>he thinks asking out more girls will improve his chances of getting intimacy
if you were rejected by the first five girls you asked out, you better get used to hearing "no" every time you ask afterwards. now you're a young adult and girls don't find inexperience cute, and they can see this in your body language and how you talk to them. what makes you think doing the same thing over and over again will help your circumstances? you're not like your peers who've been able to get with women in some capacity ever since they reached puberty, you're just different.
Some people have hearts of stone. Some people are up to no good.
Cameron Flores
Already stopped trying. Nice numbers btw
Nathan Barnes
>posting this shit again tell me OP, how many girls have you actually asked out, and how many did it take for you to actually succeed? if it's anything more than 5, you stand in pretty much direct contradiction to what you're saying.
Also, the fact that you're going in with the thought that you'll be rejected is a sign of insecurity and lack of faith in oneself, one's abilities, and one's good qualities, and you know what people in general, not just girls, can't stand? Both of those things.
Owen Jones
How do you not go into something without the assumption im going to be rejected
Im not chad
Isaac Phillips
red pill bullshit. this is just more 'bro its all internal bro' idiocy. if what you are saying is true then that manlet bagel guy should be able to get girls just by changing his behavior. you have to be fucking delusional to think that would work.
Easton Myers
you're right. I just need to be more confident while also being myself.
Nathan Bennett
I'm not Chad either. And not even normal people go into something knowing for sure that they'll succeed. What they do think, however, is that they have no way of knowing what will happen, success or failure, unless they try. All they can do is have faith in themselves and what they can bring to the table, and go out and fucking do it. And if they fail, they assess the situation, see what they may have done wrong, and move on to the next one applying what they learn. This goes for literally anything in life. The PUA communities pretty much say the same thing, if you're concerned about romance.
The problem with robots is that rhey refuse to learn from their mistakes, and they go out and do the exact same thing over and over again. Look at OP. It literally contains that same mistake >what makes you think doing the same thing over and over again will help your circumstances You're not supposed to do the same thing. You're supposed to take your experiences and use them to organically grow and improve as a person, and most robots are at least capable of doing that.
Samuel Lee
thank you brother. and so have I
Adam Gonzalez
The only mistake anyone is making is thinking that any girl would ever accept me I'm not sure if you're just blind but I've seen my future It's not just bleak; it's non-existent Nothing has gone right in my life Academic wise or career wise Why the fuck would it change here? You're just an ignorant fool
Owen Morales
He won't know for certain he'll get girls, but at least he'll be a better fucking person to be around instead of someone everyone makes fun of, even here even though we've all felt outcasted and alienated in some way, because of raging manlet syndrome. And you know what being a better, cooler, more fun person to be around gets you? Social circles. And you know what social circles give you access to? Girls. Of course he'll have it hard, he's an outlier, like below the first percentile of height in America. You know what else? I'm the third percentile of height, and I've never been treated or bullied or laughed at or looked at disgust by girls in my entire life. You know why that is? Because I at least learned how to be a decent person.
It's clear he's not happy with himself. He needs to find a way to figure out how before dealimg with anyone else, and I guarantee you he'll feel a lot better about himself. It's hard to get over decades of bullying. But at least in my case, I've known people who've gone through worse and succeeded with flying colors.
Jeremiah Morales
this guy actually believes if the manlet bagel guy changes his personality then girls would want to be with him. hahaha wow. that guy is fucked, he's not going to get shit even if he had a wonderful personality. you are so far gone into behavioral red pill nonsense that you just refuse to accept that it's not all about behavior. i'm so sick and tired of getting in this argument with fucking red pillers, just go back to your subreddit. why are you on this board if you're so great at game lol? its just such delusional bullshit and im so sick of it
John Russell
>Nothing has gone right in my life >Academic wise or career wise >Why the fuck would it change here? Okay, and you see literal high school drop outs with no jobs or shit jobs have success with girls. That hasn't stopped people. How many girls have you asked out, what did you notice or learn when you did so, and how have you used what you've learned to improve yourself as a person?
If the answer is you never tried, then how the fuck will you know the answer to your questions until you do? Are you a fortuneteleer? Are you some divine presence with a crystal ball? If no, then how will you know what your future is? You don't. I don't. I don't know my future either.
