Why do so many escorts have restrictions against kissing?
I'm putting my penis into her vagina, at that point kissing seems like no big deal
pic related is an escort I recently saw who had a no kissing policy
Why do so many escorts have restrictions against kissing?
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Same experiences here OP I dont get it either
Mine didnt listen to anything I asked for anyways tho and I was too embarrassed to ask in person
Kissing is foul when you don't like the person.
Kissing is disgusting. How many dicks do you think have been in her mouth?? I don't even like cuddling. I think cuddling is gay, even if it's with a chick.
Bump for interest, didnt know this was a thing
It's one of the most common restrictions
There are more escorts who are willing to do anal than are willing to kiss clients
Is it an emotional thing? I cant think of many hygiene reasons that wouldn't apply to sex
Obviously can't wear a condom to kiss.
Probably cause youre ugly bro
This suddenly makes sense
It can't be this
There are a lot of escorts who will do "BBBJs" (blow jobs with no condom) but will not kiss
>go to an escort
>gets mad I didnt bring a condom
>gets mad I'm not getting undressed
>nervous as fuck cause all I asked was for her to teach me to give oral
Imagine smelling some John's gross breath and then continue to pretend you enjoy sex with him while he's jamming his slimy, dirty tongue down your throat. It's vile.
Would you rather be working at mcdonalds? Dont complain when your earning more than most engineers, filthy whore.
huh no hookers in my area have anything against kissing
Show me proof of one.
I would rather be working at McDonalds, I love french fries. I don't care if I get fat working there. Good thing I have neetbux and don't have to do either.
The one the OP, funnily enough
>>gets mad I didnt bring a condom
Most supply their own condoms but i bring them just in case. But thats stupid she should be the one with the raincoats.
>gets mad I'm not getting undressed
They say they wanna make sure you're not wearing a wire or some shit like that. One even made me leave my wallet in the bathroom. There was no money missing but i know she had to have looked at my driver's license
>nervous as fuck cause all I asked was for her to teach me to give oral
But yeah she sounds unprofessional as fuck.
Where do you guys order your escorts now that backpages is done with?
She did have a condom she was just mad I didnt bring one anyways. She was so disgusted and mad when I acted confused and said I wasnt planning on using one. She also asked me before anything if I was in any way associated with law enforcement, so I dont think it was cause of the wire thing
I was so scared I'm never going to an escort again it wasnt worth it
Don't let one bad apple ruin the batch.
It was a lot of bad apples, most of them didnt respond to my messages at all
Local forums
Adultwork has been consistently alright for me
I dont like being a paycel but its sooo convenient
I just made an appointment to see one tomorrow night after work, I've been looking at her ads and snaps for like a year now. What should I expect when I meet her/how do I proceed? Do you ask them about their rules first, or just ask to use the showers or what? Also, if she does a BBBJ but doesn't swallow, what if my precum leaks out? I'm nervous but I've been wanting to do this for a long time too.
The fuck? Is that a picture of Pineapplebrat?
You probably should have asked about rules and stuff before user. I had to specify what I wanted beforehand
I'll just ask when I'm texting her to get the address. Typically do they let you suck their nipples and whatnot, or is it usually just pounding away at that pussy with that condom? And do you moan while you're fucking or just stay quiet?
I have no idea m8 I'm this guy
I'm scared breh
Be upfront with her and tell her it's your first time. I think that's the mistake I made, she assumed I had experience.
imagine kissing a guy with rotten teeth and bad breath
Imagine being a guy with rotten teeth and likely bad breath
..oh. this is why I'm lonely. Thanks user great way to start my day
Wouldn't sex be as well? Sex is more intimate t b h
To be fair you kinda asked for it by starting your day with r9k
Does this woman have a no blacks policy?
Do you see any bruises or scars on her?
Many people in the sex industry don't find sex personal, but find kissing to be personal. Kissing someone is more intimate then sex. Sex is an animalistic indulgence of pleasure. Kissing shows one cares. That's why.
>Sex is more intimate t b h
It's not. Sex is mechanic, kissing involves being right in someone's face. It's repulsive kissing someone who you aren't attracted to. Like you literally want to puke. Sex you just grit your teeth and bear it.
Even black escorts have a no blacks policy
What's funny is when they advertise that they'll make you feel cared for and then have a no kissing rule
By funny I mean tear inducing, not haha funny
That's why for whores like that you get right up in their face when fucking them from all angles. Dribble, breathe and sweat all over their face and neck. Rub your face and and hands all over them. Violate them. Oh kissing is too intimate? Fuck knows how these whores minds work.
I am sorryt to hear that. But bad teeth are actually fixable, it just wont be cheap.
Because no matter how many showers her customers take, they probably have disgusting nasty mouths. If she wants a kiss then shell initiate it. Solid policy imo.
I'm 30k GBP in debt, neet that's unable to work and hasn't had income for over a year. so........... yeeeeeeeee
>no kissing policy
How do you actually find prostitutes online or irl in Ohio that arent bots?
You make sure to sieg heil her when you walk in, then put on your robes and wizard hat +5.
Cant speak for Ohio but try skipthegames or one of the other sites mentioned here
>Also, if she does a BBBJ but doesn't swallow, what if my precum leaks out?
precum doesn't count. Your dick is pretty wet from her saliva anyway, so she may not even notice. But she will notice your actual load.
>There are a lot of escorts who will do "BBBJs" (blow jobs with no condom) but will not kiss
yeah, but dicks are actually cleaner than mouths. no joke, both from a health/disease standpoint and from a general hygiene standpoint.
A dick can be cleaned in 20 seconds. A mouth can be dirty even after brushing teeth and flossing.
Also, kissing is intimate, and some whores don't like that part. They want to separate the job and the intimacy.
Drop subtle hints throughout that you are with the police and it'd be better for her career to not piss you off