what was your nickname in hs user?
What was your nickname in hs user?
John Puss second lord of Smeg and King hereafter
The Sheriff.
>not being known as "that guy" or "you know the one I'm talking about, right?" because no one knew your name
The Nazi
>not having a physical deformation everyone knows you by
>that one kid with the ______
Jesus fucking christ Chad is real
>Freshman year the senior Chads called me chang and sometimes when I was with my black friend they shouted Rush Hour.
>Senior year was Uzi
Same as me Nick name now. "Dis muhfucka right heeuh"
Big iron
>Big Dick Max
>Maxus Package
>Big Dick
>School Shooter
well i did look like one until I cut my hair. but the nickname stuck.
People used to say i was gonna end up a terrorist and was usually called it
The quiet one.
Unabomber and psycho
Same but weird enough some told me years later I was scarry for being so quiet and calm
>Rush Hour
Fucking kek.
The faggot kid
Blackie Locks
jackie chan
in return i called the black kids niggers and they didn't seem to mind, hell i even made a few friends
but when i called white people honkeys they start ostracizing me
why are whites so fragile
They used to call me polar bear in hs; I always wore this big winter coat because I used to be conscientious about people thinking I was chubby.
"freak", "weirdo", "lesbian", "nerd", "ginger bitch"
My group of pals used to call me the "Butcher"
as in the guy who sells you various meats at the supermarket, not a murderer.
I still don't understand why.
I still miss them.
A girls name. Shows god has a sense of humor
>this dude doesnt look feminine at all lets make people call him a girls name
>lol jesus you saw the tranny demolishing that gamestop
the eye
M'xulkuvch consumer of souls
"E". Boring but even teachers and staff would call me that. My first name is Erik. Even girlfriends would call me that.
I'm White as a ghost and was a Punk Rock kid with spiked hair. Looked kinda like a healthy Sid Vicious.
People either liked me or let me be though I would have a lot of problems with Staff. Also wanted to put me in a GATE type program but I didn't trust those fuckers.
Guys called me shaggy
Girls called me block cock
I went to religious school. And the teachers had to have conversation with all the girls about referring to me by that name behind my back.