sorts of sad, desu.
Other than that, no. No one in that scenario was in the right.
Its a miracle he didn't snap sooner.
it is morally wrong to be violent towards those we disagree with, and the boomer in cargo shorts should face legal consequences.
sympathetic but I dunno how he can still get angry over it at his age, I am just resigned to how people treat me and try to avoid going outside whenever possible
He did
he has a whole yt channel of him snapping
user. post link if you claim that. we all wanna have fun :)
Yes. He's blackpilled.
He managed to become famous without killing anyone or committing any major crimes. Pretty based.
He was right. Every word he said was true.
I feel sorry for the poor fuck, honestly. Being that short for a dude should honestly be considered a disability.
He is the chosen one. Dfs
God damn this man is based.
>first word of the post is humble bragging
get a load of this faggot
>he has a whole yt channel of him snapping
>Was this man right?
manlets are never right
unless they're eligible for dwarfmode, it's all over
How many fucking manlets infest arcanine?!
He called to cops on a guy for asking his height then cursed out the cops when they said that is not illegal
that women tell him he should kill himself?
I do feel bad for him. he should somehow learned to take himself less seriously, he would be happier. but I'm sure he no doubt takes abuse from abrasive new york dicks constantly.
I wasn't aware "I'm" counts as a humblebrag. Does that mean any time we introduce ourself as "I'm ," we're humblebragging? FUCK!
l'm sam
>has no idea how internalised anger/resentment/grievances work
It takes years of bottling this shit inside before someone "snaps." The majority of cases: most of the person's life. We see this a lot in serial killers, suicides, older people who are generally open with their anger, etc. In fact, the length of time spent holding it in is one of the main reasons why then end up snapping.
Everyone experiences anger. What makes some snap is tiny brains and retardation. Take autists, low IQ trash that is still treated good by their handlers most of the time, but they snap every day.
so niggers have tiny brains?
>Everyone experiences anger.
Everyone experiences anger differently. Everybody has their own distinct reaction and processing with their own emotions. They're never going to respond to it the same way as others. And holding them up to the same standards as everyone else, instead of standards that are flexed for them individually, is the worst approach you can have.
>What makes some snap is tiny brains and retardation.
People who snap do so in response to certain stress. Fighting in a war, being raped by a loved one, unending pressure at the office, or even a perceived attack for something you can't help.
>Take autists, low IQ trash that is still treated good by their handlers most of the time, but they snap every day.
Autists, the severe cases you're mentioning specifically, have psychiatric and neurological conditions that make them prone to a number of dysfunctions. Not just fits of anger.
Holy fucking based! Roastie BTFO
Short stature or not, this guy's probably the most stereotypical New Yorker I've watched in a while.
he's from the old neighborhood
Manlets are always wrong and never learn
Christ, the guy's a fucking cartoon character.
So he hadn't actually spent money on her yet? Just said he was GOING TO?
Hes the old New York stereotype. More accurate modern stereotypes are just rich kids, jews, and lefty hipsters.
In the manner of context, yeah, you're a humble bragging faggot.
Sure but very few of them snap. If you are talking about people who beat your ass for talking shit, thats called being a man.
You are verbose but thanks for agreeing. `it depends` is not sufficient. Snapping is not the fault of society, and if you go down that road you cant blame anyone for that society.
>More accurate modern stereotypes are just rich kids, jews, and lefty hipsters.
So, like early-2010s Portland?
or early 20th century berlin
>or early 20th century berlin
hmm, wait a minute
>You are verbose but thanks for agreeing.
You clearly don't know what "agreeing" means.
>Snapping is not the fault of society
Society, and who one's unfortunate enough to have in their lives, is one of the many factors into who becomes the person they are today. Enculturation is a key factor into personality development. Hell, so is acculturation, but too few step outside their social circle.
>and if you go down that road you cant blame anyone for that society
Being harassed, abused, molested, etc. all your life can gradually, greatly affect who you become (ex.: many SJWs). It applies here as well. But by the time it grows to the point of outward lashes, it's either so deeply seated that it'll take their wholes live to adjust with little guarantee of progress, or they're a PONR case. Blaming either society or the person is the complete wrong approach, and misses the point entirely.
its QUITE beguiling
>If you are talking about people who beat your ass for talking shit, thats called being a man.
A man doesn't let mere words get to them.
Genetics did him dirty. Be empathetic of Saint Bagelcel. Positive generative forces, brothers.
really, REALLY joggles the noggin
he will be remmbered user
Are you assuming he was molested? There are paths for dealing with anger. An adult makes choices and is responsible for how he deals with anger. I dont blame him for being an oppressed victim or you for being a social justice warrior. But clearly it is his fault for snapping, not even debatable. We can mitigate snapping by understanding psychology better, we cant eliminate human decision making without genocide.
>haha it's so sad that people have less than ideal bodies and are depressed about it
>but not me
welcome to 2019 Jow Forums, where even what was considered garbage a year ago is now the norm
>Are you assuming he was molested?
>There are paths for dealing with anger.
None universal.
>An adult makes choices and is responsible for how he deals with anger.
An adult is an adult, regardless of behaviour, or how they manage their affairs. And if we're going to play that game anyway, an adult doesn't also dismiss and look down on people for how they handle their affairs, nor do adults dictate how others should act.
>I dont blame him for being an oppressed victim
You are, actually.
>But clearly it is his fault for snapping, not even debatable.
By that logic, it's a rape victim's fault for succumbing to their trauma, and lashing out at others. Or a black person's fault for succumbing to their issues.
>We can mitigate snapping by understanding psychology better, we cant eliminate human decision making without genocide.
Just a left, 90' turn in logic, that it's almost nonsequitur.
Sort of right with women neglecting short men but he acted like a total buffoon when people are just trying to get some fuckin bagels kek
honestly? Yeah. I fucking hate how everyone mindlessly fucks you over and then acts indignant when you finally try to push back.
yes. His life was absolutely ruined the moment he was born
kek at the assblasted manlet
he's not assblasted, fuck off
we dont know what happened before the video started being filmed.
we dont see whats happening from his pov.
he is mostly right, but i dont think it was an appropriate moment to rant about it, it mighthave been, but we dont have the full context here dont we