But the point is, you're a guy. You're expected to go out and chase what you want. It sucks, but that's how it is. And when you do, you're expected to put yourself in the best position to succeed. Take for example this guide, written by a bunch of /b/tards. Take a look through it, and think about how much of it have you tried. If the answer is not all of it, then you're not putting yourself in that best position, and you have some fucking work to do. Get to it. dump.aix0.eu/wut/b/The Well-Cultured Anonymous.pdf
Cooper Gomez
do you think you're hosting some PUA show or something?
This isn't true at all. Granted I'm pretty good looking so I had an initial opportunity with most girls based off that but I was still super awkward and cringy which got me rejected many times before I began picking up on good social skills and how to be charming. It just takes practice and once I was rejected once or twice I stopped giving a fuck if I got turned down. Even the worst rejections were always better than the regret of not trying at all.
Nicholas Gray
Never asked out a girl, but I know that if this sort of thing happened to me, I would look to improving myself.
Samuel Price
OP here. this is very amusing, I think he's serious but I'm waiting for more to decide whether this is bait or not.
>then girls would want to be with him Quote where it was in my post where I said that. I didn't. I said that even if he does all of those things, he still won't know if a girl will ever be interested in him. But the point is that maybe, just maybe, he'll be a decent person to be around that no longer feels like he has to go through life with raging manlet syndrone, and he might be a happier person for it. He might as least get to be part of a decent group of friends. And maybe, we won't even know who the hell he is and we'll have never had this conversation because he'll be just like everyone else.
And just so you know, he did manage to marry a girl before, an Indonesian one. Sure, they divorced, but he's still had more success than at least 70% of this board, and I'm willing to bet that none of them are as short as he is. What's you guys' excuse?
Jordan Myers
so he has to do all this work and change everything about himself just to maybe have a small chance of finding a girl who will look past his height. lol. i suggest you don't try being a salesman because your sales pitch sucks. you're just preaching perspective bullshit like every other self help asshead. the guy has been taking shit his entire life for being very short and you just want him to work on himself to change his perspective and look at the brighter side of life like a fucking airhead sucker. just ignore everyone bro.
Ryan Butler
>Quote where it was in my post where I said that. I didn't. >"just put in all this effort for effort's sake br0 maybe you'll get a "friend" or some shit uhhh i unno"
Alexander Ward
They still have better luck and skills than I do. They don't have to deal with fucking autism and my shitty speech problems. At least they have a personality. The only thing I've learned from talking to females is that I'm creepy and that was back when I actually tried at life
That shitty guide isn't gonna do a goddamn thing btw. You can't shine shit.
I know several middle aged guys who have nothing No gf no family and no money I know I'm on that path I tried avoiding but I was always destined Not everyone can be helped user
Ethan Cruz
No, I'm trying to tell you how most actually normal people get on with their lives and become better people. And the fact that you're so hesitant to answer my questions, and OP is so willing to take what I say is bait, tells me that you both haven't even come close to doing so. What makes you think any girl would be interested in someone with no goddamn sense of perspective about themselves with no drive to actually improve? Someone who's just content with festering in one place, never going out of their comfort zone and never trying to go somewhere or do something? Name me one girl who would be interested, because that girl should be canonized as the savior of robots everywhere.
I used to be as bad socially as all of you. I was sent to occupational and speech therapies for most of my grade school life. I had a shit home life and never learned any of this stuff from my parents. I had one real friend in that time and I unwittingly destroyed that friendship. You know how I learned how to be better? From here. Maybe you should try it.
Oliver Brown
girls dont give a fuck above you improving, they just wait at the finishing line for a winner, and if you're posting on this board the chances are you already lost a long time ago, and that's including you. you can say anything you want to say, you still post here, that's all the proof anyone needs. normal people also don't use retarded pua tier bullshit to get girls, they just get girls, because they're normal. most of them laugh at this shit
Cooper Bennett
>And the fact that you're so hesitant to answer my questions, and OP is so willing to take what I say is bait, tells me that you both haven't even come close to doing so.
no, you're just retarded and I'm having fun laughing at you.
Josiah Johnson
Yeah he does, because that's how the cards played out. I have to do the same thing, because I'm a turbomanlet too. I'm probably shorter and weigh less than all of you. I'm 5'4" at 102 lbs. I'm Asian in the US, which according to you guys means I'm absolutely fucked in terms of dating. And I still have a long way to go. But you know what I have done? At least I got girls to treat me like I'm a decent and respectable person because I actually put forth the effort to at least start learning how to be one. I spent most of my adolescence learning how to be a better professional and social and confident among friends and strangers, and it's been 3-4 years and I'm starting to reap the benefits of that work.
