Coworker friends were mad at me for not texting this girl

>coworker friends were mad at me for not texting this girl
>I shoot her a quick "hey" to get them off my ass
>expect nothing to come of it
>she messages back, we get into a talk about work stuff
>figure I'm shit at talking online, leave it be after seeing if she's still coming to a show tomorrow

>two hours later
>she hits back with a message about spongebob on Amazon prime
>sends a video of her just watching it
>leads me into talking about hidden gems on Amazon

I may have gone full autist when talking about films to her (as I am wont to do) but she gave me an in, several hours after I thought she'd given up. That felt nice.

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Have fun bro. It must feel amazing

This is an undercover salesman for Amazon Prime

Honestly when she messaged back out of the blue I felt fucking fantastic. She's really fun irl, and I'm definitely gonna enjoy the show tomorrow. I was going to regardless but now I know she's still in and feeling good.

also the reason my coworkers were so mad is that I fingered this girl on my best friend's couch and hadn't messaged her since

Oh yeah all of that happened and then you came to r9k post about it, honk honk

nigga ask her if she wants to come over and watch spongebob sometime, easy plays retard.

fuckn christ females are boring

OP doesn't seem very lively either tho

Hey I wonder... I hear all guys here say that females are boring. Can you explain what's boring about us? What do you talk about with your guy friends? I genuinely wonder that, not a troll.

Tommy is a Chad at this point I see him with a new girl in every female text thread

There is a theory that most women dont actually have a personality, they just follow what is popular at the moment. Women want to be liked and get attention from everyone so they try to be as normal as possible to avoid conflict in social groups.

You can see this behaviour when a woman gets a bf, she will try to absorb all the hobbies and interests of his bf so it seems like they have something in common.

People are boring these days. You are boring too. Women are taught that it is a competition between themselves to be unique, not like most girls. I would hope my bf is open to things I enjoy like I will be open to joining him in the things he loves. There is nothing wrong with showing people new things

Orrrrrrr. Maybe we do have interesting hobbies and interests but you dont respect them because you have an internal bias where you assume everything women likes sucks.

Men talk for 5 hours about the economy and stocks and then tell women they are boring. Lel.

Every robot I talked to had zero other hobbies apart from consuming anime and vidya. Most people are passive consumers these days.

I did talk to a robot who loved animals and showed me his leopard geckos once, he was very sweet.

First of all, we know you're not a fembot.
Second, 90% of women have no particular hobby, no particular political orientation, no particular dream job except "being a teacher" or "a nurse". This is due to the spreading of IQ in female individuals, where most females score between 90 and 110.
The 10% who remains is forced to absorbe into society.
There is a 1 in 1000 chance a smart woman makes it out of the female shaming prison and becomes the dream of every bot in existence.

It gets better for men. We have a higher spreading of IQ, so there are more retarded men but also more genius men. This is why almost all scientific discoveries are by men, and why it's much more rare to find retarded women.
Men are not considered by their looks (unless they're 8/10 and above) but by their actions. So they are the ones who create things.
And also why their IQ is more spread out, the biggest part going from 80 to 120.
This does not mean that men cannot be braindead like women. They mostly are. But it's at a lower percent, maybe 75%. So there is still a significant percentage of men who develop their own interests and hobbies.

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I read this somewhere online years ago, I think it sums up your points quite nicely. "There will be no female Mozart for the same reason there will be no female Jack The Ripper."

You are boring because you're a social chameleon. You adjust your social presence to adapt to those around you. You dont add anything but signals of your approval(laughing at shit that really isn't funny at every opportunity).
Guys will talk shit and argue about stuff while having a good time and generally aren't looking for approval of the group.

Sounds like you're too stupid to add to a conversation.
If you're unwilling to engage and try to understand a topic of conversation then you're just a wallflower and will be treated like one.
It's not about hobbies. Hundreds of millions of people like dogs, going to the gym, hiking, and bingewatching media. Fun people are fun even if they're doing something they don't typically enjoy.

>Can you explain what's boring about us?
Nothing, females being boring is just part of that shitty meme where we blame them for everything

You're more interesting to talk with than males easily, both here and IRL

most of the time guys are only interested in listening to what you are saying because they want to fuck you. i'm sure there are interesting girls out there, but there are far more boring vapid retards.

