If you could wipe out 99% of the population, would you?
If you could wipe out 99% of the population, would you?
Only if the 1% that survived was the actual top 1% genetically and personality wise.
Nah, no point, humans will just breed like rabbits again, only 100% will do
Yes. I have no idea what would happen, but the mere existence of such power would make using it irresistible.
I would only wipe out niggers, jews, latintards, lefties and sluts
Do I get to choose who I wipe out? Either way, yes, especially if it actually affects the world and isn't just a magic reset button that no one notices.
Only a faggot does 99% of the job and stops short.
It's either 100% or nothing.
yes, but i live in burgerland so there would still be a lot of people desu
Make that 90% and I would. At 99% I'd probably have to become a farmer or something, so no
10% of today's population is 750M people which is roughly what the world was like in the late 19th century. So you'd probably still have to be a farmer.
only if i was part of the 99%
there is a high probability so
This, fucking this... Its all or nothing OP.
At least there would be a city within 2 days walking distance of me, though
You're thinking of the 18th Century.
you'd die from the power overload either way.
Just say 100% because the earth would most likely turn into a nuclear wasteland if 99% was gone
We have technology now, faggot. And there wouldn't be any unemployment since there aren't so many people.
Absolutely. I'd go for 100% if I could.
just from one planet? doubtful. Sure, hulk is hulk, but he fairly easily survived bringing back literally 50% of the UNIVERSE.
>And there wouldn't be any unemployment since there aren't so many people.
I would still be unemployed.
>10% of today's population is 750M people which is roughly what the world was like in the late 19th century.
this is completely false. This dumb inbred nigger has no idea what he's talking about.
Yea, I pulled that number out of my ass
If someone had that kind of power, I would bet that they would try to use it to fix things rather than kill everyone.
What about nuclear plant not being maintained after my snap?
I would consequently doom 100% of the population once i wipe out 99%.
So the question is would I wipe out humanity and vast portion of animal kingdom on the planet.
Hell yeah
Although if we get rid off nuclear plant issue and just have 1% of the population left on the planet it does make for a nice story set up. People would probably start forming small communities, villages and cities. Violence and various illegal acts might appear depending on the individuals left behind after wipe. It's basically like one of those zombie games. Definitely more interesting life than that of becoming a wagecuck or staying a NEET in current world.
Yeah that's called secondary disasters - the aftermath of a disaster is usually more devastating. 90% snap would probably be okay but 99% is game over for the human race.
The issue is really mainly the nuclear plants. Even if you are the only person left. You can grow your own veggies, you can hunt or secure cattle for meat. With big warehouses with dry food you probably could eat what you usually eat for a pretty long time. Being last person alive could be pretty comfy. Just live on your own on a farm/city near big warehouse. Spend days walking around, reading manga, maybe just checking out other apartments, basically every day is a new apartment, new history of people who lived there before to discover. But it would be all for nothing if nuclear sites around the world had a meltdown.