I know and understand his perspective probably far more than you, OP, or anyone on this board bar a limited few. I want him to do that because it's what I fucking did, it's what my dad did (he's 5'1", been in multiple marriages and is great with girls) and it's what he has to do, at least if he wants to find how to be happy. It's how it is.
Jace Reyes
>got girls to treat me like I'm a decent and respectable person that isn't difficult at all, it just doesn't matter because they still aren't going to fuck you
Nicholas Rogers
>girls don't give a fuck about you improving Who fucking cares what girls think? I've said multiple times that doing all this is no guarantee to getting a girl. But the point is that he should do it for himself. At least he'll be happier. I come here because I've been coming on this website for years, and it's genuinely taught me how to be a better person. Coming on this board gives me perspective on just how far I've come, and how far I need to go. And besides, how is coming here proof that you lost? I thought this board over the years was getting infested with fucking normies who need to leave? What happened to that, huh? And normal people don't use pua stuff because they learned similar things as children and do it unconsciously. For people like us, we have to learn how to do it consciously. It's how it is, there's no going around it, so hunker down and start learning.
As long as probability is nonzero, experiment will yield positive results at least once with enough repetition.
Oliver Reed
Jow Forums made you a...better person. alright yea that sealed it for me, you have to be like 16 years old hahahah
Joshua Roberts
I don't think his goal is getting a gf. I genuinely think he's trying to settle down with a born again virgin in his mid 30s who'll divorce him for the house and car. a real glutton for punishment this guy, I almost feel bad
Nathan Rivera
Then how the hell was I born then? My dad is 5'1". He's Guyanese, which essentially means East Indian. That means he's fucked, right? He met my mom and got together with her in nursing school, meaning there was no betabux incentive for her. My mom grew up much richer than him, so it didn't exist in the first place. Before this, he was in a marriage with another girl, much taller than him. He was before that an illegal immigrant who had to work in milk bottle factories to pay for college. You know why he could pull it off? Because he's fucking charismatic and a fucking committed hard worker, which I'm not and I'm sure as hell none of you are either. What's your excuse?
Gabriel Peterson
Yeah it fucking did. It taught me how to have a thick skin, how to be a more critical thinker, how to tell bullshit from reality, how to take and dish out banter, how to flirt and read body language in general, and how to have some self-respect, because you can be sure that no one else here will give that to you, evidenced by this thread.
Go on Jow Forums and all the hobby boards and read their stickies. Go to the self improvement threads and have some accountability for yourself. At least surround yourself with people who are on the same road, instead of this cesspit. I can tell as of right now that with how you are now, you won't make it, because all you're doing is trying to make fun of me and not have any sense of perspective.
Adam Rogers
Too late to develop charisma Or maybe I lacked that trait at birth Either way it's not gonna help me now
Ian Bennett
oh god now we're going down the muh daddy road. your father and your mother did not live during the time of social media, dating sites, and tinder. if you're your fathers son you should be able to strap your pussy slaying boots on and go get some, right? yea
Matthew Flores
None of those people are on the same road as me Hell we're probably not even on the same continent If you're gonna tell me how to help myself how do I get to a place where I can get to a place to self improve
Jackson Collins
i'm making fun of you because you're probably just some idiot that got laid once 2 years ago by some mediocre chubby girl and for some reason you think that makes you some player hahah. lifting things isn't a hobby, i have an actual hobby. go back to Jow Forums where you belong, i can tell you spend most of your time there
Jaxon Rogers
>how to be a more critical thinker, hahaha >how to tell bullshit from reality oh nonononono >how to flirt and read body language in general AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
not once did he mention getting a girlfriend or having sex before. I'm willing to believe he's had a relationship or sex before though if he's this vehement about his pull yourself up by the boostraps mentality wrt women
Camden Howard
You're not born with charisma. You're a fucking baby, how can you be charismatic? You learn how to be charismatic by learning what those traits are, and going out there and practicing until you get it right, while in the meantime becoming a person who's comfortable in his own skin. People with normal development learn this shit as children. People with upbringings like us have to learn it later.