Now that's bs. Girls argue and talk shit too. Except they're called bitches or crazy feminists for that. Not to mention men's idea of having a good time usually dissolves to mindless violence. Why that is a bad thing, read Fight Club.

every argument with girls almost always leads into her just calling you some variation of an ugly dicklet or something. they can't argue

How does having higher IQ add to your being an interesting person? Like that other girl pointed out, you can talk about stonks and shit and it doesn't make you automatically fun, if anything it makes you into that type of person who's never invited to parties. Oh, wait ;^)

>every argument
>almost always
Generalizing won't bring you anywhere. So? Some people are not that good at arguing. And don't men love to shit talk each other anyway, but when theey do it, it's all right, because they assert dominance that way?

awww everyone is a special snowflake
fuck off

Isn't that responce evidence of your lack of ability to argue? Men sure proved themselves to be the smartest of all alright.

ive had this argument so many times i cant even be bothered with it anymore, so yea just fuck off

most girls are boring because most people are boring and have no hobbies, both genders

That's some grade A butthurt.

Most women are boring not because of some sperg shite about IQ (Intelligent person=/=interesting) but because most women don't have to work for male attention. Most of what men do/develop is so they can attract a woman to mate with and have children. Women, if they are at least average and sometimes not even that, can afford to sit and wait for a man to woo them. Therefore, they don't have to really develop or grow in any significant way, and so many of them won't. Meeting women who have a passion for anything in life (doesn't have to be high minded) is quite rare from my experience. Not to say it doesn't happen, but your average woman of some economic means is just "teehee netflix, drinking, travel".

Absolutely, unequivocally seething.

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i mean seriously i think even femanons realize that the guys who are very interested in talking to you want to fuck you, right? you cant be that fucking oblivious

>as I am wont to do
Playing too much FF14 I see

>sends a video of her
>addresses you by your name
something's fishy here

The problem is that most people are averse to disagreeableness in women. Most guys get extremely fucking butthurt if you push back against them and sperg out against any perceived challenge to their ego. It's like how women claim they want a man who's sensitive and in touch with his emotions when really they mean they want a man who'll offer comfort and reassurance when she's emotionally vexed but remain stoic about his own feelings and problems. Men may say and may even actually believe that they want a smart, feisty, intellectual woman, but really what they want is for a woman to smile, nod, act impressed, and stroke his ego.

I've recently realized that half the battle is shooting your shot when it comes to females. worst case scenario you can move on and stop wasting your time/emotional energy, best case scenario you meet someone new.

you are 100% wrong my guy

He's right, but you wouldn't know because you have zero dating experience. Men love to talk about themselves, a smarter or even equally smart woman makes their penis retract and brain go "reee".

Guys talk about deep technical in-depth autistic shit like half-life speedrunning and space travel.
Girls talk about dumb emotional drivel and asinine drama. If you try to describe anything in depth to a girl her eyes will glaze over and she'll start looking at her phone.

i guess he really is. your ad hominem approach really convinced me
>smarter or even equally smart woman makes their penis retract and brain go "reee".
only insecure men

Dude I'm a girl (yeah I know you won't believe me, who cares) but I like half-life speedrunning... I don't think it's deep technical in-depth autistic shit, it's a great game.

What women talk about is some temporary drama that is happening in their close social environment. When females talk, they chit-chat, they don't discuss or debate. They circlejerk. The topics are more often than not other people, whether positively or negatively. And then they giggle about whatever it is that they feel they should signal their enjoyment about. When females talk, they talk about their emotions to analyze them and potentially get insights into those. They talk about how they temporarily felt about something in the moment.

In comparison, men talk about events. This happened, then and there, which lead to the following and then it ended. We have little interest or patience about how our best buddy felt when he was punching the shit out of some bastard. And when men talk, they discuss, they debate and disagree. They will say "fuck all of you, X is true", and then the rest in the group will give them actual reasons as to why they are wrong. Men don't mind throwing insults and punches at each other and still have a beer a few moments later because what matters is the brotherhood between us.

Sadly, you femoids will never get it.

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>"girl" into speedrunning
many such cases

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>believing his point is about men being smarter
yea, I really do hope for your sake that you're baiting

Mad as fuck confirmed

I just like watching it, no way I'd be patient enough to speedrun it, I prefer playing it slowly and I always try to save all scientists/Barneys from death.

But how do you know if you never talked to girls though

Well, unlike brainlets, I don't need to flip a coin a thousand times to figure out the probabilities.

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Don't be mad. You're free to engage with whomever you want, even if it's just intellectually superior guys from grindr, we don't judge.

It's okay if you're struggling with reading comprehension. Nobody will judge you on here.

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I vowed when I lose my virginity, I'll stop posting here. Till then, this is still a big event and I wanted to share it here.

Yeah probably

This is the incel board man, don't expect a straight answer.


Autists and social retards can only connect when the other peson has interests and personality that is alike to them. Most women don't have that, so the autists think less of them

If I hadn't known her in real life I'd have said the same

>I fingered this girl
What's wrong with people...
You should already be a couple at that point.

Didnt even bother reading your retarded posts you boring fucking spergs.

Holy fuck you text like an autist

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