I heard people here met their irl girlfriends on r9k. How did you do it?
I heard people here met their irl girlfriends on r9k. How did you do it?
That's impossible. Jow Forums is anonymous
you find a girl that lives close to you and then you meet her, its that simple
Did a lot of chinups and posted pictures of my back.
I met mine on /a/. We were tripfags and trolled eachother. We exchanged contact info for some reason and then met a a month or so after that. I found the thread we met in on desuarchive recently and my youthful edge was cringy.
how many can you do in a row? my best is 22.
Posting again to find this man.
imri pls go
Normies pretending to be robots.
If you even have the constitution to talk to a girl in real life about anything that's not professional you're not a fucking robot.
Jow Forums discords have girls in
its that simple