And how do you know it won't help you? You don't have charisma, so you can't say whether it will or not. Go develop it first, and then say whether or not. Yeah good point. It was much harder for them, because they had no avenues to meet people besides directly, mono e mono, face to fucking face IRL. And, they had no guides or easily accessible resources to help them learn. And no easy ways to put themselves out there without having to leave their houses. All they had was trial and error, seeing what works and what doesn't. And yeah, I should. But I didn't learn this stuff as early as my dad did, and my household was no help. I have to learn it now. But at least I'm not making excuses or dishing out blame for why I can't do this. Ultimately, it's on me to do so, and that's what I'm trying to do. I told you before. I posted a guide that tells you some of the steps. Start from there, then go to places that will help you get some accountability, such as the self-improvement threads on Jow Forums. It's nice that you guys have such faith in me. But no, I'm just as much a KHV as you two probably are. That's why I said I have a long way to go. I have a number of mental and mindset issues stopping me from getting into a relationship that I have to work out. I'm my own proof of what I say, that getting yourself on the path is no guarantee you'll even come close to getting a girl. But I'm also not as fucking bitter and depressed as the both of you, because I've learned to be happy too. And I know people who've gone all the way.
Elijah Long
why is a khv trying to tell us how to act and get girls what the fuck
Aaron Morgan
> I'm just as much a KHV as you two probably are >I have a number of mental and mindset issues stopping me from getting into a relationship that I have to work out >getting yourself on the path is no guarantee you'll even come close to getting a girl
> But I'm also not as fucking bitter and depressed as the both of you, because I've learned to be happy too.
Did I ever tell you that this is foolproof advice on how to get girls? No, I didn't. I never even said I knew how to get girls. What I'm telling you is what you can do to make you a better person, someone that people would actually want to be around. And maybe, just maybe, that person might be a girl. And in that regard, my advice has worked perfectly for me. I made a ton of professional connections in my fields (medicine and inorganic/organic chemistry) and as a result, I've gotten to work on some great projects and have even been published a few times. The me a few years ago would have never been able to do what I do now, and that's where my improvement came in. I said earlier that as an adolescent I focused on learning to be a professional and to be a better person, not to be better with girls. And that's what happened. Oh yeah? Are you in my brain or something? How do you know what I learned and didn't learn besides what I told you?
Ayden Hughes
i think you actually have autism, most people don't find it that difficult to fake being sociable at work
Luis Parker
I said or at least implied that I did, didn't I? I said I went to occupational and speech therapies (for around a year or so) as a kid, because they thought I had a developmental disorder. I went pretty much my entire childhood and the first two years or so of high school being completely socially unconscious. That's when I decided shit needed to change. And then and now, my priority was building a successful career for myself. For my fields of science, being social is critical to help establish yourself, to get projects done, to work as a team, and to set yourself up for the future. Making professional connections is something even normalfags struggle with. I know, because I've been part of panels advising them of this stuff.
The point is, if someone like me could learn how to do it and learn social skills at so late an age, and that people starting off worse off than me and more screwed by genetics than me have succeeded where I have yet to succeed (namely, romance stuff), what the hell is you guys' excuse?
And it's not faked, I pretty much do it as unconsciously as a normalfag does. It's only afterward when they're gone that I actually realize what I was able to do, and then, as I said, think about what I did right and how I might be able to do it better in the future.
Austin Rodriguez
it's been hours of this shit. hours. and in the end he said nothing. a khv imparting his priceless advice to other khvs on how to win friends and influence people but still couldn't get his dick wet. the worst part is he thinks he's better than the rest of us. shameful display
>now you're a young adult Not even that any more. I'm almost 30, I'm just an adult. A failure of one, too.
Juan Howard
>but still couldn't get his dick wet Again, did I say this was advice to getting your dick wet? No I didn't. If you want that, maybe try out that guide I posted. It's from other 4channers, so maybe you'll actually take it seriously.
And yes, I am better than most of you, at least in the areas I decided to focus on. I have to go to /sci/ and talk to other, usually graduate students or Ph.D.'s, to find people with the same level of success. But I also have areas that I need to work on. And in general, having this mindset allowed me to be a better, happier person who could actually see the positive qualities about himself and focus on those, and it's reflected on how others treat me.
The reason why I commented is because none of you even seem to have gotten there, when there's definitely something great about you that you don't want to accept or haven't found yet. What I'm trying to tell you is try to go on a path that will let you find those things, and it'll make you happier. And when you're happier, other people will like to be around you. That's literally all I'm saying, yet you guys are trying to claim I said things I never even said.