gianna michaels rubbing her succubi fanny on neet faces edition
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fucking end my stupid life, i just want to fucking die
I want to learn an instrument!
I need one that will only cost me upwards of about 200 squid for a good beginner model, can be enjoyed entirely solo and not with a group, and preferably one that I can play quietly/with headphones at night, but it's not necessary
running a D&D oneshot this saturday
if any of you lads are interested I can tell you what I've got planned
What about one of those electric drum kits that are just rubber pads
>have a type 2
>fingers feel wet
get yourself a keyboard my man! preferably one of the midi ones that come with music production software. You can run it all in the box (PC) and not only will you be able to learn keyboard, you'll be able to implement your keyboard skills into music production. Two birds with one stone lid!
I played the drums for years as a child, and firstly those kits are utter rubbish, playing on a real kit is the only way to really play but you just can't do it unless you find a way to not disturb everyone in your house and the neighbours. Secondly, I'd like to learn something properly musical and not just percussion. I'd like to learn to play with proper sheet music and learn notes and shit.
I'm interested lad, quick rundown?
Not played in ages myself.
your name begin with h?