Well boys, I asked her out. It was a train wreck, literally had sweaty palms and couldn't form a sentence, but I asked...

Well boys, I asked her out. It was a train wreck, literally had sweaty palms and couldn't form a sentence, but I asked, anyway. Hardest thing I've ever done.

She said no.

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At least you did it, more than most people can say on this thread.

Including me

You're putting too much into one girl hoping she'll love you back like it's a Disney movie. Christ sakes lad if you want a gf you have to make talking to girls your second job. Most women are similar so it's best to have an abundance mentality regarding them. If you're crushing that hard on one girl you already lost before you started.

Same here bud, guess we are all doomed to lonliness.

good shit bro, when I asked someone out for the first time recently, took her out, and she retroactively said she wanted to be friends, instead of getting sad, I felt like I got a huge load off my chest and now I don't have to lament and wonder about what could've been

hopefully the same will be true for you man

good for you man


You'll do better with the next one! You'll get that gf yet, user!

bro you're a fucking loser if she said that without you even doing anything. she knew what you were trying to pull and shut your shit down right away. either become more attractive or more assertive, or keep to yourself because you're pussyfooting around what you really want, and you can't get it because you don't measure up.

At least you asked. Next time you ask someone else it'll be easier

had you gotten any signs of interest from her or was it a cold approach